I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 29

Chapter 29 Mai Sui Village

Soon Wood prepared the horses and food. Leo and Shane secretly mounted the horses and left quickly, hiding from the others.

Although the horses in this world are not alien beasts, they are just ordinary beasts, they are mixed with the blood of some alien beasts, and they can run at full strength for 100 kilometers an hour, which is twice as fast as the previous life. Of course, the endurance is also much stronger, and the full sprint can be maintained for more than ten minutes. Leo naturally wouldn’t let it sprint at full force, but moved forward at a speed of sixty to seventy kilometers.

Three hours later, when the seated horse was tired, Leo told Shane to change the horse together, discard the two tired horses, and continue on the road. Then two hours later, I passed by a human town and rushed directly to the horse market. I quickly picked two horses and exchanged horses for horses of the same quality. At the same time, they compensated for some gold coins. The horse merchants immediately agreed. The two of Leoshan once again rode on their new horses, which had been recharged, and continued to gallop.

Sixty to seventy kilometers in an hour, when the patrol team encountered on the road naturally, Leo showed the noble badge and Shane’s slave status certificate, which did not cause any trouble. As for the band of thieves, they generally rob large groups of caravans and rarely attack one or two people. Sixteen hours later, Leo broke up with Shane in a small village on the border of the Blood Moon Principality.

Rio is too weak, so he won’t cause trouble, and wait patiently in the small village.

This small village is called Maisui Village. The villagers who moved here were attracted by the promise of permanent land granted by the Lord Blood Moon because they could not survive under the original lord. There was no tavern in the village. Leo could only find the only grocery store in the village, discussed with the owner, and spent ten silver coins to stay in his house for a few days.

Dinner is just crude bread with wild vegetable soup, but the quantity is not large, and the owner and his wife did not feel heartache when they ate it.

Leo felt a little curious, and asked as he gnawed: “This rough bread tastes a bit strange. It doesn’t seem to be made of wheat?”

The owner and his wife were in their early thirties. They looked at each other, and the husband smiled and replied, “You must not have thought of this. This is bread made of wheat. However, it is not ordinary wheat, but gray wheat that is unique to us here.”

“Oh? Never heard of gray wheat, which is a specialty of yours? Could it be that you grow this gray wheat here?” Leo asked curiously and took a sip of wild vegetable soup. There is a kind of astringent taste, but it will be a little fragrant after a long time. For Leo, who is used to eating food, I can only comment on it, not unpalatable.

“The guest is right, it is indeed a special product of ours. There are no other places, and it seems that it is not alive.” The owner’s wife interjected.

Leo understood. He thought for a while and wanted to ask: “Your households grow this kind of gray wheat, and I don’t think you care much about eating bread. Is the output of this kind of gray wheat particularly high?”

The owner and his wife showed a look of surprise on their faces, and they froze for a while before repliing: “You are really amazing, distinguished guest. You are right. The gray wheat is a bit bigger, and the output is faster than half of ordinary wheat. So our village has only been established for three years. , And it’s still on the most dangerous border, but people who have heard of gray wheat joined one after another in order to get enough food. Now the population of the village is almost a thousand, right? Well, if we continue, there will be not enough land suitable for growing gray wheat. Up.”

Leo understood, and chatted with the owner and his wife around Huimai and Maisui Village for a while, and then went into the room to rest on the grounds that he was tired from the journey.

Ten hours of running around really made him a little tired.

At noon the next day, Leo was eating lunch when suddenly a bell rang in the village.

“Bo Ye, what happened?” Leo got up and looked at the shopkeeper whose expression was full of disgust.

“It’s pigheads! This group of dirty and lazy garbage has come to **** our food again.” Boye cursed and took an iron rod in the corner and walked outside.

“Foreign race?” Leo looked at the villagers outside holding weapons and rushing outside the village in surprise, feeling very surprised.

Are the villagers in this small village all official knights?

“This is too absurd, right?” Leo was amused by his speculation, and quickly followed out.

In the open space outside the village, hundreds of strong villagers, armed with rakes, hoes and other weapons, are confronting a group of pig-headed aliens.

These pigheads are all dirty and there are hundreds of them. In the face of a group of farmers, a particularly tall pighead walked out of them, hummed a few times, and then started to stammer in human language and shouted: “The brave (earth) kid in Maisui (West) Village, Hurry up and deliver the food to Wei (fifth) big Gege, I won’t fight (first) with you (first). Otherwise, if it’s (difficult), gollum.”

can actually speak human language? Leo was shocked again. However, the villagers in Maisui Village saw so much, they would not be shocked at all. Under the leadership of the village chief, they roared and rushed to fight with the pig heads into a pot of porridge.

What kind of knight is this, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is the most ordinary human being. However, the pig heads on the opposite side are not much better, except that they are slightly stronger than these villagers, they have no other advantages. The numbers of the two sides are equal, and there is no essential difference in strength. However, the villagers are holding iron tools such as hoes and rakes, but the pig-headed people are just branches and sticks, which are far less lethal than the villagers’ weapons. Dingding knocked down with a snap, and the pig heads dispersed, leaving a few unlucky ghost corpses in place.

“Hahaha, a bunch of lazy, dirty, timid pigs.” The villagers laughed like they had won a battle. The few villagers who were beaten to death by sticks and branches didn’t care, and laughed happily in the crowd.

Leo walked slowly to the corpses and looked for a while. Except for a pig’s head and feet, which are hoofs, the other parts are very similar to humans. The key point is that these pigheads don’t seem to have any strength, nor any weird talents, which surprised Leo.

Leo saw in the family collection of books that some alien races are indeed similar to ordinary humans without training, but they all have some special talents.

Could it be that the talents of these pigheads are not in combat?

“Guest, are you curious about these pig heads?”

Boye walked up to Leo, saw him meditating, and smiled and said, “These pigheads are very annoying. The army has strangled several times and looks completely annihilated, but before long it came out like weeds. There are scholars. After in-depth research, it is said that these pig heads can give birth to 20 or 30 pig heads in one child, and it takes only one or two years for a pig head to grow up from birth. In addition, their strength is low, except for a few variants, such as the Grid In addition, most of the intelligence is only a few years old for humans, and there is no major threat, and the army completely loses interest in annihilation.”

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