I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 49

Chapter 49 Corner dagger

“Then, I wish you more to watch the scenery of this street!” Leo said, turned and walked a few steps, and arrived at the house he bought. He turned his head and smiled at Davina, and then closed the door with a click after entering.

“It’s really lacklustre, and I don’t invite it.” Watching Leo enter the courtyard, Davina frowned and commented, and then stood silently on the corner of the street for a while. At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared behind her: “Davina, do I need to check the details of this house?”

Davina nodded and said: “Check it out, by the way, find out the ins and outs of this Leo. His talent is terrible, and he is not the kind of stupid and arrogant person in my brief contact.”

The voice behind him asked in a low voice, “So, do you want to destroy him?”

Davina was silent for a while, shook her head and said, “Not for the time being. We are different from Charlie and the others. Although our Blood Sword Mercenary Group is also closely related to the Principality’s military, what difference does it make to us who is in power? Befriend this Leo, he will at least be a commander of the army in the future, or a powerful marquis, but it may be better than the current situation.”

Having said this, she sighed with envy in her eyes and said: “If history has not deceived people, and within a few decades, he is very likely to be like those seven adults, and become a glorious five-level glorious person. The strong, the true heritage of the principality. He even has a trace of the possibility of becoming a six-level bright knight, becoming the second optimistic pillar of the principality in the human kingdoms. I am afraid that these people are so jealous that they want to destroy him. The reason?”

“Then Davina, do you want to befriend him?”

Davina nodded and said: “I will try to get close to him and make him good, hoping to become his friend. If successful, this may be the most valuable investment of our blood sword mercenary group, but it may also be nothing. Bella Uncle Mu, some people don’t want to see another strong figure appear in the Principality to divide the cake. Can you temporarily protect him before things become clear?”

The mysterious voice was silent for a while, and then said: “Davina, I can’t agree to this matter. Your father asked me to protect you. I will only protect you secretly when you leave the college, and will not protect a genius inexplicably. .My child, I have seen too many geniuses, most of them have fallen before they grow up, especially when they are so weak, they have been known about his talents. You have not seen how terrible jealousy is. Emotions. So, Davina, don’t pay too much attention to a genius, you don’t have to pay too much.”

Davina’s eyes widened, and after a while, she said a little frustratedly: “Maybe what you said makes sense, Uncle Bellam. I think I kind of understand why the Grand Duke didn’t win him. But Uncle Bellam, I still I think he is worthy of friendship, after all, our blood sword mercenary map cannot be compared with the Grand Duke, and we need to try it at any opportunity.”

“As long as it doesn’t distract me, it doesn’t matter how you want to try it yourself.”


Leo entered the yard, changed his clothes again, and quietly left through the back door and went straight to the slaughterhouse. In the past few days, he felt that his blood had recovered and he could condense new blood worms. There are two days left on Sunday, one day off. At that time, new houses can be arranged and new bloodworm slaves can be created.

In fact, after testing the powerful abilities of the blood worm, there is no need to limit the meek and obedient pigheads. The stronger the body, the better. But Leo thought about it carefully and decided to continue to choose the pig head. Because of a group of pighead slaves, others will not have any ideas, but if it is a foreign race that is extremely difficult to tame, it will inevitably be conjectured.

While planning, he moved forward, and soon arrived at the slaughterhouse. Drink the hot blood again, accumulating eleven hot currents. Then he still went to the grove to practice knighthood, and after spending three hours absorbing ten of them, he felt that he had improved again.

“It seems to have faintly felt that we are about to break through to the elementary reserve knight. Well, it is estimated that by that time, we should be able to absorb more stone armored violent rhino blood.” Leo discharged the remaining heat, put away his movements, and estimated At the same time, he hurried to Blood Moon City.

After entering the city, he still quietly returned to the house he bought from the back door, changed his clothes, opened the gate of the courtyard and walked out.

“Well, I have already left.” Leo scanned the street, but did not find Davina, nodded in satisfaction, closed the courtyard gate and left.

At this time, it was almost ten o’clock in the evening, and the average residents had already fallen asleep. The street where Leo was located was originally a residential area close to the college, and it was even rarer at night. After walking for about a few hundred meters, a figure appeared silently from a corner of five meters away, with a dark light glowing from the dagger in his hand, and it pierced Leo’s throat.

At this moment of life and death, Leo forcibly inspired the wind bird talent with a very fast movement to roll over, avoiding the fatal blow, and at the same time gave orders to the two pig heads in the room.

The assassin missed the air and flicked his backhand. The dagger was covered with dark light, and it shot out towards Leo. Leo did not hesitate to stimulate the wind bird’s talent again, and he evaded the black dagger again, with anger in his eyes, and whispered: “Energy! Are you a knight?”

“I am the one who personally ended a future strong man!” The assassin Jiejie gave a low laugh, no longer concealing it, his body was full of dark light, and he reached out and grabbed the dagger inserted into the ground, and the dagger immediately flew back to him. Hands. He raised the dagger and was about to make another move. The gate of the yard bought by Leo opened in the distance, and the two figures screamed, rushing towards this side like lightning.

“Pigheads? Do you want them to save you?” The assassin narrowed his eyes, just showing a mockery. The next second his face changed drastically, and he exclaimed, “How is it possible! Can the pigheads run so fast?”

is his stunned kung fu, the two pigheads have rushed close to a hundred meters, almost one-third of the distance. Until now, where the assassin would be delayed, he rushed towards Leo again with a roar.

But Leo is not stupid. He sprinted in the direction of the pig head long ago when he was stunned. He looked panicked and yelled for help, but his footsteps were so fast that he still had time to think about other issues.

“Sure enough, it’s still a matter of strength. At first, I used the wind bird’s rapid talent, and it could only burst five times in an instant, and then I was exhausted and couldn’t use it anymore. After that, I swallowed five wind bird blood to practice once at Gresh Castle. Since then, he has been able to use it seven times. Recently, he has used the blood of the Stone Armored Rhinoceros three times in a row to practice the knight method, and his strength has grown extremely fast. It has been used seven times in a row, but I feel that it can be used several times.”

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