I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 63

Chapter 63 Everyone returns

“I still left by myself, didn’t you?” Leo immediately took it coldly.

Frey nodded with a wry smile and said: “Initially we would not have suspected that he defected. However, a few days before the robbers, his only family member, his mother, stayed in a passing village because of illness. Healed in. When we went back to find her mother, the result was gone. So…”

Leo waved his hand sullenly and asked, “Apart from Ande, who else has left?”

Frey didn’t dare to look at Leo’s eyes and replied in a low voice: “After the fierce battle with the robbers, some soldiers were killed and wounded, and some soldiers escaped one after another, plus a few servants fled. Now we have about half of us left. .”

Leo was silent for a moment, nodded and said: “I see. Soldiers and servants who did not flee, each will be rewarded with one gold coin. Family members of the soldiers who died in the previous battle will be rewarded with ten gold coins each, and the disabled will be halved. Also. Yes, within a few years, the residence of the Gresch family will be here. Although I will not leave the college, this ten years will not be wasted. Frey, you will settle everyone down first, and I will talk to Shane.”

Frey and Shane obviously had a lot of things happening in three months, and they had a deeper understanding and understanding of each other. He took Andrew and the others without any difference, and began to arrange everyone’s room.

Leo took Shane into his room, looked back at him silently, and asked after a while: “Have you ever been to a survivor of the tribe?”

Shane nodded and said, “I have been there once, and it took three days to search. It is certain that some people have survived, but there should not be many, and they have all moved away.”

“Oh?” Leo frowned. Doesn’t this mean that Shane’s restoration of the tribe is basically out of play?

“There are no conditions for restoring the tribe. We lizard people live scattered all over the country. Let’s talk about it when we have the opportunity in the future.”

Shane smiled bitterly and changed the subject: “In the past three months, we bought a batch of specialties from the area close to my tribe, shipped them to Blood Moon City for sale, deducted the cost, and earned 300 gold coins. Of course, if you count it. The soldiers and servants who defected in the past are in fact a big loss.”

Leo smiled indifferently and said: “It’s okay. Those who defected will defect sooner or later. It’s better to let them leave early, but it’s better. Moreover, even if they can’t make money temporarily, it’s nothing. The family’s money is enough to last for a year. . And a year later, I believe that there will be a hundred pigheads who can burst into first-level strength for half an hour. Under your leadership, Shane, whether it is to run a caravan or hunt a strange animal, or to take a job as a helper to the army. Soldiers, gold coins will keep rolling in.”

Shane heard Leo mentioned the pig heads, and asked a little excitedly: “My lord, how strong are these pig heads?”

Leo thought for a while and said: “Within 30 minutes of the outbreak, the speed, strength, and defense are all at the first level, but there is no special energy such as combat energy, and the ability to deal with some special situations is very poor. Moreover, the pig head did not fight at all. Skills and killing techniques are no different from those of street civilians. They are purely fighting with weapons.”

Shane thought for a while and said: “In this way, we can’t be mercenaries. Pigheads can’t form a military formation. As for caravans, adults, after doing it once, I think it’s difficult to have no background. Every intersection, Every aristocratic territory has troubles and taxes, and most of the money earned has been scraped away layer by layer.”

Leo asked: “You mean, the hunting team?”

Shane nodded and said, “Yes. The low-level alien beasts don’t have any formations. And my two hundred years of experience is not for nothing. As long as I go to the vicinity of my tribe, I know the distribution of alien beasts and alien races there. I know exactly what alien beasts are suitable for hunting, where there are dangerous areas, where there are third-level alien beasts, and where other aliens are entrenched.”

“Your proposal is very good.” Leo approves.

Shane continued: “In fact, the hunting team has other benefits. The casualties of the hunting team have always been a big problem, but the casualties of the pigheads…”

Rio interrupted unceremoniously, “But it will take three days.”

Shane nodded calmly and said, “Unless you meet a third-level guy, it is more than enough to replenish one in three days. Moreover, the hunting team has been in contact with strange beasts all the year round, and may encounter some strange beasts with strange talents or even strange species.

Leo shook his head and said, “I said, I only have the last vacancy. Unless…”

Shane asked calmly: “Unless what?”

Leo looked at him silently for a while, thinking that he was controlled by his own soul, he was relieved, and explained in a low voice: “Unless my mental power can be greatly enhanced, then there can be a new vacancy.”

Shane’s eyes lit up and he admired: “My lord, your talent is so powerful, it’s just a miracle. In this case, we can leave behind the strange and powerful crystalline essence. Although the things that enhance mental power are extremely precious, But there is always just pay more attention to it in the future.”

Leo nodded and agreed to his proposal.

Shane thought for a while and said, “My lord, there is no way for the time being, but in the long run, I don’t recommend using pig heads. Although they are cheap, their skills are too poor, so that the abilities granted by adults cannot be used to their intended effect. I Those few barbarians are pretty good.”

So he was hitting the ideas of those barbarians? Leo couldn’t help but smiled bitterly, and said aside the origins of the barbarians.

Shane’s eyes lit up, and he said to Leo: “My lord, they definitely have more than ten barbarians in their hands. In other words, they definitely have a way to get the barbarians, or they won’t sell it so easily.”

“Oh? Are you sure?” Leo stood up in surprise. If there are barbarians, that would be great. A barbarian, after the same bloodworm transformation, it would be no problem to fight ten pigheads. The physique and killing skills of these barbarians, plus the two talents given by Leo, are probably stronger than ordinary knights, and it is estimated that they can compete with super knights.

“Sir, don’t you know if you try it?” Shane laughed.

Leo thought for a while and frowned and said, “These barbarians are good, but they are too expensive. Five cost four thousand gold coins. We can’t support such a consumption.”

After hearing what Leo said, Shane was silent. After a while, he said: “Then it will be Pigheads for the time being. I will try my best to find a species like the barbarians that is less than the first level but has close to the first level, whether it is an alien or an alien.”

“Then please.” Leo nodded.

After chatting with Shane secretly, Frey and others all stayed, and the resident suddenly seemed a bit small. After lunch, Leo immediately asked Frey to run around, looking for a spacious enough space, while he went back to school, just in time for the noon class.

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