I Don’t Want This White Moonlight Anymore!

Chapter 54

Chapter 53 54 You can refuse, but also be grateful.

Zhao Yinqing returned to the box, ate and drank as usual, and joked with others. It didn’t take long for Yu Xiaochen to come back. She looked not so good in the past. When someone asked, she shook her head and didn’t say much.

The next day, Yu Xiaochen arrived at the work station and asked the colleague next to him: “Is Mia here?”

“I didn’t pay attention, I shouldn’t have come so early.”

Yu Xiaochen feels the same. She doesn’t want to really offend Mia, but also wants to continue to be in AC. No company outside, regardless of its size or influence, can stand alongside AC.

Taking the time that day, she went to the door of Zhao Yinqing’s office and wandered for two laps.

“Will Mia be busy?” Yu Xiaochen asked her.

“Very busy, are you looking for something to do with her?” Nian Ran glanced in, “I’ll go in and ask?”

“No, no, then I’ll come back later.” Yu Xiaochen suddenly felt a little bit confused and returned to his position, thinking about it. After a long time, there was no response. She should be prepared to deal with it coldly and not care about herself.

After being so nervous for a few days, after discovering that Zhao Yinqing was really not moving, Yu Xiaochen was completely relieved, purely when the wicked thing had never happened.

At the same time, some of Zhao Yinqing’s “Light of the Forest” shots were posted on the Internet. There was no splash on that day. After midnight, people in the industry began to forward them, and some artists also paid attention to it. The next day at noon, it jumped to the top three in the hot search. .

Zhao Yinqing has more than 3 million Weibo fans, all of which have been accumulated through her works over the years. She checked the online feedback and it was almost as expected.

An email came in on the computer, and the new job was sent out to take a photo of a third-line artist.

Zhao Yinqing looked at the work schedule that Ran had arranged for her next year, and called Fan Yangxu, and said, “The day after tomorrow, my work schedule is full, and I want to film it next month.”

“What did you shoot the day after tomorrow?”

“Celebrity interview.”

“That’s just a few shutter shots, so there is enough time to shoot a set of photos, isn’t it?”

Zhao Yinqing turned her chair and continued to look at the computer, while saying: “I don’t like staying up late, you change someone else.”

“Is there any way someone called for you? I looked at the few publicity photos you got yesterday.” Fan Yangxu smiled, “It’s good to have craftsmanship, so you don’t have to worry about food.”

This third-line artist usually lives by filming, and the works that have been shot for so many years are always tepid. In life, he often goes out to take pictures, marketing his own figure and lens sense, superficially artistic style, and inside is an opportunity to find all kinds of opportunities to go to the top. People.

Fan Yangxu spared no effort to stuff this way, and Zhao Yinqing deeply suspected that the artist had a leg with the dog man.

The job was finally accepted, but Yu Xiaochen was not allowed to participate. Zhao Yinqing went to find the personnel, and an email was sent on the same day to relieve Yu Xiaochen as a makeup artist in Zhao Yinqing’s team.

This dismissal email came a bit late, making Yu Xiaochen, who had been lucky, even more embarrassed, and his situation in AC has also changed slightly.

Of course, these are not in the scope of Zhao Yinqing’s concern.

After finishing work at 8 o’clock in the evening, Zhao Yinqing drove back to his residence, took a shower, applied the mask, and went to the computer for post-production. As a result, the mouse ran out of power in less than half an hour.

She frowned and shook her brows a few times, but there was still no movement.

Zhao Yinqing let out a “tsk”, and it was like downloading something to 99% of the time and it was almost as uncomfortable to death.

She got up to tear off the mask and threw it into the trash can, went to the bathroom and wiped her face, put on her coat and went out.

There is a 24-hour convenience store at the gate of the community that is a hundred meters away. Zhao Yinqing went in and bought two batteries. After paying the money, he came out and walked to the community again.

She did not find a young man smoking in the shadow of the convenience store.

This is a coincidence. Sun Lu just came back from a business trip and sent his company colleagues home. He didn’t sleep well for a few days. He felt a little sleepy. Thinking of smoking a cigarette, he found that the cigarette case was empty and there happened to be a convenience store nearby. Then I stopped to buy.

Thinking of making myself more awake, I stood outside and ordered one. After halfway through the smoke, Zhao Yinqing came over.

This can be regarded as the real meeting between the two after she returned to China, of course it was one-way.

She did not see him.

One in and out in a hurry, and then go far.

There was only one neighborhood in that direction, and Sun Lu bowed his head and flicked the ashes.

In six years, Zhao Yinqing’s changes are still quite big. The baby’s fat has been reduced, his facial features have become three-dimensional, and he has a woman’s unique charm and sexiness.

He pinched the cigarette and walked to the car.

In fact, he often passed by this road, and he didn’t feel anything in the past. After this day, he paid more attention to it inexplicably, and he would often stay in this store.

Another night, Sun Lu was talking to the company’s legal counsel about the integration plan. When it was about to end, he saw Zhao Yinqing entering the convenience store again, still wearing household clothes, and wearing a white furry hair band on his forehead.

Sun Lu hung up the phone, got out of the car, walked in, and under the surprised gaze of the cashier, he bought another pack of cigarettes that he had bought a few minutes ago.

Within a minute, Zhao Yinqing stood beside him and put a few bowls of instant noodles at the cash register.

The cashier scanned the bar code, and there were customers in the shopping basket next to each other picking out products that weren’t yet back on the shelf. Among them were bowls of noodles and sausages. Sun Lu dialed a few times to take them out, and then threw them at the cashier.

Zhao Yinqing glanced at it subconsciously, then was stunned.

Sun Lu also turned his gaze, calmly bumped, and then turned away indifferently.

“Can you make instant noodles here?” he said.

After scanning the code, the cashier said: “Yes, there is hot water at the door, self-service, a total of 10 yuan and 5 cents.”

Sun Lu moved his own things forward: “Count it together.”

The cashier looked at Zhao Yinqing questioningly. When the incident happened suddenly, she couldn’t recover for a while, so she didn’t respond in time, and the other party automatically regarded her as her default.

“17 yuan.”


“I sweep you.”

Sun Lu called out the payment code. After the settlement, he lowered his head and started to tear down his noodles and sausages. While turning his head to look at Zhao Yinqing, he said coldly: “Aren’t you eating here?”

Zhao Yinqing paused for a long time before taking out a copy of his own and dismantling it.

There is a long table and a high stool in front of the big glass. The two sit there side by side, with a bowl of noodles in front of each.

Meeting again after six years of separation may be too sudden, all emotions are too late to show, and the rest is calm.

There is no embarrassment, complaining, anger, questioning, just like old friends who meet again for many years, sitting in a street shop together to eat noodles.

After the incident, Zhao Yinqing occasionally thought of the airport incident that year, but he was ashamed in his heart.

There are not enough things to experience, and the scope of seeing is not wide enough, and the handling is more arbitrary and extreme.

If you change to the present and have been exposed to people and things at all levels of society, you can better and more maturely face Sun Lu’s original attachment to yourself.

After all, it is not a sin to like you.

You can refuse, but also be grateful.

At that time, it was still under the influence of the previous life, which was actually unfair to Sun Lu.

I have lived alone for the past six years. If I recall now, my memories of my previous life will be even more blurred. All the resentment and unwillingness to hate are reduced in front of my current life, and I can’t taste anything.

People always have to look forward. The moment has passed very well. The chicken feathers behind them, especially the chicken feathers left over from the previous life, should be swept away long ago.

A few minutes later, the noodle bowl was opened, and the two of them ate silently.

Zhao Yinqing wanted to say a few words, but Sun Lu didn’t seem to want to communicate. She gave up after thinking about it.

The convenience store is brightly lit, the cashier is looking at the mobile phone inside, and there are sporadic vehicles passing by on the road outside the window.

Not long after, two more guests came in, paid quickly, and walked out together.

Too much to eat at night is not a good thing, Zhao Yinqing stopped eating half-full.

“Are you gone?” Sun Lu said at this time.

Zhao Yinqing let out an “um”, and the two got up and left the convenience store.

The moon is sparse, and the green trees on the roadside look at the cascading dark shadows from afar.

“Do you live far?” Sun Lu asked her.

Zhao Yinqing lifted his chin and said, “It’s not far from that neighborhood.”

“Let’s go, I’ll see you.” He walked out first, Zhao Yinqing paused, and then followed.

As he approached the gate of the community, Sun Lu answered the phone. His expression seemed a little troubled. After the call, his eyebrows were still tightly furrowed.

Zhao Yinqing asked: “What’s wrong?”

“There will be a full moon banquet tomorrow, I forgot about it.” He shook his head, “Forget it, I’ll talk about it tomorrow.”

“Have you bought anything?”

“No,” he thought for a while, “do you know where there is a maternity store?”

“It’s a big shopping mall, I guess it will be closed.” Zhao Yinqing glanced at the time. “It’s already past nine, or go to a private maternity store, but I don’t know which one is better. You can either search on the map. Look.”

Sun Lu searched the map and found a family. He said, “Let’s go together. I don’t know what to buy?”

After a while, Zhao Yinqing sat in Sun Lu’s co-driver. She couldn’t recover a little bit, so she went out to buy instant noodles to eat. How did she become shopping with others?

The interior of the car is neat and tidy, and there is a pack of drawn paper in front of the stalls, without other extra decorations.

But there is a light cold fragrance in the air, which smells nice.

The car moved forward steadily, the space was narrow, and the silence of this meeting was a bit embarrassing.

But Zhao Yinqing couldn’t speak casually, talking about landmines before, but now he doesn’t know where to start.

“Is the full moon kid a boy or a girl?” She asked an extremely safe question.



“Ren Xue.”


As the car passed the traffic lights, Sun Lu seemed to have sensed the change in atmosphere, and proactively said: “She has been married for several years, and her husband is a businessman. The past few years have been okay.”

Zhao Yinqing nodded: “Then she is the second child?”

Sun Lu thought about it for a while before speaking: “No, she has a little difficulty having a child, and now this one is also adopted.”

Zhao Yinqing raised her eyebrows unexpectedly, and then she understood that there are many problems with childbearing in today’s society. Living environment, diet, and private life are all related, and this is not just a woman’s problem, but a problem shared by both parties.

After arriving at the maternal and child store, the clerk recommended to buy two sets of small clothes, as well as diapers.

There were many small shoes and hats on the shelves. Zhao Yinqing stood there watching, and couldn’t help but reach out and grab a pair of them to play with.

After Sun Lu paid the money, he came over and took a look, and said, “You want?”

Zhao Yinqing shook his head quickly: “It’s just fun, the styles are too cute.”

She put the shoes back, the two went out of the store together, and then Sun Lu sent her back.

Today’s work is outdoor shooting. Because it is an industrial style, a group of people went to the top of a certain building, which is full of concrete steel bars and huge water tanks.

In order to choose the best angle, Zhao Yinqing spent the whole day climbing up and down.

In the end, it might be because I was too tired, or my legs were a little weak. When I got down from the top, I didn’t step on it firmly. I fell down at a height of about one and a half meters and hit the concrete floor directly.

Zhao Yinqing felt that half of his body was numb in an instant. Fortunately, his mind was awake. The other staff hurriedly came around in a panic. Nian Ran almost cried in fright and cried out, “Sister Yinqing, what are you doing? How is it?”

Zhao Yinqing handed over the camera he was protecting: “Let’s see if it’s broken?”

What camera do you care about at this critical juncture? But Zhao Yinqing insisted on desperately, and after confirming that he was innocent, he grinned and moved his body. Fortunately, it seemed that his hands could not move.

The news broke that AC photographer was injured that day, because it was shot for an artist, and the other party raised the matter for exposure and did some marketing. The small splash that was originally stirred instantly turned into a big wave, sweeping the Internet wildly.

Zhao Yinqing received countless condolences, and even Zhao Zhengyang called, and finally shut down directly.

After the film was taken in the hospital, except for the external abrasions, there was a slight fracture in his left hand. After the medicine was applied, a group of people came out of the hospital.

Fan Yangxu happened to be here, and finally sent Zhao Yinqing back to his residence in person.

The two chatted in the car, and Fan Yangxu teased her that she could take a long vacation afterwards, which was really enviable.

Zhao Yinqing leaned back in the chair half-dead, and said, “You can step on the gas pedal and hit the head, so you can take a rest of your life.”

“It’s poor again.” Fan Yangxu glanced at her with a smile, “Would you like an aunt for you? The bag is like pig’s trotters, and daily life should also be affected, or is it going to go home?”

“Look again, I will hire part-time workers if necessary.”

When he arrived at the gate of the community, Zhao Yinqing was taken aback for a moment, called a parking lot, and opened the door.

Sun Lu stood not far away, his expression didn’t look very good, and he didn’t know how long he had been waiting.

Zhao Yinqing said in surprise: “Why are you here?”

“Watching the news.” He swept back and forth over Zhao Yinqing’s eagerly and restrained gaze, and then said with a little restrained emotion, “I think you are almost half-feeling, I think it is very serious.”

But this will look, it seems okay?

“Don’t just believe what the media says, especially entertainment news. It’s raining when you see the wind. It’s not so exaggerated.”

Sun Lu nodded, indeed.

The window in the driver’s seat was lowered at this time, and Fan Yangxu shouted: “Mia, go back and talk with your friend. Don’t stand still after falling.”

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