I Don’t Want This White Moonlight Anymore!

Chapter 66

Chapter 65 66 “Impossible.” He whispered helplessly

Such an episode did not affect Sun Lu. He picked a steamed yellow croaker, deboned the broken fish into a spoon, and shipped it to Zhao Yinqing.

“This fish is good and delicious,” he said.

Yan Qiaochun heard it and smiled: “I put some pickled vegetable juice to improve the flavor, is it okay?”

Sun Lu nodded: “It’s delicious.”

“If it’s delicious, eat more, stay for dinner, and make it later.”

Zhao Yinqing was excited when he saw Yan Qiaochun and reminded him: “I have to leave in the afternoon. I still have work tomorrow.”

“If you ask for a time off, isn’t your job very flexible.”

“No matter how flexible the company is, I didn’t start it.”

On the other side, Fu Ze is sitting in front of the TV and watching TV. He is on the financial channel and is analyzing the stock market.

Dong Miaoxuan sat next to him, his eyes wandering, most of the time falling on Fu Ze’s cold side face, with a hint of playfulness and a simple infatuation.

“Your sister is looking for a pretty good boyfriend. It looks like you have a successful career. Isn’t your heart very unbalanced? After the breakup, your ex found someone better than yourself. Fortunately, you are still thinking about it. .”

Fu Ze began to press the remote control turntable, his face became more stiff and cold, and he was obviously trying to suppress it.

Dong Miaoxuan likes to see him dying of anger, and look like she can’t help it, she just wants to stimulate him, watch him get angry, watch him collapse, and enjoy the perverted pleasure that this brings.

The two of them are the same in a certain sense, and both have something they can’t ask for.

It’s just that she likes to fight like a ruin, and Fu Ze chooses to forbear.

“The person you are thinking of is hard to come to your eyes, just eat a meal and leave? This is a shame.” Dong Miaoxuan leaned over, gently clambering on his shoulders, staring at him firmly, and said with a grin, “Wait. I’ll watch the movie together, so call the two of you to help you buy more time to take a good look at my sister, how about it?”

Fu Ze threw the remote control away, swept her off her shoulders like dust, and said quietly, “You like to take care of other people’s affairs. Don’t you think about climbing on my bed at night?”

Dong Miaoxuan was stunned, and then smiled: “Are you ready to meet me?”

Fu Ze lowered his head and rubbed his fingers, taunting the corners of his mouth: “Sorry, I would rather spend money to go whoring.”

If it is said that there was still some classmate love, then after Dong Miaoxuan drugged him and went to bed shamelessly for one night, all that was left was disgust.

This woman is like a cockroach, appearing everywhere in his life, can’t be driven away, can’t be killed.

For a while, Fu Ze was tired and didn’t bother to resist any more. After realizing that there was no way to do anything, it seemed that he could only choose to compromise.

But there was another voice in my heart telling him no, no.

He has had many regrets in his life because of his family, and most of the regrets can be smoothed out with the passage of time.

For him, Zhao Yinqing is the one who is most concerned about it.

Zhao Yinqing is the first girl he likes since his life is on the right track. She is pure, simple and free of impurities.

The first time he saw Zhao Yinqing, he had a good impression of her, and in the next few contacts he naturally had the idea of ​​wanting to get close.

Because the relationship is unclear, and I don’t know if I’m just a whim, so I don’t have any preparations for the future.

When they truly determined their minds and had the idea of ​​wanting to join hands for life, Fu Guoxing became their biggest obstacle.

During this period, he has been testing Fu Guoxing’s psychological state, which is generally good, but there is still no serious blow.

He always used other trivial things to verify Fu Guoxing’s reaction, and then was disappointed again and again, and the increase in disappointment made him even less dare to disclose the truth to the public.

Worried that the relationship with Zhao Yinqing would be ended early, and I thought to myself how long it could be extended.

But no matter what, what should come will always come, and the situation is much worse than what he expected. When he received a call from the psychiatrist Fu Guoxing, he understood that everything was done.

Fortunately, Zhao Yinqing was more free and easy than he thought. While he was fortunate, he was accompanied by pain and unwillingness.

After a separation, it seems that the only one who cannot accept is yourself. Isn’t it too tragic?

Reason told him that it was inappropriate, but still couldn’t help but want to see Zhao Yinqing, want to know her attitude, want to understand her emotions, and want to see her with his own eyes.

It’s just a pity that Zhao Yinqing didn’t give him this opportunity, so he turned his head and chose to go abroad without saying goodbye.

Go quietly, without nostalgia.

Clean and cruel.

He didn’t know how he lived that time. Later, there was a scientific research accident, and he felt that he was no longer suitable for further graduate studies, so he simply came out to participate in the work.

The changes in the environment and interpersonal relationship made his mood a little bit changed. After several years, it was not until Zhao Yinqing came back.

Because of his parents, he had always prepared to see Zhao Yinqing again, but he didn’t expect that their reunion would be so unexpected.

It was also at that moment that he realized that he had missed her.

That kind of longing entangled his life with nowhere to hide.

He has moved out and rented a two-bedroom and one-living apartment, and the other room has been arranged as a studio.

When he returned from that trip, he stayed in that studio for one night. Everywhere he looked were portraits of Zhao Yinqing, and he almost filled the room unknowingly.

But what’s the use?

What’s the use…

After lunch, at Yan Qiaochun’s invitation, he sat for a meeting again, and Dong Miaoxuan suggested watching a movie.

Fu Ze gave her a warning look.

Dong Miaoxuan just didn’t know, and looked at the two opposite people with a smile.

“Although there is no new one recently, but a sci-fi movie that was very popular a while ago, are you going to see it?”

When Zhao Yinqing was about to speak, Sun Lu suddenly took her hand and squeezed, raised his eyes to look at the person opposite, and said flatly: “We are busy at work, and we don’t watch movies much.”

“Then I will either buy a ticket now, buy a two o’clock, and it’s time to have dinner after watching, how about it?”

“We have to rush back to City B today, it shouldn’t be too late.”

“Then change it to a quarter past twelve. This will be just right.” She swiped the screen of her mobile phone, while actively voting, and said, “The end of the movie is just over three o’clock.”

Sun Lu quickly glanced at Fu Ze who didn’t know what he was thinking, and nodded lightly: “Yes, let’s watch a show together.”

They went out together and took the elevator downstairs. Zhao Yinqing was standing next to Sun Lu. She couldn’t figure out how to go to the movies with these two for some reason. Are they the ones who can watch the movies together?

Zhao Yinqing pouted and rolled his eyes at Sun Lu silently. Sun Lu noticed that, raised his hand to cover her eyes lightly, and leaned in to whisper, “It’s not pretty.”

“Death to you in vain.”

Fu Ze, who stared at the elevator wall, quickly turned his head away.

When the two cars set off, Dong Miaoxuan said a few words to Fu Ze, but the other side stared at the back of the car in front of him without saying a word.

She gave a “hum” and gave up.

When it arrived at the theater, it had already begun. The entire auditorium was filled with intense and ear-splitting sound effects. The large-screen picture kept flashing, and the seat was found by the unstable light.

The four seats are divided into two rows.

Zhao Yinqing and Sun Lu sat in front, and Fu Ze’s position was just behind Zhao Yinqing.

With 3D glasses on the bridge of his nose, with brown glasses as a cover, he glanced at Zhao Yinqing from time to time.

The little girl has grown up completely, and after the youthfulness fades, she becomes mature and intellectual, and the same is not the same as attractive.

After looking at it for a few minutes, Zhao Yinqing took off his glasses.

Sun Lu leaned over and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Dizzy, I can’t watch this movie.”

Sun Lu stretched out his hand and pressed her on the back of her neck, and said, “Then either go now?”

“Why don’t you just come and walk? Anyway, if you don’t wear glasses, you won’t be dizzy. I will bear it for a while.”

Sun Lu asked Zhao Yinqing to lean on his shoulders, so he watched.

The two of them have seen the affection and affection in the past. Dong Miaoxuan watched with joy. Compared to the movie, she prefers to observe Fu Ze’s reaction. It is really good to see him endure pain and despair.

If you hit harder and harder, this man should give up, right?

The film lasted more than 120 minutes. Zhao Yinqing watched blurryly for more than half an hour, and finally left the theater with Sun Lu.

Ten minutes later, Fu Ze lost the thought of continuing to watch.

After this day, everyone was busy and lived separately.

The relationship between Zhao Yinqing and Sun Lu has always been good or bad. She believes that to make good progress, Sun Lu must be relieved.

The premise of letting go of the knot is that he won’t have nightmares anymore, how to deal with this, or how to solve it, she doesn’t know, has no experience, and has nowhere to start.

I talked about it once and quarreled a few times, to no avail.

There are many typhoons in summer, and when another typhoon hit, Zhao Yinqing happened to be working outdoors.

City B was swept by the tail of the typhoon, which had a great impact.

The shed that Zhao Yinqing and the others had built was blown down that day. Despite taking precautions against typhoon, they still did not bear the heavy wind and rain.

Two staff members were trapped when the shed fell, and an ambulance and fire engine rushed to the rescue operation.

Frontline reporters also rushed to the scene to report the current situation as soon as possible.

Zhao Yinqing had stood in the wind and rain for a long time before, and her whole body was already drenched. Because of the bad weather, she stayed here to no avail, it would only add to the chaos, so she went back to the nearest hotel to wash.

I don’t know where I lost the phone. She borrowed Nian Ran to call Fan Yangxu and briefly talked about the situation here.

Nian Ran said anxiously: “Sister Yinqing, there won’t be an accident, right? The shed is so big, is it really okay to press it down?”

“I hope it’s okay. There are a lot of equipment and dead spots.”

“I’m still quite worried. The assistant had already come out. He changed with me before returning. I was supposed to be inside.” She said a little incoherently, and finally bowed her head and started wiping tears, scared. There are also guilt.

Zhao Yinqing said: “Don’t cry, people haven’t come out yet, you are crying here first, this is not appropriate.”

Nian Ran nodded.

The window was dark, the line might have been scratched, and the orange light on the road was gone.

What I can hear is the sound of the wind whistling outside the window, with large raindrops constantly hitting the glass window, making people panic.

On the other side, Sun Lu called Zhao Yinqing because he was worried, but he couldn’t get through several of them.

This kind of situation has never happened before, and even if the quarrel is fierce, he has never encountered it, and he suddenly feels a little confused.

It is not a wise choice to go out on a typhoon. Even so, you have to see people to be at ease.

In the violent storm, the canopy on the green belt was blown wanton and swayed. The large amplitude was almost cut off in the next second. There were no vehicles on the road, and the speed of the wiper could not keep up with the speed of rain washing, and the field of vision was very limited.

He drove the in-car radio and tuned to the local channel, which reported the road conditions during the typhoon day and night, and there were already large areas of stagnant water in the city.

In addition to this, there were frequent accidents, rear-end collisions, trapped water, collapsed house walls, etc. Later, I heard about the collapse of the temporary studio on Xingye Road. It is reported that two staff members were trapped and the firefighters were trying their best to rescue them. I hope they are all safe.

Sun Lu was stunned for a moment, and wanted to confirm the information again. The content of the broadcast had been changed.

He hurriedly dialed Zhao Yinqing’s cell phone again, as before, no one answered.

“Impossible.” He murmured helplessly.

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