I Don’t Want to be a Villainess

Chapter 256

Time flies when you’re having fun, doesn’t it?

Just like my teenage years, the time left here has sped by ridiculously fast.

Of course, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. I had my fair share of annoying moments, irritation, and fights with the kids. We would often bicker, and sometimes we’d cry, either out of frustration or to make each other shed a tear. We would hurt each other and also nurse each other’s wounds.

The idea that we completely knew each other was a misconception. Sure, we had been through a lot together, but we hadn’t even known each other for a year at that point, so we were still learning about each other.

When I think about it, we didn’t even know what foods we disliked, let alone each other’s pasts. I had never even met Ha Neul’s parents. I had no clue what they did or what the threatening company they worked for was really about.

But honestly, this kind of thing happens even with friends you’ve known for years. I might not recognize the face of my best friend’s older sibling who I’ve visited countless times, and not knowing their family is quite common.

Everyone has secrets they prefer not to share with their friends. Or even if they aren’t secrets, sometimes we don’t feel the need to bring them up, or we simply don’t think to mention them, leading to mutual ignorance.


That’s okay in a ‘friendship,’ right?

Indeed. It’s acceptable to be unaware of certain things in friendships. If something truly important comes up later, you can learn about it then. In reality, those must-know situations hardly arise. Perhaps the only time you really need to know would be when you’re invited to a friend’s wedding. Then again, I’ve never witnessed one of my friends getting married before coming to this world.

However, if that wedding was ‘my’ wedding, that would be a different story.

A groom that the bride’s family doesn’t know about… or rather, I can’t have another bride.

But there was one problem.

“Is this really going to work…”

It had been forever since I had been alone with Ha Neul. Even though the kids were still maintaining our friendships, they didn’t obsessively follow me when I went to a house to ask for marriage approval.

It wasn’t just visiting Ha Neul’s house; it was the same with Sohee and Sua’s houses too.

At least with Sua and Sohee, I knew their parents. We had had decent conversations, and while I wouldn’t say it would be easy to get their approval, it was certainly possible.

They say no child can win against their parents. That was also true for Sohee and Sua’s parents.

Until now, our physical relationship… well, aside from hugs and kisses on the lips, we hadn’t crossed deeper lines. The promise I made to wait until adulthood was something the kids kept incredibly well.

But even so, we had been living together for almost three years. And it wasn’t because of family issues; it was simply that the kids liked me and chose to live with me.

We had lived like that through high school graduation and continued till I reached the age of adulthood, which means we had shared almost half of our teenage years together.

…Or rather, maybe I should now call them my lovers.

It seemed like Sua and Sohee had no one else in their minds apart from me. Ha Neul was the same, but—

“I’m sorry…”

In a café, sitting next to me, Ha Neul bowed her head and said that. I felt the same, but Ha Neul was dressed up nicely too. You can’t just show up in any old outfit when asking for your parents’ blessing for marriage. I didn’t even feel as nervous when I went for job interviews the first time around.

“It’s okay. You don’t need to apologize.”

I made sure to reaffirm that.

I was the bad one. Unable to choose one person, I kept delaying because I didn’t want to hurt the kids, and now it had come to a point where I couldn’t break out of this situation.

Did I mention that Ha Neul, Sua, and Sohee found themselves with no options but me?

Well, I felt the same way. If even one of them were to leave, I would live with deep guilt for an incredibly long time—perhaps even my entire life. The emptiness left by that person would feel enormous in my daily life.

The morning smells, the hugs each of them offered in their unique ways, the kisses, the sense of comfort that always accompanied their voices—it would all shatter into pieces.

So, I was the bad one. I was the selfish one.

Common sense dictates that if a suitor wants to marry your daughter and there’s another person involved, which parent would ever just accept it outright? If I were in their shoes, I’d react the same way if my daughter announced such a marriage.

Besides, the kind of marriage we were contemplating exceeded common sense and lacked proper lawful protection.

South Korea’s marriage system only permits monogamous unions. How many young men are there out there willing to marry multiple women, really?

And what if it’s a young woman who claims she wants to marry multiple men?

“Honestly, if there’s anyone to apologize to, it should be me. I’m the one saying all this crazy stuff.”

“……Don’t say that.”

Ha Neul shook her head gently, still keeping it bowed.

“It’s because we were the ones who liked you first. From the time you saw us as friends, we looked at you in that way. The three of us stubbornly pushed on to get this far, and since no one is willing to back down, you’re the one sacrificing.”

…Geez, these kids are far too mature for their age.

I reached out, wrapping my arms around Ha Neul’s shoulders. She instinctively leaned into me.

I had grown a bit since those days. My stamina was fully recovered, and I was at a healthy weight now. But it didn’t mean I was taller than Ha Neul. Between us, excluding Sua, everyone was still taller than me.

But right now, Ha Neul felt so small. She had buried her face in my chest and couldn’t lift her head.


For a while, we held each other, sharing warmth.

“Let’s try again.”

I was the first to speak.

“After all, you can’t get married without your parents’ blessing. They should at least congratulate us, even if they don’t fully understand.”

Otherwise, it would be too sad.

I didn’t want Ha Neul to give up her family.

“None of the other kids got approval right away. We have to try multiple times. I promise I’ll get that approval.”


Ha Neul’s voice was dampened with emotion.

She lifted her head to look at me, tears glistening in her eyes.

Ha Neul gently placed a kiss on my cheek.


It was exactly one week later that we returned to Ha Neul’s parents.


There was no intense reaction. Just Ha Neul’s parents, quietly kneeling before us, staring.

Ha Neul’s father was sitting there with his arms crossed, looking stiff. According to Ha Neul, he often wore a hard expression, but this was clearly more than just his ‘normal face.’

“Please, if you could grant us your blessing, I would be truly grateful.”

I bowed my head once more, pleading.

“I also wish to get married.”

“Ha Neul…”

Ha Neul’s mother called out to her in a heartfelt tone.


Ha Neul’s father remained silent, offering no further remarks.



As I started speaking again, suddenly Ha Neul shouted, surprising me.

“I have responsibilities towards this child!”


That caught me off guard as that had never been agreed upon beforehand. I had no idea what she meant by “responsibilities.”

Was she talking about… the first kiss?

“A while ago, I had… I had Sara!”

…Hold on, she wasn’t referring to that!

No, what is she even talking about? I’ve never been in that kind of situation with anyone. I was of legal age now and, while I was technically an adult, I had fortunately received the kids’ consent to delay… that kind of situation for now.

Naturally, I hadn’t been intimate with Ha Neul either.

Everyone in the room stared in shock at Ha Neul, who blushed bright red, soaking in the attention.

She stood up, declaring to everyone looking at her, “Since I took Sara’s first, I believe I must take responsibility for her as a person!”


I mean, even if she was trying to persuade her parents, isn’t this a bit too much…?

At that moment, I was at a loss for words, simply staring at Ha Neul, mouth agape.

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