I Don’t Want To Court Death!

Chapter 10: Excuse Me, What?

Anyone have any idea what I should put for the cover?

It had been one month since the Day of the Red Night, when the demons attack Ivory Royal City. In this one month, the king had issued hundreds of royal edicts before retreating into secluded meditation. 


The Department of Intelligence and Security had the city on lockdown, the Department of Health and Medicine opened many of its private facilities for the injured people, the Department of Science and Technology was reinforcing the magic barriers and detection wards, and the Department of War and Justice had sent more troops to the eastern frontier. 


On the Day of the Red Night, the demons had launched an insidious and infectious disease on the people. The disease was similar to a skin disease, since it turned people's skins to a dark-red color. However, if the disease came into contact with a person's magical power, it would accelerate in growth, transform the blood, rot the flesh, and then melt the body into a goo that would fuse with other organic matter. 


The Department of Health and Medicine has identified this disease as the Hated Blood Curse, originating from Blood Demon Magic. 




In the royal palace's garden, Princess Jasmine was sitting at a small, wooden table while resting her shin on hand as she looked at the flowers and birds. 


"Your highness," Yang Yang said, "I think it is best if we go on a walk." 


Princess Jasmine nodded and stood up. As they walked around the garden, Yang Yang broke the ice at every opportunity he could. 


"Your highness, I heard that your cousin, his majesty the Crown Prince, and your sister, her highness First Princess Lily, will be returning home from their training in the other continents." 




"Although Morrigan has left to go to the battlefield again, I heard that she was accepted as the disciple of Generalissimo Steel. I'm sure that she'll be safe even in the eastern frontier." 




"Your highness, I'm sure that his majesty will be okay. My teacher will definitely be able to heal him." 


The princess stopped, and Yang Yang stopped after her. She squatted down and gazed at a white flower. Yang Yang wanted to speak, but allowed the silence to fill the space inside. 


The day was slightly humid because of the dense clouds in the sky. Wind from the east blew past and cool the body. The flowers and trees rustled and danced, creating a natural symphony to cool the mind. The smack of lips and the clearing of a throat interrupted the music. 


"Is it not strange how life plays with us?" 


Sometimes, the sunlight would pierce through the clouds and warm their bodies. Sometimes, the cloud would cover the sun and cool their bodies. 


"Is it not weird how disasters can happen so abruptly?


The songs of bird mixed with the symphony of nature, creating the words not spoken. 


"One moment, we are fine. The next moment, we are not. Is it not funny how death always seem to loom over us?” 


A small cloud passed by and darken the earth, but it soon left and the everything was bright again. 


"Princess! Yang Yang!" A maid entered the garden and called out. "Grand Princess Leizi wishes to speak to you two!" 


Princess Jasmine and Yang Yang walked to the maid, nodded, and approached the royal palace in silence. 




Princess Jasmine and Yang Yang entered Grand Princess Leizi's bedchamber. Once they entered, they knelt on the floor. Sitting on the bed was a beautiful, middle-aged woman with long, white hair, dark, purple eyes, and a gentle smile. 


"Both of you, sit." The grand princess casted a spell and created two large bubbles of water. The two sat on the bubbles of water, but their clothes did not become wet. They sank slightly into the sphere, but did not entered the water, as though they were on a large ball of cotton rather than on water. 


Princess Jasmine cupped her hands and bowed. "Aunty Leizi, thank you for saving on that day." 


"Child, it was my pleasure," The grand princess said. 


Grand Princess Leizi was not only a royal guardian at the Deva-level, but also the younger sister of the current king. Her status was even more special because she was the mother of the crown prince. 


In the Ivory Royal Household, the line of succession does not goes down to the king's eldest son, but rather the eldest son of the oldest female royalty of the king's generation. The current king was the nephew of the previous king, while the current crown prince was the nephew of the current king. 


In the next generation, the title of crown prince would go to the first son born from First Princess Lily, the eldest female royalty of the next generation. 


"Aunty Leizi, why had you call us here today?" 


The grand princess harden her expression. "As you know, we were attacked a month ago by two demon kings. One was the Blood Demon King, while the other was an unknown demon king. With our intelligence, we managed to find out that he's known as the Shadow Demon King. However, this is a secret. The general public does not know of this new demon king, and it is best if we do not share it yet; only further unrest and tension would happen." 


The grand princess stood up and paced around the room. "Right now, your father is in secluded meditation with the chief doctor to recover. Before he left, he said to send you to Ivory Royal Institute." 


"What?" Princess Jasmine stood up, nearly popping her bubble. "You want me to go to school in a time like this?" 


"It is exactly because we are in a sensitive time like this that we must send you elsewhere. The Shadow Demon King excel in assassination arts and even bypassed our most powerful detention magic wards and defensive magic barriers. That's how all those demons got here anyways. You are in jeopardy while here in the royal city." The grand princess snapped back. 


"However, in Ivory Royal Institute, you are far away from here and will be under the protection of the chancellor, a Deva. All the others Devas, including me, are now busy with other stuffs and only the dean has sufficient time and power to protect you right now. You are also sixteen years old Marker, so you qualified to be a student and you would've gone there eventually." 


Grand Princess Leizi looked at Yang Yang and smiled. "Besides, you will have your handsome butler to accompany you." 


"Excuse me, what?" 


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