I Don’t Want To Court Death!

Chapter 41: A Prayer From Afar

It took no less than a month for Yang Yang to completely dominate the entire Arcane Mountain Range. From now on the Eleventh Layer would belong to the followers of the Life God. Once he converted every living being here into followers, he had established the Blessed Life Church. 


Everyday, millions of streams of faithful energy gathered around him and made him glow with vibrant colors. He had more than enough faithful energy to break through to the Wisdom King level, but he saved all of it so he could break through once he returned to the Ivory Continent. However, he was certain that no one in the Arcane Abyss could defeat him, and the only people that could possibly match up to him were the Sacred Cult's Sacred Master or the Arcane Temple's Supreme Elder. 


"Magi of the Blessed Life Church, hear me," Yang Yang stood on his warship with his arms spread. "You shall stay here and protect the mortals of the church. I'll shall leave to bring salvation to the other corners of the world where devils and demons of hell lurk and bring misery. I shall return soon from my voyage. Stay well, my fellow brothers and sisters." 


Yang Yang took the warship and flew at lightning speed toward the other layers. While the other people cheered behind him, Seventh Sister Jade sighed, "I must say, Junior Brother Yang, you really know how to deal with people. Even I don't have that many fans outside of here." 


"Your praises are too much, Senior Sister Jade. Although, I would appreciate if you follow the Life God's teachings as well." 


"Haha! Is not good enough that give you some faith, Scion Yang? You know that I was once a follower of the Goddess of Love and Victory so how can I easily listen to another god's teachings?" Seventh Sister Jade laughed. "Though, I was pleasantly surprised to know that you were a scion. To the Lord of the Overworld at that!" 


"If I remembered correctly, doesn't the Goddess of Love and Victory promote chastity and virtue? I still have to remind you that you have a fiance." 


"Hmph! He's just a piece of trash. Unlike you, that guy is just manipulative, cheating, violent, and creepy. He looks like a featherless biped and slaps like a goldfish. He calls me his fiance, but he goes out with other girls! Hey, did you know? Did you know that he apparently had a fling with Sixth Sister Blue while she was dating Second Brother Rain? I heard he even slept with Fifth Brother Lance's younger sister as well. Seriously, what an asshat. I only became his fiance because my father and his father had a deal or something. Let me tell you about it. So, around a hundred years ago..." 


Although he had a divine soul and strong mental fortitude, Yang Yang felt a stinging pain in his head as he heard her talked. "All this vixin is good at is gossip." 


He sighed and stared blankly into space, as though he was comprehending the profundity of the universe. Occasionally he would nod his head. 




"Bone Two! Bone Three! Can you both here me?" 


"Eldest Brother, is that you? I'm to your left. To the left! To the left!" 


"Eldest Brother, I'm over here to the right! To the right! To the right!" 


"Hold on! You're both speaking too fast! Who's right and who's left?" 


"Bone Three is on the left, and I'm on the right." 


"No that's not right. I'm right!" 


"No you're not. Your right, his left."


"Yes, I know I am right." 




"No you." 


"Quiet down! Damn idiots. We've been in solitary confinement for years now and the first thing you both do is argue. Did you both hear that explosion a while ago?" 


"Yeah. What ever it was, it knocked down the sound restrictions." 


"Do you think it might be Lord Yang? Has he finally come to save us?" 


"Doubt it. Otherwise, why would we still be stuck here for after a month since that explosion. It's probably horrible maintenance." 


"This is some shitty infrastructure. I know this is our prison and all, but what the hell are they doing with our taxes?" 


"Probably putting it in their pockets while drinking wine and eating meat. Damn scums." 


"Down with capitalism!" 


"Tax the rich, not the poor!" 


"Enough, you two. Now is not the time for this discussion. I heard the prison guards said that the Festival of Offering was going start a few months from now. We need to do something, quick." 






"Pray? I've been praying every single day. What the hell is that going to do for us now!?" 


"Can you not feel it, though? The change in our soul? I think something happened a month ago because I felt the intense need to pray. Moreover, I feel that need even stronger now that I'm with both of you. It as though my connection with the God of Life had strengthen. When I sleep, I can even see something like a network of thoughts floating about." 


"Ho? You actually sleep? Hm... Well, I'm willing to try it." 


"Fine. Count me in." 


The Bone Squad cited their prayers together. 




In the Thirteenth Layer, Yang Yang was enjoying the view of the field of raging fire when he felt a call. "This is a... prayer!" 


Prayers were unique messages of faith. All followers of a god would send their prayers to receive aid. If a god answered the prayer of a mortal, the former would get a bundle of high-quality faithful energy while the latter would become more devoted. If a god ignored his follower's prayer, the follower may lose his faith in the god. 


Overall, it was mutually beneficial system. However, not all prayers could be answered as different wishes were answered in different ways among the gods, who each have different codes of ethics. 


Yang Yang had rarely received prayers from his followers since they were mostly content with their lives, and the prayers he did answered were simple. 


However, the prayer he received was a rescue mission from the Bone Squad. 


"Perfect. This kind of high-quality faith is exactly what I need! Moreover, I can use the trail of faith to find them as well. In combination with student medallion, I'll rescue the legacy students. Then, I'll uproot this Sacred Cult and assess the Arcane Temple to see if they are qualified to run this place and keep my followers safe." 


The warship accelerated and burned in the Flame of Purity. Angelic wings sprouted from the warship's sides. In a few seconds, it broke through to the Fourteenth Layer like a phoenix descending from the heavens. 


Although there were no life in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Layer like the Tenth Later, the Fourteenth Layer was dense with living creatures. There were even more mortals here, three hundred-millions of them. 


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