I Don’t Want To Court Death!

Chapter 8: The Red Maid, Morrigan

Yang Yang scolded one of the maids of imperial palace. Morrigan was a young maid with red hair and red eyes. She was slightly older than Yang Yang, about two years older. She had an alluring charm to her that made someone intoxicated to her. In the way that Princess Jasmine’s looks and aura of majesty was enchanting, Morrigan’s figure and aura of allure was enticing. 


In the imperial palace, she was the head-turner that attracted the gazes of all the men and women. She was also one of Princess Jasmine’s personal maids, which made her status among the servants exalted. Naturally, she was also Yang Yang’s senior. 


“Hey, that’s Big Sister Morrigan to you.” She smiled. “I have a lot to do, you know? You should be a lot nicer to me for hanging out with lonely you.”


“If I recalled, your shift isn’t over yet.” Yang Yang snorted. Morrigan shamelessly laughed and tapped her wine glass with Yang Yang’s wine glass. “Cheers to her highness!” 


The two drank and talked that night. "Hey now, how come I've never seen you drunk whenever you drink?" 


"Hm?" Yang Yang gulped another sip of water. "I'm a Life Magic magus. Alcohol is a natural toxin and my magic just naturally cancels it out." 


"You're expending life force to cancel out inebriation?" 


"It's not a lot of life force; maybe just a few minutes worth of it. Besides, without feeling inebriated, alcoholic beverages just taste nasty." 


"Oh, you poor soul." Morrigan took another sip of wine. 


"Water tastes just fine, you drunkard." Yang Yang also took a sip from his glass. "I haven't seen you recently. What has been going on?" 


Morrigan placed down her wine glass and stared at the royal city. Outside the royal palace, people were celebrating the second princess' birthday with their own festivity. A flood of commoners entered the royal palace bearing gifts. Outside the royal city, people were lined up outside the walls to enter the city and enjoy the festivity. 


In the Ivory Kingdom, the sixteenth birthday was the most important because it meant that a person was a legal adult. From the royal family to common family, it was tradition to host a grand birthday party to celebrate this. 


Tonight, the moon was not present and with all the bright lanterns and lit lamps, the royal city seemed like a field of stars from above. Yang Yang looked at the city and marveled from it. 


"Beautiful, huh?" 


"Yes, very beautiful." 


"It's like a city of stars that is only ever heard of in legends." 


"Really? I thought it looked a lot more like the underworld and all those little lights and people are hellfire and wandering souls." 


Yang Yang gave her a disapproving look and passed her the wine glass of water. Morrigan gave him a bright smile, took the wine glass, dumped the water over the balcony. 


"The war with the demons in the east has been harsh lately. The demons seemed more agitated. They've been pushing hard in the eastern frontier these past few months. Twelve of the noble houses couldn't attend the birthday party or send representatives because of the brutal assault," Morrigan said. 


"Oh? I've heard news about the growing assault, but I didn't think it would be that bad. Though, I'm sure you benefited in many ways, huh? 


"Sure have." Morrigan summoned her grimoire and unleashed a violent, bloody aura. The grimoire in her hand was black book with an image of a red crow on it. Behind her, the phantom of a red crow appeared and landed on her shoulder. 


"In a few months, I managed to assimilate many demons and used their blood to feed my Blood Crow Grimoire. Now, I'm a Virtual Aspect magus. In fact, the Department of War and Justice recently promoted me to the rank of centurion. I'm even called the Blood Crow Centurion or the Red Maid on the battlefield." 


"A military rank? Aren't you still a maid of her highness?" 


"Yes, but us personal servants are different. You should know that we don't have any salary because any money we need, we can just our master. In fact, any resource we need, we can simply ask. We can pretty much do whatever we want as long as it doesn't go against the wishes of our master. I mean look at yourself, aren't you the youngest senior researcher at the Department of Health and Medicine right now?" 


"True, but won't your military power be a problem?" 


"Peh!" Morrigan spat on the ground. "Personal servants are the most loyal to the royal family. You don't trust me, you punk?" 


She smacked her wine glass at the edge of the balcony's railing and chased after the running and screaming Yang Yang with the broken glass. "Oh no, murder!" 




At the largest table in the throne room, the king and the second princess were the only people seated. The king looked at his daughter and asked, "What's the matter, child?" 


"Royal father, I'm not too comfortable with all this noise and social gathering. It is fine if I returned to my bedchamber?" Princess Jasmine asked politely. 


"Nonsense, child. As the princess, it's only natural that you make connections and talk to the people here. Without your older sister or aunt here right now, you must show that you are a competent princess." 


Princess Jasmine pouted slightly. Seeing her expression, the king's face soften and then he smiled. "Oh you, go ahead. Despite being an adult, you are still so childish. Go play with those servants of your's. Oh, I also heard that your maid, Arch Morrigan, came back from the eastern frontier. You should definitely go see her." 


The second princess got out of her seat and kissed her father's cheek. "Bye, royal father!" 


She hastily walked out of the throne room. The king looked her departing figure and sighed with a smile on his face. He adjusted his wedding ring before pouring himself a glass of wine and walking back to his throne. 


Some officials walked up to him and started chatting with him. The king leaned back on his throne and enjoyed his wine and conversation. Suddenly, a booming voice above the royal palace echoed throughout the throne room. 


"I am the third Demon King, Blood Bell-Mourn! King Ivory Griffin, get the hell out here and prepare to die!" 


Screams of terrors issued out as many guests throughout the royal city exploded into flesh and blood. Then the flesh and blood crawled to each other and began forming into giant, grotesque monsters. The monsters started to eat the nearest living creatures to them while great balls of fire descended from the sky and began burning the city. 


From the distance, one could the royal city of the Ivory Kingdom set aflame in demonic fire. In the span of a minute, the great party became a party of blood and death. 


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