I Don’t Want to Get Hurt, So I’ll Max Out My Defense

Chapter 416: 417: Seeing the Beggar Again

Chapter 416: 417: Seeing the Beggar Again

However, he still needed a mount for the journey.

Without a second thought, Li Xiaobai recklessly provoked a fight and successfully lured out a giant Flesh Mountain from underground.

This Flesh Mountain was even more enormous than the previous one embedded in the cliff face, turning into a small hillock lying in wait. If it weren’t for Li Xiaobai hopping and jumping on it, it might not have been discovered at all.

Hellfire was released, and within a radius of five hundred meters, the area instantly turned into a black sea, fiercely burning the Flesh Mountain’s body.

Countless tentacles flailed wildly, fighting back in an attempt to sweep Li Xiaobai off its body.

This Flesh Mountain was smarter than the previous one; the earlier Flesh Mountain only knew to run amok, but this one not only moved towards the depths but also knew how to clear its enemies.

Following this pattern, it seemed that the stronger the Flesh Mountain, the higher the intelligence it employed. It was still much weaker compared to human intelligence, however.

[Attribute Points+5000…]

[Attribute Points+5000…]

[Attribute Points+5000…]

Li Xiaobai didn’t budge, letting the surrounding tentacles whip around him as his Attribute Points soared. The Flesh Mountain’s attacks were quite powerful.

Just like the previous cliff Flesh Mountain, this hillock Flesh Mountain raced in a certain direction, all the smaller Flesh Mountains along the way being absorbed by it and then turning to ash under the burning heat.

After covering a considerable distance, the Flesh Mountain turned into a pile of ashes.

Li Xiaobai had a hunch that if it were allowed to reach the end, it would definitely summon some extremely terrifying being.

He was already deeply within it now, and decided it was better to proceed on foot from here.

The putrid scent of blood was so intense that it couldn’t possibly get any stronger.

[Attribute Points+1000…]

[Attribute Points+1000…]

Just the scent alone brought him a thousand Attribute Points, one could imagine the strength of the surrounding Flesh Mountains.

The smallest of the surrounding Flesh Mountains were also over ten meters tall, each one resembling a small mound.

Yet they did not initiate an attack against him, seemingly uninterested in the human intruder who had entered their territory.

Steam emitted from their bodies as they slowly writhed along the ground, now and then several Flesh Mountains would spew out a dark green putrid mucus that looked like excrement, utterly disgusting.

As always, he set fire casually, leaving it to their fate to determine what would become of them.

Li Xiaobai walked unhurriedly forward, making his way through the Flesh Mountains, which apparently did not feel threatened and therefore had no interest in attacking him.

Mingled with the rancid smell were traces of some ancient, mysterious aroma. Among the piles of Flesh Mountains, Li Xiaobai spotted many broken banners and parts of warships in disarray.

There were even fragments of formation patterns, and despite the passage of many years, their essence still flowed upon them, exceedingly extraordinary.

Li Xiaobai surmised that this place must have been an Ancient Battlefield in the past, though he didn’t know why it had now become a gathering ground for Flesh Mountains.

The deeper he went, the more common the fragments of Magic Treasures he saw scattered about. It was a shame they were all damaged beyond use; otherwise, he could have taken them all and sold them for a hefty sum.

“Ding ding ding!”

A series of crisp sounds reached his ears, particularly grating in this oppressive atmosphere.

Li Xiaobai suddenly looked up, scanning his surroundings. The sound echoed across the entire field, making it unclear where it originated from.

“Ding ding ding!”

Again, a few more sounds rang out, and this time he heard clearly that they came from directly ahead. If he passed through a forest of Flesh Mountains, he would be able to see the source.

This sound was like the clang of metal; could there actually be other people deep in this remote frontier area?

Li Xiaobai carefully weaved his way through the masses of Flesh Mountains, tiptoeing in the direction of the sound. Many Flesh Mountains around him detected his presence, but they merely squirmed a few times in his direction without launching an offensive.

Although he didn’t know why, the sheer number of Flesh Mountains was enough to make one’s scalp tingle; if they all attacked, he wouldn’t be able to handle it.

Behind the Flesh Mountains was an area of grotesquely-shaped rocks, with towering boulders standing amid the wilderness.

However, Li Xiaobai knew that these were not real boulders; from his previous experiences, the only things that could grow so large in the frontier were Flesh Mountains.

“Ahem, is anybody there?”

Unable to see what was behind the strange rocks, Li Xiaobai tentatively called out.

“Eh, that actually worked, there is someone here, the old beggar is right here!”

From among the stones, an old and familiar voice made its way through.

Recognizing the familiar nasal voice, Li Xiaobai instantly understood that the person trapped here was undoubtedly the old beggar.

“Young man, if you can get the old beggar out of here, I guarantee you a lifetime of wealth and honor.”

The old beggar was somewhat anxious, afraid that Li Xiaobai would leave, so he quickly made his offer.

“Senior, it’s obvious you’ve offended someone. To be trapped in the borderlands, the culprit must be a powerful being capable of flying and burrowing. I wouldn’t dare to risk angering such an entity,” Li Xiaobai pinched his nose and said, taking advantage of the fact that the old beggar hadn’t recognized him to try and make a profit.

“Do not panic, my young friend. The old beggar’s strength and abilities can change nature itself. Once I’m out, there will be no one in this world who can do you harm. If you do not believe me, go and ask around; on the Immortal Spirit Continent, who does not recognize Elder Tianwu!” the old man behind the rocks added, his tone becoming more measured. He seemed to have realized his previous tone was inappropriate and now sounded exceptionally calm.

Li Xiaobai knew this was when the other party began his attempt to trick him.

“But I can’t just release you for nothing, can I? Taking such a risk for nothing, I’m not a fool.”

“Ahem, all the old beggar’s treasures are in the Central Province. I’m penniless right now. So, if you, my young friend, free the old beggar, I’ll send Spirit Stones and treasures to you right away!”

The old beggar declared with determined promise.

Li Xiaobai sneered inwardly; he hadn’t even named his price, and this old coot was already agreeing to everything, clearly intending to renege on his promise later.

“Senior, I fear that won’t do. I cannot trust an IOU. If you don’t have anything valuable on you now, I shall take my leave.”

“Don’t worry, Senior. After I leave, I’ll report this matter to City Lord Mei Changqing. The City Lord is a top-notch expert and will surely be able to rescue you with ease,” Li Xiaobai said dryly.

“Wait, young man, I have a Magic Treasure here, obtained from the Kingdom of Women years ago. If you help the old man out, this Magic Treasure is yours!”

Having said that, a Jade Pendant was thrown from behind the rocks.

Li Xiaobai’s eyes widened in surprise. When did this old geezer become so easy to talk to? He picked up the Jade Pendant and examined it closely, finding nothing extraordinary about it.

“What’s the use of this thing?”

“Bind it with your blood!”

The old beggar instructed.

“I did, and there’s no reaction.”

“The time hasn’t come yet. Just get the old beggar out, and when the opportunity arises, you’ll be the brightest star under the starry sky!”

Li Xiaobai became furious, “Old man, if you’re trying to trick me, think again! If you don’t hand over something good today, I’ll toss all the surrounding Flesh Mountains in there!”

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