I, Doomsday, Stayed in the Core of the Sun for 100,000 Years

Chapter 112

Chapter 112 Almost Became A God, Choose To Return

So far, the Crimson Universe has been reborn, but this time, the Crimson Universe was led by Lu Yuan to complete the new life.

Even Lu Yuan has become the new master of this universe.

“I said there should be light in this world.”

So all Fixed Stars in this world began to shine.

“I said light and darkness should be separated.”

So all the planets started to rotate.

“I said a day is divided into twenty-four hours or twelve hours.”

“I said that the solar terms in a year should be divided into four.”

“I say all things should flourish.”

The entire Crimson Universe began to become lively, with Lu Yuan standing in the center of the universe, formulating new rules and laws for this new universe one by one, and the universe was reborn.

And unlike the dead silence of the previous Crimson Universe, the newly born Crimson Universe is full of the vitality of new life. “Three Five Seven”

Plants are growing, animals are prospering and changing, and the history of mankind will be revealed.

If Lu Yuan is ambitious, at the moment he can establish his own godhead.

In fact, although Lu Yuan is powerful, he has no godhead, so he can never be regarded as a god.

To be clear about this, it does not mean that if you are powerful, you can become a god, but that you will gain powerful power after becoming a god.

For example, the inhabitants of Apocalypse were once just an ordinary racial civilization.

Later, it is said that it was only by the power of Yuga Khan that Apocalypse and New Creation Star were lifted to the status of the new Protoss.

The New Creation Star was once a race with the Apocalypse star, but it was later split off.

After becoming the new Protoss, the Apocalypse star became a superpower, otherwise it would have been wiped out by the Superman Kryptonian army led by Lu Yuan 100,000 years ago.

What’s wrong with them?

Lu Yuan is about to lead Krypton to become a god.

Later, he came to the Marvel universe, and it is even more impossible to become the god of the Marvel universe.

If Lu Yuan is willing, At the moment, he can become a god with just a little movement of his mind.

After all he made such huge amounts of Albert.

But he didn’t. Instead, he glanced at the new, incomparably bright crimson universe, and then turned and left.

He didn’t need to become a god, and even cut off his connection with the Crimson Universe when he left.

He didn’t intend to absorb the vitality of the Crimson Universe, otherwise once he absorbed too much, the entire universe would be destroyed.

Just like the previous Cytorak, regardless of the destruction of the Crimson Universe, he absorbed all the power.

In fact, it was not Lu Yuan who destroyed the previous Crimson Universe, but Saitorak.

Moreover, even if Lu Yuan cuts off the connection with the Crimson Universe, it will not hinder his control over the Crimson Universe.

This place has become his private domain, and Lu Yuan is like the lord here. He only unilaterally does not need the ‘tax money’ of the territory, but he still retains absolute control.

Even here, he is the absolute and only true God. He can make this universe rise and fall with a single sentence, and restart it with a single sentence.

And this also gave Lu Yuan a new insight.

When Lu Yuan returned to the real world outside, he realized that the outside world had actually passed for many years.

Although the previous Crimson Universe did not have the concept of time, but after that, the Crimson Universe reshaped by Lu Yuan already had a complete cosmic law.

So many years have passed since he created all that.

Standing in the air, Lu Yuan looked down, only glanced at what this world would look like for countless years in the future, and then said softly, “Return.”

He didn’t use the power of time at all, and he didn’t use any power, just because of Lu Yuan’s words, the surrounding time began to reverse rapidly.

It’s not that Lu Yuan travels through time, but the time of the whole world is rewinding around him.

In an instant, Lu Yuan has returned to the time node when he entered the Crimson Universe.

Moreover, Lu Yuan looked in front of him thoughtfully, the golden circle that was opened was still there, and Lu Yuan, who had entered the past, paused thoughtfully, and then went in without saying a word.

At this moment, Lu Yuan seemed to feel something, slowly closed his eyes, and spit out a sentence: “The only one?”

Then he said to himself: “Follow your words? It’s a convenient power, but if you meet an opponent with equal strength, or even stronger than me, it’s meaningless. To put it bluntly, it’s a bit tasteless.”

Words follow the law, because Lu Yuan previously in the Crimson Realm, his remarks on creation, and the designation of a rule for a universe, so he has mastered such power and power.

It is equivalent to what he said will become the truth. If he said that a dog should be called a cat, and a cat is a dog.  …

Then these two species will cause people to have cognitive errors, and they will see cats as dogs, and they will also call dogs cats.

Likewise, even the two species themselves make corresponding changes.

Cats become loyal friends of humans, watch the house, and play a game of Frisbee.

Dogs, on the other hand, become Tsundere and learn to climb trees.

This kind of power is undoubtedly powerful, after all, Lu Yuan once designated a rule of the universe.

It can be said that because of Lu Yuan’s own strength, he will easily ‘sanction’ the multi-universe level and below.

But if you are facing an enemy who has surpassed Lu Yuan, this power will not work.

That’s why he said it was a chicken rib, the ability to only bully the weak, and it was nothing to be commended.

If he encounters a powerful enemy, he still has to rely on his own strength to fight.

After thinking silently for a long time, Lu Yuan kept in mind what he had seen in the Crimson Universe. He had mastered a lot of cosmic laws when the Crimson Universe was new, such as the meanings represented by the five gods, and even many cosmic laws.

Even the power represented by Infinite Gems, he has a deeper understanding.

I also feel that in addition to the power of the full set of Infinite Gems he has mastered, he has improved a lot in all aspects.

Even the control of the heart of the universe has gone deeper.

In percentage terms, when you first got the Heart of the Universe, you only had one percent of the control.

Later it reached three percent.

2.0 And now, it has reached more than 50%.

As long as it exceeds eighty percent, he can devour the full power of the Heart of the Universe.

At that time, he will become omniscient and omnipotent, very close to the OAA, and even the existence of the court of life.

That is really under one person, above countless universes.

Slowly opening his eyes, Lu Yuan put down his thoughts and turned his head to look down.

During this period of time, the actions of Deadpool’s gang were also very smooth. They seemed to be nearing the end. The orphanage was destroyed and the children were rescued. The X-Men’s plane picked up.

Then Deadpool’s side, according to the original plan, let him take on the responsibility of killing the chief culprit.

But there was a little hiccups later.

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