I, Doomsday, Stayed in the Core of the Sun for 100,000 Years

Chapter 116

Chapter 116 The Grievance Between Tony And Whiplash

Letting Lu Yuan to control Rhodes and War Machine is more than just killing chickens with a bull’s knife.

But anyway, after Lu Yuan easily suppressed the War Machine, Tony finally cleaned up the loopholes and virus invasion for Rhode with the help of J.A.R.V.I.S.

Rhodes can finally take back control of the battle suit.

“Sorry, Tony,” Rod apologized to Tony, who had also been forced to fire a few times earlier.

Tony will definitely not blame Rhodes: “Don’t be like Ronaldinho, I didn’t expect this before, I asked you to participate in Hammer’s transformation.”

“Actually, I just said something casually, because it is indeed your fault,” Unexpectedly, Rhodes immediately borrowed the donkey and put the blame on Tony.

Tony spreads his hands with a question mark on his face.

Meow meow meow?

Lu Yuan on the side was amused by the scheming of the two people~ laughing.

However, the time of joy is always short. Immediately, the laggards chased after them one after another, and they fell around one by one, and soon surrounded the three of them.

Lu Yuan squinted around, and suddenly released two golden heat rays from the eyes of the helmet, killing all the mechas behind him in seconds with just his eyes.

This is not a weapon matched with a battle suit. As mentioned earlier, Lu Yuan just wore the battle suit on his body. In fact, the system did not even start.

So this is his own Heat ray, and he burned through the eye armor of the helmet, melting two holes in an instant.

Roar was shocked when he saw this scene Roar: “Cool.”

At this time, Tony not to be outdone and shouted: “Xiao Luo, get down.”

Immediately afterwards, Tony raised his hands, and suddenly released two red lasers on the arms of both hands. As he made a quick circle, all the surrounding mechas were instantly killed.

There is no original chaos, but an instant kill as soon as it comes up.

Rhodes got up from the ground, looked at Lu Yuan, then at Tony, and said, “I want this weapon too.”

In the end, Tony rejected it: “This thing consumes too much. Generally speaking, I don’t recommend equipping it. Even I can only consume one shot at full power consumption.”

In order to have the effect of instant kill, Tony used full power consumption when releasing the laser, which was still a huge burden on energy.

He is not as good as Lu Yuan, people are his own strength.

“In other words, this is the end?” Rhodes asked the two of them. He is now more or less the responsibility of the Marvel Universe, and sometimes complains.

It was clearly the start of a big scene before, but Lu Yuan and Tony killed them all with a single laser shot?

I always feel a bit of an anticlimactic sense of sight.

However, the anticlimactic is still behind.

“Boom, bang.”

There was a dull sound of footsteps, and another heavily armed man appeared in front of the three of them.

Maybe Iron Man movies are like this?

Whether it is the Iron Overlord of Obadiah before, or the whiplash Ivan Vanke who appeared at the moment, they are all wearing battle suits similar to Tony.

That’s right, it was Ivan Vanke who appeared at the moment, maybe he had realized that S.H.I.E.L.D was going to arrest him, or maybe this was his final plan, so he left the Hammer Industrial headquarters ahead of schedule and came in person got here.

One thing needs to be explained clearly, whip lock and cable are not the same thing, two people are not the same person.

Whiplash is the Ivan Vanke in front of him and one of Tony’s many enemies. When he first appeared, he used two powerful whiplashes that could be connected to Ark reactor energy, which is also the source of his nickname.

Although the cable is called cable, the weapon originally used has almost nothing to do with cable.

In fact, the cable was originally a Mutant, and its powerful Psychokinesis and Telepathy can even reach the omega level.

As for why he is called Cable, because it is just a title.

Or maybe it’s because of what his father once said to him in the comics: “You will become a chain connecting the past and the future.”

So be sure to make sure that whip lock and cable have similar titles, but in fact they have nothing to do with each other, and even the origin and meaning of the titles are different.

Ivan Vanke, he is the final BOSS at this stage.

Lu Yuan sighed, is this the real anticlimactic?

I saw that Ivan Vanke At the moment was also wearing a steel armor, and even the style was similar to Tony’s battle suit.

It can be seen that he was the inspiration found on War Machine.

In addition, what Ivan Vanke learned from his father can also be reproduced in small Ark reactors.

So on his battle suit breastplate, there is also an energy inlaid.

The most important thing is that, I don’t know why he is so obsessed with whips, he has already changed into this battle suit, and there are two huge amounts of whips inlaid on his left and right arms.

When energy is delivered to the whips through the battle suit, the two whips become powerful weapons, even cutting steel with ease.



Whiplash stood face to face with Tony.

Whiplash had no helmet, looked at Tony with hatred in his eyes, and shouted: “Your father expelled my father, today, I will avenge my father, and I will kill your father’s son in my father’s place.”

To say such a digression is actually to inherit the hatred of the previous generation into this generation, and then let him kill Tony and complete his revenge.

But is it really like that?

Tony interrupted the whip: “Do you really know why your father was exiled in the first place? Your father betrayed the country, and at the most critical moment of researching nuclear weapons, he exchanged palladium for money. And The final decision to exile your father is not something my father can decide.”

Deport a scientist who can participate in a nuclear weapons research program?

Tony is actually right, Howard doesn’t have that ability, just like a country recruiting Dr. Zola from HYDRA to join S.H.I.E.L.D.

In fact, Howard took the blame for a certain country.

A certain country has always been like this, and it wants to be that and wants to be a torii.

So for Tony, he still feels aggrieved: “It was your father who wanted to steal my father’s technology and all the scientists who participated in the team at that time to sell it for money, so he was exiled. It’s better to say that your father and son can finally get it, except Ark reactor what else?”

As mentioned earlier, the prototype of the Ark reactor was a product created by Howard when he was conducting nuclear weapons research, and this technology was stolen and sold by Ivan Vanke’s father.

But that thing is not the core technology of nuclear weapons at all, so when Ivan Vanke’s father went abroad, he was not taken seriously at all.

I thought he could help develop nuclear weapons, but this is what he would do?

With the technology at the time, it was not possible to develop the Ark reactor as an energy source, so naturally he was let go.

Ivan Vanke’s father was unhappy and only recently died.

But who’s to blame?

Lu Yuan crossed his arms and found a seat in the back to sit down. It had nothing to do with him anyway.

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