I, Doomsday, Stayed in the Core of the Sun for 100,000 Years

Chapter 127

Chapter 127 Finally Able To Observe Phoenix Force

Qin Ge Lei didn’t decide to take the risk because of Lu Yuan’s words, but she also heard Charles’ words and was worried all the time.

And at present, only Qin Ge Lei and Professor X have similar abilities in the school, so after Charles falls, only she can control the brain wave strengthening machine.

Just don’t forget that the brainwave strengthening machine has gone wrong.

At the same time, don’t forget that Lu Yuan knew what Mystique did.

So he turned into an engineer and easily removed the hands and feet made by Mystique.

“It’s this thing that disturbed Charles’ consciousness,” Lu Yuan took the thing to Qin Grey and glanced at it.

The latter said that she was not a researcher in this area, so she could not understand what it was.

In fact, Lu Yuan didn’t know what it was.

Well, two fools?

But Lu Yuan did make Mystique dismantle “three seven three”.

Qin Ge Lei took a deep breath and knelt in front of the brain wave strengthening machine.

Not for any reason, but simply because Charles lost the ability to walk and could only sit in a wheelchair, so Qin Ge Lei could only wear the helmet of the brain wave strengthening machine.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Gelei opened the connection of the brainwave intensifier and started the search for little naughty.

She knew that Magneto had a helmet that could evade the lock of the mind, but the little naughty obviously didn’t.

Not to mention, Qin Ge Lei really found the whereabouts of the little naughty.

“She’s being taken to the goddess by Magneto,” Jean Grey said of her discovery.

But immediately, Qin Ge Lei felt a huge amount of exhaustion hit her heart, and her mind was also splitting headaches because of the consumption of mental energy.

“I see.” Behind him, Lu Yuan put his hand on Qin Ge Lei’s shoulder, and gently tapped her neck with his fingers.

Qin Ge Lei lost consciousness without humming.

Lu Yuan caught Qin Ge Lei’s fallen body, took off the helmet of the brain wave strengthening machine and put it aside, picked her up and walked outside in the posture of a princess hug.

While walking, Lu Yuan took out his mobile phone and called Scott and the others.

“Qin just found the whereabouts of the little naughty with the brain wave strengthening machine. Magneto is taking her to the goddess statue, you can go there,” Lu Yuan said about Qin Ge Lei’s discovery.

Scott asked worriedly, “How did this happen? Damn it. How’s Jyn?”

Lu Yuan glanced at the unconscious woman in his arms and shrugged: “She’s consumed too much and has lost consciousness, but don’t worry, I will take care of her. Don’t get me wrong, it’s just literal care, not for you. Wearing a hat.”

“Shit,” Scott cursed, wanting to rush back right away.

Lu Yuan smirked: “Don’t worry, there are so many people in the academy, what can I do? I’ll send her to rest later, and then I’ll rush over to help.”

When he said that, Scott felt much more at ease.

As a result, Logan also warned Lu Yuan: “You better not do anything to her.”

“What has it got to do with you?” Steck shouted.

Storm sighed helplessly, screaming to death.

Lu Yuan hung up the phone and went back to his room with Qin Ge Lei in his arms.

But don’t get me wrong, Lu Yuan didn’t do anything, he just didn’t know where Qin Ge Lei’s room was, so he put it in his room first, anyway, he’d be leaving in a while, just let Scott take her back to rest when he comes back .

It’s just that before leaving, when Lu Yuan put down Qin Ge Lei, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he directly broke into Qin Ge Lei’s spiritual world.

Before that, all Lu Yuan’s actions were actually for this moment.

He first allowed Mystique to bring Charles down, making Professor X unconscious and unable to realize what he had done.

Then he bewitched Qin Ge Lei and knocked her unconscious.

Lu Yuan finally found an opportunity to break through Qin Ge Lei’s mind’s self-defense and Charles’ seal. Finally, he found the tightly sealed ‘Phoenix’ deep in Qin Ge Lei’s consciousness.

It was an elegant phoenix that exuded boundless terrifying power and aura, and was incomparably splendid for generations.

Moreover, Lu Yuan also discovered that this phoenix was actually not dark, but fiery red or even golden red.

what happened? Wasn’t Jean Grey once controlled by the power of Dark Phoenix? Why not Dark Phoenix?

In fact, Lu Yuan has preconceived ideas. All the Phoenix fragments are part of the Phoenix force, and they are not divided into black and white.

In fact, Phoenix force is connected with the spirit and soul of all things that exist or will exist in the infinite multi-universe, and Phoenix force is also a storage container for the life and emotional energy of the entire infinite multi-universe, including the present and future generations. With the Dominator, so Phoenix force is also affected by emotions originally.

To put it bluntly, if there is not enough strong will to control, Blacken will become Dark Phoenix0…

And once the host can fully master its own Phoenix force, there is still the posture of the white phoenix.

The white phoenix is considered to be the strongest phoenix stance.


In fact, to put it bluntly, you can also think that the host dominated by the Phoenix force is the Dark Phoenix posture, and the one that can perfectly control the Phoenix force is the White Phoenix posture.

Probably that should be the case.

Just like that sentence said, there is no distinction between good and bad power, including death is also an indispensable part of cosmic law, and it is also very important.

The key is to see who is holding it.

When Lu Yuan’s consciousness broke in, he was also discovered by Phoenix force.

But the Phoenix force has no self-awareness, and only Awakening self-awareness occurs when the complete body of the Phoenix force appears.

And this phoenix is obviously just one of the fragments.

Lu Yuan was looking at Phoenix force, and Phoenix force was also staring at Lu Yuan.

Suddenly, the two seemed to be entangled, or it could be considered that Lu Yuan’s will forcibly overrode the Phoenix force, cut it open, and observed everything it represented.

Phoenix force came from the original universe, even in the previous universe, and originally it was not in the form of a phoenix, but a pure energy body.

Later it became what it is now for some reasons.

In addition, Phoenix force is not only the incarnation of life and emotion in the original universe, but also has the highest level of cosmic perception and intuition, which allows it to perceive what has happened in the past, what is happening now, and what will happen in the future. 2.0

Phoenix force also possesses powerful spiritual power, capable of doing all psionic powers, such as multi-universe-level Telepathy and teleportation, etc.

Definitely Lu Yuan has already anticipated these things, and whether it is the spiritual power of super ability or the spiritual field on the magic side, he is also exploring and researching it himself.

What really bothered Lu Yuan was that the Phoenix force even manipulated matter to a sub-atomic level or a stronger level, and could easily change their own elements (such as converting wood into gold, turning stone into crystal, etc.) With the reorganization of matter, the transformation of matter and energy, and the creation of the void, it can also be decomposed, transformed, reorganized, and created at will, as small as life and as large as the universe.

For Lu Yuan, this was definitely a huge amount of harvest.

Even he himself was pleasantly surprised.

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