I, Doomsday, Stayed in the Core of the Sun for 100,000 Years

Chapter 177

Chapter 177 Lu Yuan’S Persuasion To Tony

Lu Yuan didn’t go back immediately after the war. The reason was very simple. Even if he stayed here for a week, it seemed like less than a few minutes had passed since he returned.


So Lu Yuan stayed.

In the past few days, he has gotten to know everyone from all sides.

The Xandars, the Skrulls, and the Guardians of Galaxy, and Captain Marvel and more.

Especially the Asgard people, when they saw that Lu Yuan could pick up Mjolnir and fight with a storm axe, they all didn’t know how to feel.

If Lu Yuan suddenly wanted to become the king of the Asgard people, only Thor could fight against him, right?

Luckily, Lu Yuan didn’t want to be the king of the poor Asgard.

Thor also chose to leave Earth later, along with the Guardians of Galaxy.

It seems that he still hasn’t broken the knot, and needs to go outside to relax.

Anyway, Thor can use the “Four Twenty” axe to open Bifrost back to Earth at any time, just leave and let him come back when needed.

After that, Lu Yuan was invited away by Tony and went to Tony’s secret studio, which was actually the Shi Stark Building.

The Stark Building has undergone several changes, the first being Tony dedicated the Stark Building as an Avengers base for a while.

But then he moved the base to another place, where the base is now, and The Avengers Base hasn’t changed.

If there is no protection from Lu Yuan at the beginning this time, it is very likely that the base will explode again, right?

Tony did what he promised Lu Yuan and gave Lu Yuan a small box with only a slap file size.

“It contains the latest Ark reactor sequence, as well as the entire nanotechnology battle suit you want,” he promised Lu Yuan.

In fact, Tony also knew that when Lu Yuan got this, he would eventually give it to his past self.

It seems that Lu Yuan’s statement that he and his past self are friends is true.

“I hope Tony from our side can give some strength and develop more technologies to make money,” Lu Yuan muttered.

Tony has a black line, it seems that the past world is still the source of this guy’s money?

This is true. Although those business plans were proposed by Lu Yuan, the ones who actually implemented and completed the plans were Tony and Pepper.

He seems to be able to get 40% of the income just by moving his mouth.

And Tony worked so hard that the money he got was the same as Lu Yuan.

Why did you say Lu Yuan specially asked Tony for the latest nano battle suit? In fact, he was also a little embarrassed to take other people’s hands short.

It is said that after the big sale of the mobile phone, Lu Yuan alone has harvested tens of billions. That is US dollars, and it is still pure profit.

If it weren’t for the development of follow-up technologies, Lu Yuan would already be worth tens of billions.

“By the way, do you still have an Edith system?” Lu Yuan pointed to the glasses that Tony put aside. He still remembered that these glasses were not simple.

Tony laughed angrily: “You are really welcome. It’s not that I can’t give it to you, it’s not that I can’t bear it, you are taking it back to me anyway. Edith is a separate system, and it needs a supporting system to operate, And a lot of drones are needed to maintain the system.”

Tony isn’t lying either, Edith is a different system, as seen in Spider-man’s second film.

Edith can act alone, outside of most of Tony’s authority over Pepper.

And there are separate outer space satellites and countless drones and so on.

Unlike battle suits, Edith’s system needs to be prepared in advance to match this equipment.

It doesn’t seem to work.

Lu Yuan shrugged, the reason why he and Tony had to invest a lot of money to develop it was because of the many technologies available today.

Such as more advanced wireless network technology, and even more smart devices.

Believe they will come up with their own stuff, as long as they don’t develop cars.

Okay, this thread can’t be over.

“By the way, can we study that big knife? We’re curious what kind of material Thanos uses,” Tony also made some non-trivial requests.

However, Lu Yuan pointed out: “Haven’t you recovered the weapons of Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight? The materials are the same. And Tony, haven’t you figured it out yet? The Hero Registration Act is wrong.”

Tony was shocked, looked at Lu Yuan deeply, and couldn’t help asking, “Did Steve tell you?”

He thought that Lu Yuan shouldn’t know what happened in this world, after all, this is the future world, and Lu Yuan hasn’t been here for a long time, so he thought it was Steve who said to Lu Yuan, asking him to intercede.

But Lu Yuan shook his head and said, “My power is beyond your imagination. Do you think I know nothing if I come from the past? By the way, do you really think I’m from the past? If I want to If so, I can exist at the beginning of time and at the end of time at the same time…”

One is the birth of the universe at the beginning of all things, and the end of time is just the end of the beginning.

At the other end is the other end of the destruction of all things at the end of time.

If Lu Yuan wants to, he can exist in every minute and every second, but then he will feel that the future has no expectations and mystery, and there will be no life at all.

So Tony will never understand what the world looks like in Lu Yuan’s eyes.

Is the timeline really a straight line?

Is the world really what you see?

If the world in Lu Yuan’s eyes was depicted, many people would be in disbelief.

Because he can easily see all infinite multi-universes.

All universes, and even all time, exist at the same time in his eyes, and there is no distinction between the past and the future, let alone a so-called straight line.

So Tony underestimated Lu Yuan too much.

As long as Lu Yuan is willing, he can get any information at will, and even easily read anyone’s memory, only the level is not much different, or people above him, Lu Yuan can’t see through.

But there are not many such people in the entire Marvel universe, OAA counts as one.

Lu Yuan sighed lightly: “I’m leaving, I didn’t want to say it at first, but you have also seen General Ross’s attitude, the world has become like this, but he still intends to arrest Steve and the others in public, fool? ”

Steve and the others, including everyone at the time, were heroes of the entire universe. It was them who saved half of the life in the universe, and this 2.0 final battle was done intentionally by Lu Yuan, and the world saw their dedication and achievement.

idiot? To arrest someone right after the war?

Lu Yuan didn’t know what to say.

“Continue like this, miss this opportunity, and the avengers of your world will never have a chance to get back together again.”

“Don’t think you and Steve have made peace, that’s because there was a common enemy at the time, and a lot of the conflicting people were gone at that time.”

“But now? The common enemy has been defeated, the messy people are back, and it’s time for the conflict between you.”

“Anyway, that’s all I’ve said. As for how to choose, it’s up to you. I still don’t want the civil war to evolve into a second stage.”

Otherwise, many things will get out of control.

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