I, Doomsday, Stayed in the Core of the Sun for 100,000 Years

Chapter 500

Chapter 500 Enter The Rebooted Cinematic Universe

In a certain area, there are desert Gobi everywhere, which looks extremely desolate.

But there are also humans living here, and I have to say that humans are also a very powerful being.

Especially in a certain area in the desert, an organization called Ten Rings uses a cave as a stronghold, where many powerful weapons are placed.

On this day, they went out to carry out an attack and brought back two people.

“Wait a minute, why two people? We should only be targeting Tony Stark, who is this person?”

When the outgoing vehicle returned, it was stopped.

Because in addition to their original target, Tony Stark, there was another man in the car wearing a white suit, his whole body was spotless, young and handsome, but he had an oriental face.

Lu Yuan.

That’s right, it was Lu Yuan.

In the end, he still made a choice, to complete this test, and then to detach for the whole family in one fell swoop.

As a result, he had to enter the Marvel Movie Universe again, and it was the movie universe that OAA specially rebooted for him.

This universe has been restarted, and no one knows that even if Tony wakes up now, he will forget his friendship and friendship with Lu Yuan. 703 They are equivalent to meeting for the first time.

Only Lu Yuan remembers what happened, and only he knows that this universe has developed to the timeline of Avengers III and even Avengers Alliance IV.

But the universe has restarted to the very beginning.

Iron Man one, also a 2008 timeline.

At this point, Tony isn’t Iron Man, because he’s going through his origin story.

Tony came here on a private jet not long ago to sell a batch of newly developed weapons.

Don’t forget that Tony is a weapons businessman. His family’s history, Stark Group, is the number one arms dealer in a certain country and the only partner currently designated by the military.

But Tony never expected that he was attacked on the way back.

Not only did the convoy escorting him destroy the entire army, but he himself was seriously injured and was hit by a bomb in his home at close range.

That’s not to mention, the debris from the explosion hit his body and blood, and he was dying.

It was these Ten Rings who attacked Tony, they had sources, and they had been ambushed and prepared in advance, and it was a success.

“No matter who he (Lu Yuan) is, the target (Tony) is already dying, hurry up and call Ethan,” someone shouted, because Tony’s life was threatened and he needed to be treated as soon as possible.

In fact, if Lu Yuan wanted to, he could easily treat Tony at any time and make him recover.

It’s just that Lu Yuan is also in a state of depression now.

The first time he returned to this rebooted movie universe, Lu Yuan had already perceived the existence of his wives.

Not the Ancient Ones who are still busy creating worlds in the Almighty Universe, but the Ancient Ones, Natasha Romanoff, Ganata and Wanda of this world and this universe.

Wanda is still a little girl of twelve or thirteen years old, very cute.

Natasha Romanoff is now an agent, just like the S.H.I.E.L.D agent TV series, busy with things all day.

The most pitiful of them all is Ganata, who is wandering the universe because of hunger, and has been abandoned by her father, the Devourer of Planet.

The main reason is that the father and daughter eat too much. Originally, Uncle Tun himself was in a state of hunger all the year round. How could he still support a daughter.

It’s so sad.

Only Ancient One has the most bland life. Anyway, she is like an old monk (an old nun?), besides drinking tea and reading books all day, she just wakes up in the morning to train those disciples and grandchildren.

Without Lu Yuan, as long as Dormammu doesn’t threaten the earth, let alone how pure she is.

Even the current Ancient One, Lu Yuan’s wife, misses the past life immensely.

Creating the universe is still an almighty universe, and it is very troublesome and hard work.

Not to mention taking care of her daughter.

Think about how cool and indifferent it used to be.

Now Lu Yuan can only quietly observe the wives in this universe, but he can’t approach them. Even if they meet in the future, he must pretend not to know each other, and he must prevent further emotional entanglements.

They will take their place and continue to fulfill their obligations in this world, so that the Ancient One can detach themselves from it.

Lu Yuan let out a long sigh because of this.

“It’s really annoying,” Lu Yuan muttered, raised his head and looked around, only then did he notice the situation around him.

I don’t know when, he has been locked in a dark cave, and is also blocked by a thick iron gate.

“What’s the situation?” Lu Yuan stood up and walked towards the other two people in the cave.

Also when Lu Yuan was distracted by his troubles, Tony, who had been operated on at some point, was lying on a simple bed.

Because the environment did not allow him, after the operation, let alone disinfection and sterilization, the whole person was very tragic.

To be honest, it’s a miracle that Tony survived. Not to mention that he completed the operation in such an environment, and he was not infected at all. No one would believe it.

In addition to this, there is a third person here, a middle-aged man in a suit who is still trying his best to keep clean even though he has been detained here for an unknown time.

“Hello, my name is Ethan,” the other party first introduced himself.

Lu Yuan shook hands with him and introduced himself: “You can call me Lu Yuan, or Lu.”

This time, Lu Yuan did not mention his alien identity and Kryptonian name, but used the orthodox oriental habit to say his own name.

Ethan nodded, and the two knew each other.

“You were with Mr. Tony Stark? Why were you attacked?” Ethan continued.

Anyway, I have nothing to do, and I feel sorry for each other, and there is nothing to talk about.

As a result, Lu Yuan said inexplicably: “Me and Tony? We don’t know each other. Why did the person who attacked Tony arrested me?”

He was telling the truth, after the reboot, Tony and he didn’t know each other.

It’s just that Lu Yuan is still used to calling Roar Tony directly.

As for why he appeared here, it was actually because when Lu Yuan was involved in the plot of the Marvel universe, when he first came to earth, didn’t he happen to encounter the incident where Tony was attacked.

It’s just that Lu Yuan just woke up at that time, and he didn’t have time to master the power of being a fifth-dimensional person at that time, so he came to Earth with the face of Doomsday.

It’s different now. Now he came to earth with a human face, and because he was in a state of depression at the time, he didn’t do anything. Instead of saving Tony in advance, he was caught together with him.

It wasn’t until then that Lu Yuan suddenly woke up: “Why do I have to be kidnapped with Tony? Can’t I open a bar?”.

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