I, Doomsday, Stayed in the Core of the Sun for 100,000 Years

Chapter 556

Chapter 556 Humans Are Porcupines?

Become an apostle?

The surprise of Katsuragi Misato and Akagi Ritsuko was no small matter.

Even Katsuragi Misato couldn’t care about her wish, she raised her head in disbelief, and said in shock to Roar, “No way.”

Especially Ritsuko Akagi, shouted: “That will make this child lose his existence as a human being, and he cannot even maintain his human form. Do you want to kill him?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Lu Yuan expressed his confusion, spread his hands, and said, “It’s different from the apostles you understand, I’m just my personal apostle, it’s better to say that I am the spokesperson of God in this world. You can exercise some privileges, such as some power or something.”

While talking, Lu Yuan took out a small blue bottle.

That’s compound number five, and he can use this to transform Shinji Ikari into a superhero.

Not the kind of apostle who is mysterious and mysterious, sounds vague, and even needs the power of faith.

Lu Yuan just wanted to guide Ikari Shinji to become a real superhero.

In a world with a strong religious atmosphere, is he planning to inject a foreshadowing of science fiction?

Definitely Lu Yuan can also give Ikari Shinji the Fruit of Life, but just as Misato Katsuragi and Ritsuko Akagi were worried, with Shinji Ikari’s personal weakness, forcibly integrating the Fruit of Life might really make him an apostle – such an existence?

If he gathers the fruits of wisdom of all mankind, he will become a god.

But he has only personal power (wisdom) after all.

Or maybe, you can just cut off a piece of the fruit of strength?

While Lu Yuan was thinking about the feasibility in his mind, he looked at Shinji Ikari, waiting for his answer.

Ikari Shinji kept his head down, and was made autistic by his father.

At the same time, he was puzzled and surprised, and couldn’t help but ask in a low voice, “Why do you care about me so much?”

He couldn’t understand why his father was so indifferent. Instead, it was the person in front of him who he only met today, or met for the first time yesterday (it’s already the second day after fighting the fourth apostle and dealing with the aftermath), Instead, take care of yourself.

Lu Yuan thought for a while: “Maybe my father’s love is overflowing, and I always feel that I can’t let go of an autistic child like you. The most important thing is that you are very kind, and I am very optimistic about you.”

When Lu Yuan first came to this world, he was only interested in the apostles, EVA bodies, and even AT positions. Later, he studied some laws of this world, and even the fruit of life.

Originally, he could leave. Although the apostles were different, they all came from the same source, and they were all born from Adam and Lilith, as well as the fruit of life.

It is enough to have seen one, and also got a fruit of life.

But now he has changed his mind.

I always feel uneasy about this child. Maybe after becoming a father, even his personality has become gentle, right?

It is also more tolerant, otherwise if he wants, what NERV and SEELE should be dead.

Lu Yuan lightly patted Shinji under the head with his hand, and couldn’t help saying: “Everyone’s existence has its necessary meaning, your father is, so do you. You don’t need anyone’s approval for your life, as long as you live. That’s enough, and sooner or later you’ll find someone who approves of you.”

Ikari Shinji raised his head. At the age of fourteen, he was only 1.58 meters tall, less than 1.6 meters tall. Lu Yuan, who was 1.9 meters tall, needed to look up.

He knew that Lu Yuan was comforting him, but could he really ignore his father so easily?

No, he has only one relative of his father, no matter what, that is his only father.

And the most important thing in this world, apart from the ‘heart wall’ between people, is the relationship between father and son, father and daughter, mother and son and mother and daughter.

Ikari Shinji and Ikari Gento, Katsuragi Misato and her father, Akagi Ritsuko and Akagi Naoko, and even Asuka and her mother, etc.

In fact, what this world mainly tells about is not the estrangement between people and the “absolute realm”.

Humans are like porcupines. In order to protect themselves, they are covered with sharp thorns. Finally, when porcupines want to get close to other porcupines, they can’t do it.

Because the closer you get to each other, the more you will hurt each other.

So human beings began to learn to put on a mask, learn to lie, learn to avoid important things, and learn to deceive and hurt each other.

Maybe only when human beings complete the plan, when everyone returns to the water of life (L.C.L), and when everyone becomes the existence of souls, can they truly re-integrate with each other, and only in this way can the hearts meet and understand each other. ?

But is that really the best ending?

A lot of times, the truth is what hurts the most. Although two people wearing masks and hypocritical dialogues are full of estrangement, at least they won’t really hurt each other’s face.

Even many secrets can only be kept alive to keep others alive.

Is it really good to have a world of truth where everyone can be honest?

A small dark history is enough to make a weak-willed child autistic, and a past that does not commit a crime is enough to make a beautiful woman mad.

Lu Yuan doesn’t think it’s a bad thing to have secrets, and he doesn’t think people have to be so frank with each other. There is still personal space and little secrets between him and his wives.

Lu Yuan would never spy on the thoughts of his family, that would be offensive.

So Lu Yuan could only sigh, not knowing how to comfort the autistic boy.


“It can only be taken slowly.”

In the end, Lu Yuan could only be “honest” for a while, and he didn’t continue to forcibly pull Ikari’s soul out, nor let her meet Ikari Shinji.

Unless Ikari Shinji takes the first plane next time, we will talk about it later.

As for Miri Katsuragi and Ritsuko Akagi, the longer they have been in contact with Lu Yuan, the more they feel Lu Yuan’s fear.

This may really be a god, and he can even make humans his apostles.

However, the two women were more afraid and resisted.

They know some secrets, but they don’t know more truths. They only know that if human beings want to survive, they must defeat all the apostles and prevent the apostles from contacting Adam, otherwise there will be a third shock.

But they may not know the real plan and purpose of NERV and SEELE now.

If they knew that the final human completion plan might even make the entire human race return to oneness, or even become an apostle, or even a god, I don’t know how they would feel.

At least they don’t know those secrets yet, maybe it will have to wait until Kaji Ryoji debuts, right? That infatuated, scumbag guy.

Speaking of blessing Ryoji, Lu Yuan actually admired this man very much, and he was the one who made it impossible for Lu Yuan to have the slightest idea of Miri Katsuragi.

Otherwise, Miri Katsuragi is still very beautiful.

Then again, since he plans to do nothing for the time being, Lu Yuan must find a place to live, right? Maybe get a job or something?

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