I, Doomsday, Stayed in the Core of the Sun for 100,000 Years

Chapter 569

Chapter 569 Results Of The 1 Day Of Training

Lu Yuan said this, but made them all silent.

Toji Suzuhara and Kensuke Aida stopped talking and exchanged glances secretly.

“Teacher, are you really a god?” Suzuhara Toji’s tone was a little guilty, but he still wanted to confirm.

Lu Yuan shrugged: “If it’s a replacement, or I have to prove it? But why do I have to do that? Don’t you guys want to quit? Okay, let’s go. By the way, although you (referring to Kensuke Aida) ) I haven’t noticed yet, but you don’t need glasses anymore. But when you become an ordinary person again, you should still need them, right? I’ll fix it for you.”

Lu Yuan didn’t even need to do it himself, but he just said a word, and the words followed, and Aida Kensuke’s glasses were repaired.

What’s more shocking is that the lens that was shattered to the ground seems to be going back in time, flying backwards and returning to the frame to restore it as before.

This time, except for Ikari Shinji, both of them murmured.

Lu Yuan had said before that he was a god, but they didn’t take it to heart.

Now that Lu Yuan mentioned it again, they began to slowly come into contact with the truth that shocked them.

Could this mysterious teacher really be a god?

Only Shinji Ikari was sure of this.

“Then what do you want us to do?” Toji Suzuhara scratched his head. He was indeed one of the trio of idiots, and the most idiotic of them all.

Lu Yuanxin said co-authoring what I said before was all in vain, right?

“Simply put, I want you to be the heroes of this world and the saviors who guard this world, but instead of riding the EVA, I want to fight as my apostles.”

“I want you to show the world that mankind does not need to perish and reintegrate into an individual (apostle), and that mankind itself has infinite potential and infinite possibilities.”

“Isn’t it a pity that human beings have not yet been able to set foot in space and study the mysteries of the universe?”

“I think the quality of the two of you is not bad, at least not bad people, just idiots, so I gave you such an opportunity, so that you can have the opportunity to improve your character together with Shinji-kun ¨’ .”

“But if you don’t want to and don’t have the courage, then forget it.”

Lu Yuan spread his hands and said deliberately, “Although I am a god, I can’t force your will, can I? Forget it, just treat today as a dream, and the dream is over.”

The more he said that, the more excited Suzuhara Toji was, is he going to become a hero and a savior? This is his dream.

Definitely Lu Yuan is not fooling people. He originally planned to train Ikari Shinji alone. After thinking that these two children were really good, he decided to find two helpers and friends for Ikari Shinji.

Don’t you see that the EVA is also the three units of the zero, the first and the second unit acting together.

“Teacher, can we go back on it?” Even Aida Kensuke’s eyes lit up.

Lu Yuan looked at them funny: “Aren’t you going?”

The two shook their heads.

“Aren’t you afraid of being beaten?”

The two continued to shake their heads.

“Don’t you think it’s a loss?”

The two continued to shake their heads.

In the end, even Shinji Ikari couldn’t stand it anymore, so he pleaded for the two of them: “Just forgive them.”

Lu Yuan snorted: “I’m looking at Shinji-kun’s face.”

Toji Suzuhara said subconsciously, “A man is not cute even Tsundere.”

“Huh?” Lu Yuan’s eyes widened, this guy: “Stand there and don’t move, I’ll give you a blessing.”

Toji Suzuhara hurriedly shouted, “The teacher said it.”

But Lu Yuan still fell a bolt from the blue and hit him on the head, and Suzuhara Toji’s face turned black.

Lu Yuan is a god, but he was mocked by his own apostles. It would be a death penalty to be a fanatic.

The apostle comes from the Protege term, and it is also the term of the highest-ranking believers.

Suzuhara Toji and the others didn’t know that Lu Yuan had hundreds of thousands of fanatics (the soldiers of the Superman army) and more than millions of believers (all Kryptonians) in other worlds.

Otherwise, they would definitely not dare to make a fuss.

“Then continue?” Lu Yuan asked.

This time, the trio no longer have any doubts.

Chaos… The training begins again.

It’s just that they were so chaotic that they couldn’t even fight their own mirror images. Lu Yuan couldn’t stand it anymore, so he simply forced something related to fighting skills into their memories.

Lu Yuan masters all the fighting techniques of Marvel Earth and the Marvel Kerry Empire, including Krypton’s fighting techniques and his own fighting experience.

This is equivalent to Daigo empowerment, but the empowerment is not skill, but fighting skills.

This time, they finally look alike.

“It’s long overdue,” Suzuhara Toji muttered.

Lu Yuan rolled his eyes, co-authored or was he wrong?

“Make it clear that with your weak willpower, you will easily become fools by rashly receiving huge memory and mental power,” Lu Yuan warned them.

At least now they are only the limit of ordinary people, especially when they are only fourteen years old, their willpower is far from enough.

What’s more, the combat experience has to be accumulated through actual combat, so the battle with the mirror image cannot be stopped.

And in the process of fighting, the trio did not find that their strength was gradually increasing, and their speed was also accelerating. As they gradually mastered their current physical fitness, the gene lock was continuously turned on to the next Level 1 stage.

When the training lasted for three hours and it was night time, they finally surpassed the human category and reached the level of the Superman class.

Only then did Lu Yuan call off today’s training.

“‘ ˇ Feel your changes now,” Lu Yuan waved his hand to make the mirror disappear, and then summoned the original mirror today.

With the progress of the trio, the strength of the mirrors will also be synchronized, otherwise there is no point.

And now, Lu Yuan asked the trio to face the mirror image they faced today, and said, “Defeat them (Zhao Wang Zhao) is the last assignment for today.”

The trio looked at each other in dismay, and Suzuhara Toji rushed out first.

I saw that he kicked hard under his feet and turned his whole body into a phantom, and there was even a roar behind him.

Suzuhara Toji, who rushed in front of the mirror image, didn’t notice the change, and when he lifted his foot, it was a kick.

Lu Yuan had already explained the principle of the mirror image. It was equivalent to their mirror. Even if they were killed, they would not really die, nor would it affect them.

Therefore, Suzuhara Toji has no intention of showing mercy at all.

And he was kicking, kicking the mirror’s chest.

Just listening to the sound of ‘click’, the mirror sternum was completely shattered, and the whole person quickly flew into the distance, not only breaking through the guardrail around the rooftop, but also flying further away.

Toji Suzuhara lowered his head and looked at his hands in disbelief. Is this his current strength? .

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