I, Doomsday, Stayed in the Core of the Sun for 100,000 Years

Chapter 616

Chapter 616 Poor Asuka, The 9 Apostle Strikes

Asuka originally wanted to catch up with Lu Yuan and asked him why he took his job away.

Asuka’s life is not a happy life, it is better to say that because of the second shock in this world, almost everyone has this and that kind of thing.

Her mother, like Ikari Soi, went mad because a part of her soul remained in the second unit when she first carried out the first experiment with the second unit.

It was precisely the part of her mother’s love for Asuka that her mother had lost.

This strikes Asuka as her mother forgot she even existed.

And Asuka’s father also ran away with Xiaosan.

For Asuka, the meaning of her life is to drive the EVA to face the apostles. Besides, she doesn’t know what else she can do, and that is the only thing she is proud of.

But she didn’t catch up with Lu Yuan and the others. When she came out, Lu Yuan and the others had disappeared.

“Damn,” Asuka could only stomp her feet, but she had no choice but to rush to NERV headquarters alone.

On the other side, in the mirror world.

Asuka definitely couldn’t catch up. In fact, when Lu Yuan and the others left the classroom, they immediately entered the mirror world-.

“The ninth apostle is more difficult,” Lu Yuan began to explain to the trio: “The ninth apostle has the ability to erode, you must be careful, because even you may be apostle-turned.”

That is an apostle with a powerful parasitic ability, even EVA can be polluted.

Lu Yuan rushed back just because he was worried about this.

The ninth apostle is coming, this is the news brought by Lu Yuan.

But apart from the news he brought, almost everyone was in a dazed state.

Including the responsible NERV, there is no information at all, and all devices cannot detect the information of the blue graphics.

They could only wait for the apostle to actually show up, and there was nothing else they could do.

Originally, NERV didn’t even plan to do anything, because Lu Yuan and the trio had already undertaken the task of meeting the apostles.

Even SEELE has acquiesced.

They dared to resist.

But Asuka didn’t think so, so she ran into the second machine alone, but she didn’t get the order, and she couldn’t start the second machine.

While everyone was silently waiting for the ninth apostle to appear, NERV was evacuating people as usual, and everything was in order.

Accident happened.

Poor Asuka, the ninth apostle was staring at her again for some reason. No one knew how the apostle sneaked in. When the blue graphic alarm sounded at NERV headquarters, everyone looked at the instrument blankly.

“The signal source of the ninth apostle is in our headquarters?”

Everyone at NERV was silent, and they were in a state of bewilderment.

How did the ninth apostle get in? Nobody knows.

“No, the signal of the ninth apostle is from the second unit, cut off the cable of the second unit.”

“The pilot of the second plane has been loaded, oops, the second plane has been activated.”

“Is the restraint still there?”

“The Ninth Apostle has been torn down with the AT stand.”

“The No. 2 unit has been activated, and it is meaningless to cut the cable. This is an apostle.”

The apostle has the fruit of life, which is a perpetual motion machine, and has endless physical energy without charging at all.

This time, the NERV headquarters is in danger, because the No. 2 machine is inside the NERV headquarters. Once the ninth apostle runs rampant inside NERV, the damage caused will be immeasurable.

Just when the people at NERV didn’t know what to do.

Someone asked: “Huh? The ninth apostle did not control the runaway of No. 2 aircraft, but left?”

It turned out that after the ninth apostle corroded the second machine, he was not interested in the NERV headquarters at all, but just found an exit and left.

Originally, NERV needed to open the channel, but in front of the AT position of the apostles, nothing could stop it.

In NERV, Ikari Yuandu has been sitting in his old position with the old gods there, with his hands crossed and his chin supported. He is the only one who has not had any mood swings from beginning to end.

Even Dongyue Gengzao, who was on the side, muttered to himself: “Yes, Adam and Lilith are in that person’s hands, the goal of the apostles is no longer here, where will the apostles appear? Act exactly as that Being wills.”

What was the purpose of the apostles attacking the earth?

Naturally, it is to re-integrate with Adam, and then obtain the fruit of wisdom and become a real God-like existence.

But now both Adam and Lilith are no longer in the NERV headquarters, but under Lu Yuan’s control.

Doesn’t this mean that Lu Yuan took the bait and wanted the apostles to go wherever they wanted, so they could only follow.

As for why the ninth apostle deliberately corrupted the second machine, maybe it needed the power of the second machine to help itself.

In short, after the ninth apostle quietly sneaked into the NERV headquarters, he just occupied the second machine, and then it came to the ground.

NERV is located underground in the third city of Xindong, and the entire underground cavity may be several hundred meters high.

After all, not only can the city buildings be put underground when the apostles attack, but also the apostles and EVA can be fought here, which shows how spacious it is.


But this made the ninth apostle’s departure into some trouble. After he finally found a way and a channel, he found that it was the trio who had been waiting for a long time.

Lu Yuan is very black-bellied, and sometimes he is really black-bellied to the extreme.

Lu Yuan clearly knew what the ninth apostle was like and what kind of ability he had.

And he was worried that the disciples of the trio would be hit, so he simply took them away.

Even, the ninth apostle can sneak into the NERV headquarters quietly, and even find Asuka and the second machine so smoothly, he may not have done something.

Lu Yuan knew the location of the ninth apostle for a long time, but he did not solve it easily, but deliberately waited here.

It can also be seen that Lu Yuan knew the location of the ninth apostle, and even knew where it was going to come out in advance.

But Lu Yuan didn’t stop anything, just watching Asuka being eroded, she might have entered the heavily polluted area, right?

Once the human soul is in too deep contact with the EVA, that is, the neural connection is too high, it may be contaminated.

Ikari Yui’s soul stayed in the first machine because he entered too deep into the realm.

“That girl is in a dangerous situation, I’ll leave it to you next.”

Lu Yuan sat on the edge of the rooftop of a nearby building with his legs crossed, and he had no intention of making a move.

The trio looked at each other.

“Isn’t this EVA?”

They didn’t know the apostles could do this

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