I, Doomsday, Stayed in the Core of the Sun for 100,000 Years

Chapter 82

Chapter 82 Mobile Ph1 Launch Begins

In the stock market, there are such huge amounts of twists and turns today that many people did not expect.

However, Lu Yuan and Tony had expected it.

Many people think that if Tony is so foolish, the stock price of Stark Group will definitely fall to the bottom, or even lock up in advance.

As a result, Lu Yuan and Tony had prepared a huge amount of funds in advance, most of which were definitely provided by Tony, and Lu Yuan only provided a maximum of 100 million US dollars.

But it was just one hundred million, because Lu Yuan deliberately waited until the first point near the lock-up point and began to frantically buy it, converting it to the total value of one billion before the value.

And then it’s Tony’s shot.

In fact, Tony didn’t intend to do this at first, because he was confident that as long as the press conference was successfully completed, as long as the mobile phone industry developed smoothly, the Stark Group would never be killed by him.

But Lu Yuan said: “You are stupid, “Three Four Zeros” can make a hundred times the profit with one hand, why not play?”

Although Lu Yuan was not a god in his previous life and in the DC world, he also knew that the situation in front of him was a once-in-a-lifetime situation.

Shi Stark Group will never be finished. On the contrary, as long as this transition is completed, Shi Stark Group will change from a group that serves a certain country alone to a super business empire that spans the world and has huge influence all over the world.

By that time, the value of Shi Stark Group will double by more than a hundred times.

People who sell stocks like crazy now will pay hundreds of times more to buy them back.

Didn’t even have to sell it.

Tony just agreed.

So the two of them handed over the press conference to Xiao Chili to deal with it, and the two of them hid here, taking advantage of the poor information to frantically buy their own stocks.

And because of the influence of the stock market here, almost no one noticed the situation at the press conference, and no one started again because Tony stabilized the stock price of Stark Group with his huge wealth.

Later, someone started to guess, knowing that maybe Tony used his own money to stabilize his company’s stock.

Many people are secretly laughing, if they knew that today, why should they be in the first place?

You have to kill yourself, and a weapon dealer suddenly doesn’t sell weapons, so what are you doing with a cell phone?

I don’t know if the current mobile phone market is contracted by the major mobile phone manufacturers? Do you still want to enter the venue rashly?

Don’t say that outsiders are not optimistic, even Rhodes called Tony later.

“Tony, if it really doesn’t work, I’ll help you to intercede. As long as you can still become the only weapons supplier for the army, the Stark Group will not fall,” Rhode was very sincere and loyal, he knew that Tony had previously Almost offended the military.

In any case, the Minister of Defense is also considered a military man and a boss, and you are slapping the military in the face of him.

On top of that, the military also wanted battle suit technology.

Tony thanked him on the phone: “Xiao Luo, thank you. But no need, have you watched the press conference? Also, as a friend, I advise you not to sell your stocks.”

It turns out that Rod also owns some stock, and he said, “I definitely won’t sell it, and I’m not short of money to spend. So I bought another hundred thousand dollars. Tony, sorry, that’s all I can help. already.”

Tony not only didn’t mind, but raised his eyebrows at Lu Yuan, which was proud.

Look, our buddy is reliable, right?

“Okay, when this is over, let’s find a place to have a few drinks. By the way, I have a present for you,” Tony didn’t make up his mind until then. What he called a gift was actually It is War Machine, which is the Mark battle suit he eliminated.

Lu Yuan has helped him master a new element that can replace palladium, not because Tony is really poisoned, but because the new element is more stable than palladium and can provide much more energy than the previous generation.

With that, Tony is already starting to build the fourth generation of the Mark battle suit.

Because the first-generation Mark battle suit was still aborted, it only appeared in the form of drawings.

Then the second generation is the real first generation, and because Lu Yuan mentioned the problem of freezing, it also includes the third generation technology.

And Lu Yuan’s battle suit can be considered as the second generation, but he hasn’t worn it all the time, and it’s about to grow hair in Tony’s house.

Then Tony built the third generation battle suit, the classic suitcase battle suit.

Therefore, the battle suit of the new element will become the fourth generation, and his previous battle suit is ready to be given to Rhodes.

As for why it was given to Rhodes, the reasons have been mentioned before. One is to have a good relationship, and the other is to show goodwill to the military and a certain country.

Is Tony just an ordinary businessman, or lives in a certain country, if he is targeted by a certain country from all aspects, it will be bad for him and the company.  …

The battle suit technology will not be handed over, but Rhodes can be given a battle suit and let him wear the battle suit to work for the military.

This is to give each other a step up.

Having said that, it is time to mention the situation at the press conference.

Pepper was holding a press conference at a huge amount of exhibition, and then waited until a minute before the conference started, and she was finally convinced that the two bastards were not planning to come.

After stomping his feet fiercely, Xiao Chili could only go into battle in person.

To be honest, I was still very nervous.

Especially when she noticed that there were so many reporters coming today, almost all journalists from all over the world came.

They are not necessarily interested in Shi Stark Group’s mobile phone, they are interested in why Shi Stark Group does this, why Shi Stark Group shut down the weapons department?

Someone couldn’t help but ask right away.

Xiao Chili stood on the stage, just smiled slightly, picked up a thin and light phone with almost no buttons on the candy bar body, and the screen ratio can reach the level of full screen, and showed it to everyone.

“what is that?”

Everyone in the audience, including those sent by major mobile phone manufacturers to inquire about the situation, were all confused.

Because no one has seen it before, it seems to be a mobile phone, but what about the buttons? How to make a call without a button?

Even if virtual buttons are used, what about the battery in such a thin and light body?

There are many more questions about 2.0, but we don’t know where to start.

And most importantly, the launch was actually broadcast globally and live.

It means that there are countless audiences watching this press conference all over the world.

Although a certain countryman ignored the press conference because of the stock market situation, except for a certain countryman, people all over the world are paying more or less attention to it.

Xiao Chili opened his mouth, and while turning on the lock screen state of the screen, he said, “This is a super-era mobile phone newly developed by Shi Stark Group, called a smartphone.”

“To borrow a word from our two shareholders, Tony Shi Stark and Mr. Lu Yuan Aier. Today’s mobile phones can be thrown into the trash and eliminated. Because from now on, there will be only one kind of mobile phone in the world, and that is Shi. The super-smartphone of the Stark Group.”


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