I, Doomsday, Stayed in the Core of the Sun for 100,000 Years

Chapter 89

Chapter 89 In Depth Conversation With Captain America, Literally

“This Tony.”

When Lu Yuan returned home, it was already late at night.

He scolded and returned home, because after Tony approached him and talked for a while, he finally told Lu Yuan that this plan might not use Lu Yuan for anything.

After all Tony has said, he’s not going to do anything right now, expecting something ‘good’ from Hammer Industries.

Then he is still looking for himself?

Lu Yuan was speechless, and finally realized that it was because Xiao Chili was busy late, so he got bored and called himself over.

The two drank again, and Mr. Bulb was not driven away until Xiao Chili got off work.

That’s right, Lu Yuan was kicked out immediately after being used up.

What kind of humanity is this?

Lu Yuan was definitely not convinced, so he decisively took all the good wine from Tony away.

Because Lu Yuan moved out, Tony bought a lot of good wine, but he was robbed today.

But when Lu Yuan returned home, he realized that he had forgotten that there was already an extra resident in the house.

Steve hasn’t slept yet, sitting at the table in the living room with a plate of pasta in front of him.

A little embarrassed to stand up, Steve said, “I didn’t expect you to come back. No, I didn’t expect you to come back at this time, do you want to eat together?”

He only remembered halfway through, this is Lu Yuan’s house, why didn’t they come back?

He is the one who lives here.

Lu Yuan waved his hand, came to the side with a few bottles of wine he grabbed, and then went to the kitchen to take out two glasses: “Have a drink?”

Steve shrugged and agreed.

The two poured wine and chatted while drinking.

But after all, they are still behind the times, especially Steve, who was frozen for 70 years before waking up, and has a lot of confusion about the current world.

So there is not much to talk about.

Steve said without words: “By the way, I went shopping today and came back. I saw that there was nothing in the refrigerator and kitchen, so I bought some.”

Indeed, Lu Yuan just used Infinite Gems to change the furniture in the room, but in terms of eating and drinking, he didn’t want to use his ability, and he was too lazy to cook by himself, so he kept it empty all the time.

Until today, when Steve moved in, he found that there was not even a single vegetable leaf in the kitchen, so he bought a lot of ingredients and his own daily necessities.

Including the pasta is also the material I just bought today.

Lu Yuan agreed casually: “Look at it, it’s better to buy what you like. I don’t care about my words, I prefer Chinese food ¨’ .”

After all, he was an Oriental in his previous life.

Steve looked thoughtful and suddenly asked, “Are you really an alien?”

It seems that Steve’s character is very real, and it has been revealed from this point that Fury really told him about Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan didn’t mind either. After all, they were drinking and chatting, and they didn’t have much to talk about. If they mind a little more here and can’t talk there, there’s nothing to talk about.

“Yes, I’m an alien. In fact, aliens are nothing, at least I know that they are very lively in the Milky Way. For example, Saturn has a satellite called Titan, which once had signs of civilization on it, called Titans,” Lu Yuan came casually.

And he’s not lying, because the Titan star mentioned by Lu Yuan is actually the hometown of Thanos Thanos.

Thanos is also called Thanos, the problem of transliteration.

Including in the real world, this Titan star is also believed by scientists to have signs of life.

The reason is that Titan can be said to be the twin brother of the earth in many ways. The environment on the planet is extremely similar to the earth, and it is the most suitable habitable planet for the earth in the future.

The premise is that there is no life culture on Titan, otherwise Star Wars will break out.

“In addition, there are Xandar people, Kree people and even Skrull people. In the Milky Way alone, there are countless planets with life civilizations. And many planets have far more technological civilizations than Earth, including aliens. A record of people visiting the earth.”

For example, when Star-Lord was taken away as a child.

“So,” Lu Yuan spread his hands: “Even if you meet an alien, you don’t need to be surprised at all. The universe is so big, it’s impossible that only the earth is special, isn’t it?”

The vastness of the universe is beyond human comprehension.

Because the Milky Way alone has more than 100 billion Fixed Stars.

We all know that the sun is also a Fixed Star, and has a strong gravitational force, which makes the entire solar system revolve around the sun.

Including the earth is also a planet in the solar system.

And the 100 billion Fixed Stars, even if they are only the size of the solar system, are 100 billion Fixed Star systems that make up such a splendid galaxy.

Think about this scale.

Even speaking, the scale of the Milky Way is not the largest, and there are two ‘big brothers’ on the edge of the Milky Way.

Even galaxies such as the Milky Way are grouped together to form larger groups of galaxies.

And there are not many such galaxies in the universe.

How big is a universe?

That is quite large, far beyond the imagination of people on earth, because with the current technology of the earth, it is impossible to detect the situation of celestial bodies that are too far beyond the Milky Way, let alone want to know more about the mysteries and true meaning of the universe.

So in such a vast and boundless universe, is there really only human beings?

How is it possible, including on the earth, humans are not the only life.

All kinds of animals bloom, how many kinds of animals have appeared since ancient times? It’s just on Earth.

“‘ ˇ Looking at the universe, human beings are not alone, and they are not conspicuous. It is not exaggerated to say that they are insignificant. However, human beings are also great. After all, the history of human beings is only so short, and it has really entered a stage of rapid development. In the first few thousand years, only the few hundred years after entering the industrial age.”

“However, the civilization of the earth has already entered the civilization of the universe. I believe that the earth will overtake sooner or later, and it will become important even in the Milky Way.”

When Lu Yuan said the end, he raised his glass and gestured to Steve.

Steve was shocked, he knew that the universe was so lively.

The two continued to chat about a lot of topics, Lu Yuan was also interested in Steve’s shield, and Steve didn’t see it outside, he took out his shield and handed it to Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan played with it and found that the Vibranium shield is actually very light and thin, but it has a good absorption effect.

For example, if a punch hits the Vibranium shield, more than half of the kinetic energy of the force will be absorbed.

Definitely, even Vibranium will have an upper limit of strength ⑧5⑥⒈0⒐78② [Ling Long], and Vibranium is not the hardest metal in the Marvel universe.

There are many metals in the universe that surpass Vibranium, and Thanos’ weapon is one of them.

In addition, Steve also showed Lu Yuan his fighting style. He has played shield for so many years, and he can even do behaviors beyond the physical range.

And according to the trajectory calculation, let the shield return to the hand after hitting the target.

Lu Yuan looked interesting, clenched his fists and said, “Would you like me to punch?”

Little did Steve know that the punch would probably kill him, and he was about to agree.

Suddenly, Lu Yuan’s cell phone rang.

This time it wasn’t Fury, it wasn’t Natasha Romanoff, it was Phil Coulson.

“Lu Yuan, do you have time to help me?”

Lu Yuan was very unhappy: “Have I already repaid your favor? Also, I’m not from your S.H.I.E.L.D.”

As a result, Phil Coulson continued unconcernedly: “There’s a hammer I want you to see.”

“Okay, come on.”.

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