I earn really hard money

Chapter 452

Chapter 452
It took a total of more than ten minutes before and after. Everyone saw Director Lin personally demonstrate the play and then walked aside. All the staff took their positions and started a new round of filming.

"Oh, our cancer ambassador is finally in the mood!"

Shooting started, and the most problematic first scene was completed without any problems, followed by the drive across the Brooklyn Bridge.

However, just when everyone thought that the anti-cancer ambassador would drive by smoothly, they saw a puff of smoke from the tail of the taxi, and the low roar suddenly sounded, and the orange taxi seemed to suddenly turn into Aventador , rushing towards the bridge with many obstacles piled up like an arrow leaving the string.

The densely packed cameras in more than ten directions moved quickly with the vehicle at the same time, because the driver was considered to be NASCAR racer Spencer before, and high-speed movement was considered when configuring the mobile camera, but there was no accident due to the current situation.

"Oh, oh, did the car lose control? It's about to crash!"

The pedestrian passage is higher than the motorway, and people can see the situation of the taxi very clearly. When the character played by Jason sits in the co-pilot and puts on his seat belt, he runs wildly.

One obstacle after another was easily circumvented by the taxi, graceful posture without any muddy water, slowing down and accelerating out of the corner, and the occasional drift brought harsh tire grinding sound and smoke. If it weren't for the traces of bombing on the bridge, everyone would I suspect this is the scene of the blockbuster!

In the taxi, He Xia was fully involved. After being guided by professionals, he knew how to perform and how to express emotions through expressions. With an anxious and desperate expression on his face.

In the co-driver's seat, Jason, who is known for playing tough guys, felt the acceleration, deceleration, and sideways swing. He swallowed, and quietly tightened his seat belt and handle.

Is this acting or for real?

Jason couldn't help thinking this way, seeing a half-remained carriage getting closer and closer to him, he simply closed his eyes, anyway, he is not the protagonist in this scene, even if there are some bad shots, just subtract it... …

He knew He Xia's identity, and for such a wild behavior of a top rich man, he could understand very well that life needed novel experiences and stimulations.

He Xia didn't know Jason's feelings. He used the racing skills he learned from Fast and Furious to the extreme. Two words describe his mood at the moment, happy!

Spencer, wearing a floppy hat, stood on the walkway, sulking at the fact that an irresistible character had taken his place, not because of the stand-in's pay, but the production team promised to do it as usual. He agreed to pay the remuneration, but he was not happy because he wanted to leave his own scene in the film.

Even if he appeared as a stand-in in that scene, it didn't prevent him from showing off to others in the circle.

With a mentality of dissatisfaction, Spencer especially wanted to see the boss who replaced him make a fool of himself, but at the moment the taxi that was sliding past left him stunned.

The vehicle passed a half-remained container obliquely, and the fast speed shocked him. The four wheels of the specially modified taxi were deflected in one direction, and the strong grip barely made the vehicle on the verge of losing control. But it's that kind of critical state that makes people's blood boil the most!
At this moment, no matter if the accelerator is increased by one millimeter, or the brake is touched slightly, or the steering wheel is turned even by an angle, it is very likely to cause the vehicle to lose control. If it is serious, it will hit the guardrail and fly out of the bridge, or it will spin on the spot and lose control. .

The unexpected situation did not happen, the taxi passed the obstacle gracefully, the bullet time passed, and the afterimage turned into orange lightning and continued to drive to the other end of the bridge.

"This person... is amazing!"

The cup in Spencer's hand fell to the ground, the coffee splashed all over his trousers, and he looked at the orange elf going away with a dull face. He didn't want to admit it, but he had to admit that the other party's skills were no less than his own!

"That's right, rich people can devote more time and money to practicing driving skills, and they should be better than me."

Thinking of this, Spencer felt a little relieved, glanced at the taxi that had gone away, squatted down, picked up the cup and drank the rest of the coffee in one gulp.

"My God, my cousin, he turned out to be such a good driver. Sister Shiliu, didn't you know that before?"

Although Deng Weiwei didn't know much about racing, she could understand every exclamation from the people around her, and she could also see the nervous and excited expressions on their faces, which proved that her cousin's driving skills were quite superb.

Zhou Shiliu was also surprised, and murmured: "I don't know too much... I only know that He Xia joined a supercar club in the capital. It must be that he always went to the track to practice during that time."

"However... I suspect that this guy should have learned it before, otherwise he would definitely not be able to practice in such a short time!"

Zhou Shiliu added another sentence.

"God..." Graffit walked up to Greck, and said in an unbelievable tone: "Mr. He's driving skills...the timing, the control of the accelerator, and the precise direction are definitely the attributes of a world-class player. Level, I do..."

"Yes, you dared to challenge Mr. He even before. I really admire your courage." Greg answered the words naturally, with a smug smile on his face. He hoped to see Graffit in He Xia. Make a fool of yourself.

Graffit didn't care about Greck's ridicule, and rarely said seriously with awe: "This is a wonderful achievement after paying countless sweat, fuel and tires. It's really admirable!"

In order to hone a technology to the extreme, it takes painstaking efforts and hard work that ordinary people cannot fathom. Graffit, who has done similar things before, understands the hardships.

The staff of the production side were also amazed. Through the shooting of multi-angle cameras, they could fully appreciate He Xia's driving skills on the screen, and the multi-angle display was more comprehensive.

Dwayne Johnson was wearing a blood-stained costume, his face was covered in dust and blood, and he looked a bit embarrassed. He looked at the screen with his mouth slightly open, and immediately said to Director Lin beside him: "This is really He Xia driving the car." ?”

"Of course, didn't you see it too? I don't have the ability to make Spencer into Mr. He. My God, I didn't know Mr. He had this skill!"

As a great director, Lin Yibin is well-informed, knowledgeable, and clear-headed, so he can't help being surprised.

"Can have such superb driving skills, I don't know whether it is talent or acquired training..."

The screenwriter looked at the screen and asked questions.

"How can there be so many talents, I think it must be the driving skills that have been cultivated through crazy tire grinding!"

Johnson does not believe in talent, he believes in hard work and sweat, because he has come to today step by step through hard work. Of course, this is inseparable from opportunities. Opportunities and talents are two different things.

Mozart felt lost because others buried his day-to-day practice with the word genius!
Boss He's situation is just the opposite. He obviously became a genius with the ability instilled by the portal. To put it bluntly, he spent an afternoon at the Beijing International Circuit, but everyone thought his ability came from hard training... …

If He Xia knows what everyone thinks, he will have no way to refute, and he will not refute. It is very good to set up a character who works hard and perseveres immediately.

He Xia, who tried to keep his expression tense and not so exaggerated, knew that everyone on the Brooklyn Bridge would be attracted by the taxi he was driving. He had this confidence!
Before getting the portal, He Xia didn't like to be noticed by others, but at this moment, he just hoped that as many people could see his performance, the better!
The feeling of being one with the car made him very happy, but the face of the co-pilot Jason was not so good-looking. He could barely calm down when he got in the car, but it was not so easy to endure more than 1000 meters.

Acting is acting, even if it's real, it's the job of a stuntman. He never thought that he would experience such an exciting drag racing today. Fortunately, Director Lin didn't stop, otherwise he would really not be able to stand it again!
Riding a roller coaster is not so exciting!

The probability of an accident on a roller coaster is much lower than that of a car getting out of control...

Just as he was thinking wildly, the vehicle suddenly slowed down. When he opened his eyes, he saw that Manhattan was full of tall buildings, and he had already passed the shooting...

Thank goodness!


When He Xia drove out of the shooting area, Director Lin stood up and shouted, then looked at the staff beside him and asked, "How long?"

"Oh my god, 58 seconds, this, this, this..."

It was not the staff member who was timing the speech, but Spencer, who returned to the crowd, was filled with disbelief when he saw the results on the stopwatch.

Knowing that he was going to be a stand-in, Spencer got the relevant information from the crew in advance, which included a simulation map of the Brooklyn Bridge after it was set up. He imported the data into the racing simulator and simulated it no less than a hundred times. The best result was 59 seconds.

Because of this, he was very surprised by He Xia's time of 58 seconds!

And more importantly, if he were to drive a taxi, he wouldn't be able to be as entertaining as He Xia. His driving skills tended to be more competitive, and he didn't study the cool movements of street racing.

Not only Spencer, but almost 90.00% of the people at the scene were amazed by He Xia's superb driving skills, and the remaining [-]% were those who didn't know what to do.

Director Lin said with a strange smile on his face: "I thought we would need to increase the budget to add later stages to this important scene, but now it seems... not only do we not need to increase the budget, but we can even save a little bit of special effects costs, which is really surprising."

Many people showed unexpected expressions.

"Mr. He, your driving skills shocked me. I heard Johnson say that you are very good at fighting. I was skeptical at first, but now I don't dare to doubt casually."

Jason looked at the young man next to him with a complicated expression, who still couldn't hide his extravagance even though he was wearing cheap casual clothes, and said.

He Xia shook the steering wheel very excitedly. The reckless racing on the real road is completely different from being on the track. After hearing Jason's words, he turned his head and smiled: "I didn't have a relationship with Johnson. Passing, he is just speculating, we can practice together if we have the opportunity.”

Jason once served in the British diving team for 12 years, and later transformed into an actor. He insisted on various trainings on a daily basis. His fighting skills are much better than ordinary people, but they are slightly inferior to professional players. Up to standard.

Jason was very happy to receive He Xia's invitation, but before he could say anything, he saw two figures appearing beside the car.

"Mr. He, the fans are very restless, let's go."

Gourav pointed in the direction of the sidewalk with a serious expression.

He Xia looked in the direction that Gourav pointed. The fans who watched the filming were very enthusiastic and were waving their arms towards him.

Facing the chaos that was about to erupt, He Xia didn't choose to stay. He made a helpless expression to Jason, waved his hand, and quickly left the scene with Gourav.

"Githers... It's a pity that I didn't even have a chance to say a word!"

On the bridge, Johnson looked at the whirring helicopter and complained to Zhou Shiliu.

"The cool car skills ignited the audience's emotions. This is a natural ending. It's not too late to get together after you're done. How many episodes are there next?"

Zhou Shiliu and Deng Weiwei did not leave with He Xia, they still wanted to play here for a while, and they would have a light meal with Johnson and others at noon.

Deng Weiwei, who was following Zhou Shiliu, looked curiously at the figure that had appeared on the screen, feeling very novel.

"I expected the sensation to be caused. It's impolite for you to force me away like this. After all, it's my movie debut. I don't even have the chance to sign autographs for fans. What a fool!"

On the helicopter, He Xia looked down at the Brooklyn Bridge where other scenes were still being filmed, and He Xia felt somewhat regretful.

It's not that you haven't experienced the attention under the spotlight, but the experience is different due to the different ways of attracting attention.

"Mr. He, without comprehensive security preparations, it is not suitable to contact fans, no, uh, fans..."

Graffit said hesitantly.

He Xia shrugged and sighed: "It's over before I have time to have fun. It's really boring. Next time I will vote for a movie just for myself!"

Thinking of myself traveling between various film and television dramas to perform tasks, why not shoot an interesting movie myself, in case I can enter the world of movies I interpret in the future, that would be so interesting!
"Oh, that's an interesting idea, Mr. Ho, I'm all for it!"

Graffit expressed his stance excitedly, and continued, "I don't know if you can arrange a chic role for me."

He Xia cast a helpless glance at Grafitt, then looked back at the bustling Brooklyn Bridge again, and let out a long sigh.

When Boss He returned to Rael Manor very dissatisfied, a group of elderly researchers were excited around a computer screen on the island of Ania in the Aegean Sea in Greece!
"Bacteriophages in mice notice tumor cells in the liver..."

An old man with messy hair pointed at the screen and shouted loudly, with an unhealthy flush on his face, and extreme excitement revealed between his brows!

(End of this chapter)

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