I Eat Monsters In the Town Monster

Chapter 15: dead yellow skin

The short and thin old man was really stunned.

My double ponytails can be kept, and the little devil is barely considered, but what is that black silk, picking up guests?

The short and thin old man with question marks on his head even forgot to get into Qin Shaoyou's body to devour his flesh and yang energy.

This is exactly the opportunity Qin Shaoyou is looking for.

He didn't waste this opportunity, he suddenly threw the blanket on his body towards the short and thin old man, and at the same time jumped up and rushed towards it.

"You didn't have a dream?!"

In the small eyes of the short and thin old man, a stunned gaze was projected.

At this moment, it still doesn't understand, this kid's weird answer just now is to tease it at all.

What double ponytail black silk little devil JK!

This kid is clearly playing with me!

The short and thin old man let out an angry roar, and when he saw Qin Shaoyou pounce on it, not only did he not retreat and dodge, but he went up to meet him.

A mass of black energy gathered on the head of the short and thin old man. With the muffled 'bang', the head suddenly became several times larger, making the short and thin old man look like a human-shaped bean sprout, with his thin body bearing A big head that is exaggerated to the extreme.

The short and thin old man opened his **** mouth, and his yellow and bloodshot fangs were like sharp steel knives. Accompanied by the smoky rotten bad breath, he bit Qin Shaoyou who was hiding behind the blanket. go.

But before it bit Qin Shaoyou, a cold light came out from behind the blanket first, and 'puchi' stabbed it in the waist.

A stench of blood flowed out from the blade and dripped onto the ground.

It will bleed, indicating that it is a demon and not a ghost.

But how could there be demons in Wujiabao? Did they sneak in from outside at night, or...they were raised by the Wu family?

Qin Shaoyou glanced at the surrounding earthen wall from the corner of his eye, it was quiet and no one could be seen.

The soldiers of the Wu family were also fascinated by hypnosis?


The severe pain from the waist completely stimulated the short and thin old man's ferocity. He stretched out his hands and firmly grasped the long knife that stabbed him.

Don't look at it's small body, but it is very strong, Qin Shaoyou was not able to draw the knife back.

Even, if Qin Shaoyou was not strong enough and his cultivation reached the level of muscles and bones, he would probably be disarmed and seized by the short and thin old man.

The exaggerated big head of the short and thin old man also bit on the blanket at this time.

Its idea was to crush the blanket with Qin Shaoyou.

But its sharp fangs were not able to bite the flesh and blood, but a hard steel object.

Not only did the sound of iron and stone collide, but also a piece of sparks burst out, almost breaking its fangs.

As the blanket fell, the short and thin old man finally saw clearly what he had bitten.

A round shield made of fine iron!

The reason why Qin Shaoyou threw the blanket at the short and thin old man was to use it to block his sight so that the short and thin old man could not see the long sword and shield in his hand.

Judging from the results, the Yin man's tactics were undoubtedly successful.


Qin Shaoyou didn't give the short and thin old man a chance to react, he stirred up the blood in his body, strode forward, his left arm violently exerted force, and suddenly pushed away the short and thin old man's exaggerated big head.

At the same time, he released the long knife in his right hand, raised it and aimed it at the short and thin old man's head, revealing the hidden arrow in the arm cage.

Twisting the mechanism, a seven-inch long arrow shot out like lightning, nailing it into the left eye socket of the short, thin old man's exaggerated head.

A stream of blood rushed out immediately.

Having been shot blind in the eye, the pain brought to the short and thin old man was far more severe than being stabbed in the waist.

Its cry was louder and worse than before, and it let go of the hand that was holding the long knife, to draw the arrow, and cover its wounded and bleeding eyes.

Seeing this, Qin Shaoyou stretched out his hand to catch the long knife before it fell, and immediately threw away the shield.

This sword is as powerful as a tiger and as fast as a thunderbolt!


The exaggerated big head of the short and thin old man was cut off by Qin Shaoyou.

After the big head landed, it was like a punctured balloon, it instantly became smaller and shriveled, and in the end it turned back into a black shadow.

After losing his head, the short and thin old man's body fell to the ground and turned into a black shadow.

The two shadows quickly merged together and wanted to flee in the direction of the statue.

Qin Shaoyou had long been prepared for this situation.

With a loud shout, he shot with a long knife, which turned into a drill under the impetus of blood, and hit the black shadow with a 'dang', pinning it to the ground.

The shadow struggled twice, then stopped moving.

Immediately afterwards, the true face of the monster was revealed - a weasel with glossy hair.

On the weasel's waist, there was a stab wound that kept bleeding, and the neck was broken in two. The blood-stained little head rolled to the side, and the small eyes were wide open, obviously not resting.

"I take back what I said before, you don't look like some little devil JK with two ponytails and black silk now, you look like a dish."

Qin Shaoyou drew a long knife from the ground.

Just when the weasel showed his true body, among the recipes that only he could see, there was an additional medicinal recipe called 'Hot Demon Flower'.

This means that the Huangpizi who asked him for a ban is really dead, not pretending to be dead and wanting to fight back.

The poor weasel not only failed to get a seal on Qin Shaoyou, but also turned himself into a dish and contributed his injured waist.

But although the weasel was dead, the other shadows that emerged from the statue were still alive.

Seeing the death of their companions in Qin Shaoyou's hands, these shadows let out low or sharp roars, which looked particularly terrifying in the dark, and they dropped their targets that were sucking blood and rushed towards Qin Shaoyou.

They wanted to eat Qin Shaoyou to avenge their dead companions.

And the corpse puppets controlled by them also dispatched in unison to pounce on Qin Shaoyou. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

This time, facing the menacing shadows and corpse puppets, Qin Shaoyou did not come forward to fight.

Before he killed a weasel, he thought he could swept away all the monsters here.

He was about to wake up Zhu Xiucai, Monk Ma and others who were sleeping.

However, he also knew that if he wanted to wake up Zhu Xiucai, Monk Ma and others, ordinary means would not work.

The weasel and the black shadows were screaming so loudly, but Zhu Xiucai, Monk Ma and the others didn't respond at all. They still slept deadly and snored like thunder, which was enough to show that ordinary methods were useless.

Fortunately, Qin Shaoyou had already predicted that such a situation would happen.

He quickly took out a wooden box from his arms, and inside was a roll of white cloth with blood stains.

Separate the white cloth, and there is a gold needle inside.

The golden needle seemed to be able to sense that someone around was delirious, and a golden light erupted on its own, shooting at Zhu Xiucai, Monk Ma and others who were sleeping.

This is the No. 11 supernatural item with the yellow character [Golden Needle of Refreshing Spirit] that Qin Shaoyou took out from the Yaosi in Luocheng Town.

The function is to awaken the mind and awaken the mind, which can restore the mind of people who have been hypnotized, bewitched and other spiritual spells.

It is said that this supernatural item came from a famous doctor.

This famous doctor has been practicing medicine all his life and has cured countless patients, but after his wife went mad with evil, he has never been able to cure her.

In the end, his wife died of madness, and the famous doctor, in grief and guilt, spit out a mouthful of hard work, chasing his wife and died together.

The famous doctor's painstaking efforts before his death fell on the golden needle he had used all his life, turning the golden needle into a supernatural object, possessing the magical ability to awaken the mind.

But the scope is limited, and the side effects are also very strong...


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