I Eat Monsters In the Town Monster

Chapter 43: Look, dazzling bald head!

Lend my brain?

Monk Ma was a little surprised: Can you borrow your head too? Did you lend it back? How many more?

That is to say, Monk Ma has a simple personality. If someone else heard about borrowing his head, he would probably have to wonder if Qin Shaoyou was uneasy and good-natured.

For example, the eight-armed Arhat on the opposite side thought so.

After he was stunned for a while, he thought to himself what this kid meant, because he felt that he couldn't beat me, he wanted to admit that he was cowardly, and he planned to use his companion's head to make a name for himself? Tsk tsk, is it really a dead Taoist friend who is not a poor Taoist?

But soon, the eight-armed Arhat denied this guess.

Because of Qin Shaoyou's appearance, it really doesn't look like someone who wants to surrender.

Who is going to surrender and still work hard, and slash harder than a knife?

Even at the moment when the Eight-Armed Arhat was stunned, Qin Shaoyou seized the opportunity and threw a hidden arrow at him. Although he was blocked by him, it still angered him.

In the eyes of Eight Arms Arhat, Qin Shaoyou is simply an outlier.

This guy, not only trained his muscles and bones to be very hard and durable, surpassing the average muscle-bone martial artist, but he still felt unsatisfied. He put two sets of thick armor on his body and turned himself into an iron tortoise.

Not only that, he also had weapons hidden all over his body.

Not to mention Xiujian and darts. What left the eight-armed Luohan speechless the most was that this guy even had a dagger hidden in his boots.

Before he was unprepared, he was kicked by Qin Shaoyou. He thought it was not very lethal, but a blood hole was directly poked by the dagger.

Hiding a dagger in a boot doesn't stink your feet? Why don't you hide a knife in your crotch?

The eight-armed Arhat roared, broke the sleeve arrow, and attacked Qin Shaoyou and Monk Ma again. The eight arms danced into a ball of flowers.

At the same time, his eyes were fixed on Monk Ma's head.

Eight Arms Arhat guessed that Qin Shaoyou wanted to use the head of Monk Ma as a hidden weapon?

Just like the monsters like Feitouman, who can make their heads fly up suddenly and hurt people unexpectedly, does this kid also use some kind of magic to make Monk Ma's head fly up and bite people?

But isn't he a warrior? When did you learn magic?

Eight-armed Arhat's heart was full of confusion and incomprehension, but because of this, he became more vigilant and stared at Monk Ma's head more tightly, daring not to be negligent in the slightest, for fear that he would be overshadowed again.

After Qin Shaoyou swung his knife to block the attack of the eight-armed Arhat, he stepped sideways behind Monk Ma.

Taking advantage of the fact that Monk Ma stopped the eight-armed Arhat, he freed his hand and quickly took out a paper seal made of talisman paper from his arms.

After opening the paper seal, Qin Shaoyou didn't dare to touch the contents with his hands, he directly lifted the paper seal and slapped the contents on the bald head of Monk Ma.

When Qin Shaoyou removed the paper seal, he saw that there were actually three hairs pasted on Monk Ma's head.

Seeing this, the eight-armed Luohan became more and more confused and puzzled: This kid borrowed the monk's head just to do this? But what's the use of this? If you put three hairs on your bald head, can you get stronger?

Before the eight-armed Arhat could understand, suddenly, the bald head of Monk Ma shone brightly!

The dazzling light was released from Monk Ma's bald head, like a small sun bursting out!

Although it didn't last long, it was enough.

The eight-armed Arhat staring at Monk Ma's head, instantly felt tingling in his eyes, and he couldn't see anything.

Panicked, he hurriedly stepped back and screamed, "Ah...my eyes!"

At the same time, his eight arms fluttered around, but he was afraid that Qin Shaoyou and Monk Ma would take advantage of the moment when he was blinded to sneak attack and protect himself first.

It was not only the eight-armed arhats who were blinded by the dazzling bald head of Monk Ma.

The other evil Arhats of the Black Lotus Sect nearby were also affected and affected.

Among them, a multi-eyed arhat with eyes all over his body, as if he was in the COS Hundred-eyed Demon Lord, was the most seriously injured.

All of his eyes were blinded, and many of them even shed strange black blood.

So much so that he cried out in pain: "My dog's eye! Blind my dog's eye!"

Hearing this, the night watchmen of the Demon Suppression Division knew just now that the eyes of this guy who have strange magic powers that can affect people's spirits are all dog-eyed?

Immediately, I felt like I was completely out of style.

Compared to the evil Arhats of the Black Lotus Sect, the night watchmen of the Town Demon Division were much weaker due to the influence of Monk Ma's dazzling bald head due to the angle of their positions.

But they were still surprised by this sudden change.

No one could have imagined that a bald head could be so bright!

For Xue Qingshan and other people who knew about this supernatural item, the shock in their hearts was stronger than others.

Because they always thought that this supernatural item was useless.

The reason why it is kept in the spiritual room is to prevent it from flowing into the people and causing harm to ordinary people.

And this supernatural item has been in the spiritual room of Luocheng Town Yaosi for many years. It is said that it was left by a senior of the town Yaosi.

This senior is extremely talented, and his strength is getting stronger with practice, but the hair on his body becomes less and less as his strength improves.

In the end, when he achieved great feats and entered the upper third-rank realm, the last three hairs on the top of his head also fell out.

These three hairs, with the resentment of this senior, and the energy left behind when he broke through to the third-rank realm, turned into supernatural objects.

The effect is that once it is attached to the head, it will make people's hair fall out, and at the same time, the head will be radiant, as dazzling as the sun.

Isn't this kind of effect very tasteless? How could it have such an effect when it was suddenly taken out during a fierce battle? !

In addition to being surprised, Xue Qingshan and others couldn't help but wonder, how did Qin Shaoyou come up with this usage?

How do they know that this is Qin Shaoyou's experience from playing games in another world.

Well, flashbangs, one of the common props of the old yin, the effect is not too familiar.

So after seeing this magical item, Qin Shaoyou took it without hesitation. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Anyway, there is Monk Ma, he is bald, the side effects of this supernatural item will hardly cause any impact.

Xue Qingshan and the others were astonished, but they did not miss this great opportunity, and immediately launched a siege towards the blinded Black Lotus Sect evil Arhat.

Qin Shaoyou and Monk Ma are no exception.

They caught up with the retreating eight-armed Arhat right away. Seeing his eight arms fluttering wildly, Qin Shaoyou lowered his waist and slashed his feet with all his strength.

Because the eight-armed Arhat could not see, he was completely unprepared for this, and Qin Shaoyou cut his leg directly, and his mobility was greatly weakened.

Monk Ma took advantage of the situation and pounced on it, pressing the arm of the eight-armed Luohan with his left shield.

At the same time, the black iron hammer in his right hand kept smashing out, hitting the strange arms of the eight-armed Arhat, not only splashing blood and broken bones, but also making a melodic 'dong dong' sound.

But the monk Ma was still smashing and chanting scriptures, as if he had returned to the time when he was knocking on wooden fish in a temple to do his homework.

Qin Shaoyou also followed, waiting for the opportunity to cut off the two arms of the eight-armed Arhat that were weak in defense, and scolded: "I hate you tentacle monsters the most!"

Suddenly, Monk Ma's expression became a little subtle, as if his crotch was uncomfortable, and he twisted his **** a few times.

When Qin Shaoyou saw this scene, he was stunned at first, then thought of a possibility, and couldn't help but secretly screamed "Fuck".

Is it not just the head where hairs fall out?

Qin Shaoyou suddenly felt a little sorry for Monk Ma.

At the same time, I was secretly glad that I didn't use it for myself, otherwise I would be very embarrassed when I went to the brothel to discuss music theory and dance with others...


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