I established Kua Kua Cult in Naruto.

Chapter 62 The hand family has been fat sheep for generations!

Chapter 62 The Thousand Hands Clan Are Fat Sheep for Generations!
Tsunade covered her forehead. Although she had very little contact with Chen Ma, she also knew that Chen Ma was very competitive. Two years ago, she also saw Chen Ma get injured for a final exam.

It's just that I didn't expect that after two years, Chen Ma is still the same Chen Ma, and his personality has not changed at all.

And Tsunade looked at the back of his younger brother's head with pity. This younger brother is good at everything, but he is not talented and reckless.

A few days ago, Tsunade just tested Tatsuma and Minato. Although the two didn't show all their skills, even in terms of physical and gymnastics results, Roki couldn't compare.

The younger brother Naoki. He was suppressed by his classmates at the ninja school, suppressed by her sister at home, and even suppressed by Kushina in the past two years. Even Kushina couldn't beat him. He defeated Kushina's Tatsuma with the head And Minato?

But Tsunade didn't mean to stop it, because she knew that her brother was not that fragile, and repeated defeats and battles were the best qualities in her brother.

In such a short time, Sheng Shu and Chen Ma had already opened their posture, and the two formed a seal of confrontation, Sheng Shu said: "Are you ready?"

This question made Chen Ma stunned for a moment. After all, he was the one who spoke the lines when forming the seal of confrontation, but Chen Ma quickly recovered and said with a smile:

"As expected of the Thousand Hands Clan who have inherited the most orthodox will of fire, even in actual combat training, they also take care of their fellow villagers. However... I hope you will be more serious, otherwise I will win quickly."

In the first half of the sentence, Naoki was still happy to hear it, but the second half of the sentence made him frown, and he deliberately lowered the emphasis, imitating the tone of Orochimaru: "Hmph, don't say such big words."

"Then let's get started!"

After Chenma finished speaking, Shengshu attacked directly, and he rushed forward to close the distance with Chenma, then leaped forward and kicked towards Chenma.

Tsunade on the side directly shifted his gaze, and didn't look at this younger brother. With this level, not to mention the current Tatsuma, even the thin Tatsuma two and a half years ago can counter it with skills.

And Chen Ma didn't expect Sheng Shu to be so upright, he didn't try at the beginning, and directly used such a high-risk move that spared no effort.

As far as Zhishu is in the air, it is too easy to counter it, but in order to give Zhishu a face, Chen Ma does not intend to end it directly.

He hugged the leg kicked by Naoshu with his knees and staggered steps, and at the same time pushed his right hand horizontally. Although the speed was not fast, but superimposed with the speed of Naoshu's rushing, this palm directly made Naoshu fall firmly to the ground.

After falling on a strong rope tree, he grinned and got up from the ground, but he didn't seem to notice the gap between the two of them.

Still sprinting quickly, after getting close to Chenma, he flew up in the air again, and a superman fist hit Chenma.

"You like flying so much?"

With a slander, Chen Ma directly grabbed Naoshu's fist with his hands, turned his back and exerted force, and directly threw Naoshu out of the sky.


This time it was a little heavier than before, and the rope tree that fell on the ground, like a zombie that had just turned into a corpse, twitched and twisted bluntly, and kept wailing in its mouth.

But this was only a temporary injury. Although Shengshu was a bit naive, the blood of Qianshou + whirlpool still made him recover quickly.

Of course, it was also Chen Ma who felt that there was no need to make up for the sparring, otherwise Sheng Shu would have no chance at all, so he stood up again, Sheng Shu moved a bit, and said: "You are very good!"

Tsunade closed his eyes directly, his younger brother, couldn't he see that that kid Tatsuma was about to let go of the sea?
But the fact is that Shengshu really didn't know, and rushed straight towards Chenma again, but this time he didn't use the volley move, he just punched Chenma with a simple swing.

Chenma directly lunged and lowered his body, holding his elbows and waiting for Shengshu to hit him by himself.


The elbow hit the abdomen, making Shengshu gasp in pain, but he gritted his teeth and continued to attack. He came with a punch, and the distance was not well grasped. Chenma raised his head and dodged directly.

Naoki was about to take back his thrusting fist, but Chenma didn't give him a chance, he was kicking his hand, Naoki was hit in the abdomen again, his whole body bowed, and even his legs were about to kneel when his legs softened.

Chen Ma was also embarrassed to accept this great gift, and wrapped his right hand around the back of Sheng Shu's neck, grabbed his chin, and at the same time stepped on the middle of Sheng Shu's feet with his right foot, pulled and tripped, and threw Sheng Shu out .

On the contrary, this helped Nasoki to roll and unload. He rolled twice, stood up with a little red face, and was about to continue attacking. Tsunade opened his mouth to stop it, but Tatsuma waved his hand lightly.

Seeing this, Tsunade knew that Chen Ma knew what to do, so he didn't stop him.

Sheng Shu felt a little dazed, and rushed to Chen Ma, lowered his body, and embraced Chen Ma's waist with both hands, obviously trying to drag him to the ground.

It has to be said that Shengshu has some ideas at this time. His height, weight and strength brought by his development will give him a lot of advantages over Chenma on the ground.

It's a pity that he was too anxious. If he wanted to hug someone, the most important thing was to surprise him.

The moment Zhishu rushed forward, Chenma raised his knee to block it, but Shengshu became terrified, because he couldn't stop his body, and he had to use his head to test whether Chenma's knee was hard or not. .

Naoki couldn't change his moves, but Chenma was very calm, with his knees buckled slightly, he evaded Naoki's face, and quickly returned to normal before hitting Naoki's shoulder, throwing Naoki aside.

This time, Shengshu just fell beside Chenma, and Chenma's raised knee fell directly, and his feet hovered on Shengshu's face, Shengshu didn't dare to move any more.

Maybe he couldn't see it just now, but Naoshu could see it when he stopped so obviously, and he said helplessly, "I lost."

"Ding~ [Body +2], [Spirit +3], do you want to pick it up?"


Chen Ma also raised his feet at this time, and fell to the side, bent over to make a seal of reconciliation, and then pulled up the rope tree.

After being defeated, Zhishu was not angry, and even asked a little excitedly: "How do you usually train? Why are you so good at physical skills? Can you teach me?"

This made Chen Ma's eyes shine, because he seemed to have found another fat sheep.

Victory by force is indeed the most direct way to win the game, but ordinary opponents are not willing to participate after one or two times.

But Sheng Shu's attitude made Chen Ma feel that maybe he could get a lot of wool from Sheng Shu.

"Physical arts must be practiced in actual combat. If you want, I can accompany you to practice physical arts every day."


Sheng Shu asked in surprise, Chen Ma nodded, and said with an extremely sincere smile: "I admire people who are as tenacious as you the most. I will do my best, and I hope you can persevere."

"I certainly will!"

Sheng Shu hammered his chest and said very firmly.

Tsunade's expression became weird. I don't know why, but Tatsuma's smile in her eyes is obviously sincere, brilliant, and contagious, but I always feel that it's a bit pervasive?

"Let's do it again! I won't lose so quickly this time."

Naoki smiled and invited again, Tatsuma nodded, and was about to agree, when Tsunade's face darkened, and he said, "Why are you here?!"

After finishing speaking, she looked at Chen Ma and said, "I don't know how long I can chat with grandma, I must take this time to play cards!"


(End of this chapter)

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