I formed the El Cat Investigation Team in Pirates.

Chapter 40 Capone Backstabs

As Boisano John fell, there were gunshots and the sound of sharp blades piercing flesh, accompanied by a lot of screams.

"Mr. Cody, be careful!"

Bacchus and Xie Wen immediately protected Cody. Xie Wen also protected Sanji Meow behind him, while Keli Meow lay on his shoulder, not afraid at all. He stuck out his little head and looked around.

The guards of other businessmen had similar reactions and protected their employers one after another.

But they soon discovered that the attack was not aimed at businessmen at all. Those who fell seemed to be members of the Boisnot family...

The expressions of the businessmen who had just reached an agreement with the Boisnot family suddenly became a little ugly.

The current situation could not be more obvious. The Simente and Capone families have joined forces to attack the Boisno family.

"Relax, relax, everyone." The second son of the Simente family came forward and took the microphone from John's hand, which was completely cold. "You may not know me very well. My name is Ryan. Simente Lane.”

Seeing the actions of this guy named Ryan, Xie Wen couldn't help but shook his head. Someone had just died on this stage, but he still dared to go up, and he was not afraid of following in the footsteps of Boisano John.

However, the second son was not worried about this. He smiled and reassured: "It was just a small internal disagreement between us. Now it has been resolved and it will not affect the transaction between us. The discussion with Boisnot just now For those of you who have reached an agreement with the family, someone will come to renegotiate with you later. Don’t worry, we will try our best to retain the conditions agreed to by the Boisano family.”

With his comfort, the commotion of the businessmen quickly calmed down. Being in the West Sea, they were accustomed to fights between gangs. They had seen similar scenes many times, which meant that the scale this time was slightly smaller. It's just a little bigger.

At the same time, they also understood why the Simente and Capone families had given in so easily during the robbing process.

It's just that the businessmen calmed down, but the Boisnot family, who was suddenly stabbed in the back by their allies, couldn't calm down. A senior Boisnot who was hit in the lungs and was not dead yet was vomiting blood and roaring. He asked: "Why?! Why do you want to attack us?!"

Although it is common for gangs to stab each other in the back, the relationship between the three families of Boisno and Simente was actually closer because the two families have closer philosophies and styles of doing things and have no control over their actions. The unscrupulous Capone family is a bit disdainful.

"Because I don't do anything to you, Gures will belong to your Boisano family..." Ryan still maintained that smile, but the look he looked at the senior executive became fierce, "Become a franchisee. Obtain the asylum of the World Government and then collect taxes from the people openly. This was the cooperation method you originally proposed. However, you never said that you wanted to secretly leave us behind and only let the Boisano family become the royal family. This matter... you almost succeeded."

Gradually, Ryan's smile disappeared completely, and he gritted his teeth and said, but soon, he returned to his previous smile, and even seemed happier.

"But... the ones who will become the royal family now will be our Simente family and the Capone family."

The senior executive's face turned pale, and then he lowered his head dejectedly. Now that this matter has been exposed, it is only normal for them to be liquidated by the other two companies.

Not only him, but also the members of the Boisano family who were still yelling and scolding have become quiet. Maybe they don't know their family's plan, but they understand what will happen if the struggle between gangs fails.

"What? Is everything done?"

Capone Becky, wearing a striped suit and a cigar in his mouth, also reappeared here, but his two distinctive men did not continue to follow him.

"Of course, where are you?" Simente Lane kept smiling and asked.

"I don't know." Capone Becky took off the cigar from his mouth. As if he didn't see Ryan's suddenly ugly expression, he slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and continued slowly: "But I don't care about my men. I am confident that in a few minutes, there should be good news.”

Ryan's face recovered a little. He forced out a smile and warned: "Don't underestimate the Boisano family. If your people fail to deal with them in time, will our deal be good?" A situation that is easily opened will be wasted.”

At this moment, the top management of Boisano, who was slumped, suddenly shouted loudly: "The World Government will not allow one country to have two royal families!"

However, his attempts to sow discord had no effect. Capone Becky bit his cigar and said disdainfully: "So what? Anyway, I have no interest in becoming a royal family or anything. If you, the Boisano family, are looking for If we, the Capone family, work together, maybe this thing won't happen today."

It’s all nonsense!

Xie Wen, who knew Capone Becky's character very well, complained in his heart.

It may be true that he is not interested in royal status, because for Capone Becky, war is like the bomb to Kelimu, it is his personal hobby, and what he likes to do the most The thing is to cut off the heads of colleagues and betray alliances, status and territory are secondary.

Because of this, regardless of whether the Boisno family seeks cooperation with Capone Beki, he will definitely take action...

I think the Simente family will come soon.

"L-Master Lane! Something bad is going on!"

Xie Wen probably has some talent as a prophet, or a crow's mouth. He is thinking that the Simente family will not have a good life for a few days, and there is a gangster covered in blood stumbling over there. The ground rushed in.

"What's going on?! Aren't you cooperating with the Capone family to encircle and suppress the Boisano family's influence on the island?!" Ryan asked anxiously.


There was another gunshot, and the gangster didn't have time to answer, and his imagination began to expand.

"I'm sorry, Godfather, I accidentally let this kid escape here." Wei Weite held his two huge revolvers and walked to Capone Becky's side, while apologizing without much sincerity. , obviously didn’t think this was a big deal.

"It doesn't matter, the result is the same anyway." Capone Becky thought the same, and he waved his hand indifferently.

"Capone!" Ryan looked at Becky with eyes wide open, wondering where the other party got the confidence to start a war with both of them at the same time.

What's more, most of the Capone family went to deal with the Boisano family. In the palace, there were more people from the Simente family.

"I want you dead!" Lane took out a pistol from his arms and pointed it at Capone Becky's head.

At the same time, the people in the Simente family in the hall also aimed their weapons at Capone Becky and Wei Weite.

However, Capone Becky seemed not to notice. He flicked the ashes on his cigar, then stretched out his hand to grab Werther beside him, and the other person disappeared with a "swish".

"Fire!" Although he didn't understand what was going on, Ryan pulled the trigger immediately.

In an instant, there was a burst of gunfire, and all members of the Simente family, including Ryan, fell in a pool of blood. The target they attacked, Capone Beki, also changed his appearance greatly at this time, and his body showed... He broke through the masonry structure and easily blocked all the attacks just now.

Immediately afterwards, several doorways opened in his masonry body, and a large number of Capone family members, including Werther the Weirdo, rushed out from inside.

"E-Devil Fruit!" Ryan, who was lying on the ground after being shot several times, instantly understood Capone Becky's confidence.

In addition to the strength brought by the fruit ability itself, Capone Becky has always hidden a group of people in his body, so the overall strength of the Capone family is much stronger than usual.

Capone Becky ignored the other party and walked in front of Xie Wen.

"I'm right, Gures will not be safe after the trade fair."

"So that's what you meant..." Xie Wen nodded clearly, and then praised: "It's quite exciting."

"Huh huh huh... Hahahahahaha!!!" Becky chuckled a few times first, and then the laughter got louder and louder, "Interesting, kid, I'll give you a chance..."

He lit his cigar at Werther, who was swallowing his long tongue, "If you defeat my men, I will no longer pursue the past matters."

After saying that, Becky glanced at Uncle Cody. Although it was very hidden, Xie Wen still discovered it.

So it's for the sake of Uncle Cody's mysterious identity?

Tsk... I'm really underestimated...

Xie Wen curled his lips in displeasure, held the handle of the Nodachi, and planned to go forward and teach Capone Beki a profound lesson.

Then his face was pulled away by a pair of small claws stretched out from the side.

"Kelly also wants to fight the bad guy, meow!"

It was obvious that I was in the second round of recommendations, but why did the data get worse and worse? There have been very few chapters recently, so please give more speeches.


Last night, half of the code was suddenly disconnected. Fortunately, there is also a writer assistant on the PC, which supports local saving after offline, otherwise it would be miserable.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.