I! Game Designer! Drive the Little Girl Crazy at the Start

Chapter 440: Failed to cross the calamity? Or...successful?

"Why did it suddenly become so fierce!"

"This fourth thunder calamity is stronger than the previous ones combined, I feel that the old woman will not be able to hold it this time!"

"The filaments on the light thunder group are as thick as the second tribulation thunder. If a large group of thunder calamities comes down, I am afraid that the old woman will be bombarded and even the scum will not be left."

"Although the first few thunder tribulations were huge, they were still tribulation thunders one by one, but this time it turned into a group of tribulation thunders. Who can resist this?"

"It is estimated that I can't even watch the game anymore, and I insisted on taking away the evildoer of the old woman."

The water friends in the live broadcast room were talking a lot, and they all felt that the little sister was absolutely unable to survive this time, and she would definitely fall under the fourth thunder calamity.

The intensity of this tribulation thunder was completely different from the previous ones.

The thunder robbery in front of it still looks like a thunder robbery. It is a piece of thunder and lightning. Although it is thicker, the thinnest is as thick as a bucket...

But this time, the fourth tribulation thunder was completely unrecognizable as a thunder tribulation, and it was directly a small mountain of tribulation thunder.

There are tens of thousands of crackling arcs above, each of which is as thick as the second thunder calamity before, and its power is probably hundreds of thousands of times higher than the second thunder calamity.

Under such a thunder calamity, even if the role of Little Little Sister is a combination of a piano master and a swordsman, I am afraid that it will end in death.

"Damn it! This thunder tribulation is too ferocious!"

PDD looked at the huge thunder tribulation on the screen, his heart was full of excitement, and his fat face was flushed.

"The momentum is huge! This is the face of the tribulation!"

At this time, the speed of Lei Jie, which was slowly descending above Jiutian, suddenly accelerated, and almost suddenly swooped down to the role of the little girl.


There was a sound of thunder and lightning bursting, and the little sister seemed to have an illusion, and she felt that the water on her table was shaking twice.

She hurriedly covered her eyes, and when she opened them again, she saw that the huge rock that had been standing on the top of Mount Huashan for hundreds of millions of years had long since disappeared.

The top of Mount Huashan was directly sold by two-fifths.

At this time, the entire Huashan Mountain was shrouded in thunder and lightning.

And her character is lying in a pool of blood without knowing her life or death.

Little Sister Dian tried to move, and the character slowly wriggled for a while, then suddenly got up and spat out a large mouthful of blood.

She opened the attribute panel to check the character's HP.

The number 10% was in front of her eyes.

"It's over!"

The little sister stayed in her heart at this time full of despair.

Recalling the five thunders in the previous notice, although four have gone down now, there is still the last one that has not descended.

But even the first four are stronger than each other, and the power increases exponentially each time.

The fourth ray of light is that the fine arc above it is as thick as the second ray of thunder.

Its body is directly a huge group of thunder and lightning, and its power only needs to be seen at the current peak of Mount Huashan.

Standing on the top of Mount Huashan for hundreds of millions of years, the tops of the mountains that are still standing still have been smashed by one-fifth of the mountain during the fourth thunder calamity.

Little Sister Dui didn't even know how her character survived such a thunderstorm attack.

The PDD at the foot of the mountain also discovered anomalies at the top of Mount Huashan.

However, his mind had changed at this time.

"If every thunder tribulation is so powerful, how can I play Xintianyou in the future?"

His fat face was full of nervousness.

Now PDD doesn't care much about the flag that Little Sister will live upside down if she succeeds in transcending the calamity.

Now what he is more concerned about is that if the difficulty of each thunder tribulation is so great, then his hope of playing Xintianyou will be much smaller.

After all, Xia Xing Xing is so difficult, let alone other games.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also discussing at this time.

"I didn't expect that the old woman could survive this kind of thunder tribulation attack."

"This is a thunder tribulation, I look more like a scourge."

"Let's not say anything else, if my character goes up, I won't even be able to survive the third thunder tribulation." (cdfe)

But the little sister stayed in a different mood at this time.

She gnashed her teeth as she looked at the huge thunderbolt that was about to move in the sky above the nine heavens.

"Heavenly thief Qiu, a thunder robbery is so difficult, don't you want people to play your game at all?!!!"

As soon as the voice fell, the screen showed that the huge group of tribulation thunders above the nine days began to slowly descend towards the little sister.

Little Sister Dian's heart twitched in an instant, and she stared at the picture stubbornly.

At this moment, a huge purple thunderball fell, shrouding the character of Little Sister.

The entire mountain top of Mount Hua was also shrouded by the huge thunder calamity!

PDD and the audience did not speak at this moment, but looked at the picture seriously.

At this moment, their hearts were also in their throats.

Du Xiaomei's screen was full of light from blue and purple lightning, she couldn't see what happened to her character, and she didn't know where she was going.

Her finger on the keyboard jumped out of the character's health bar panel.

It was a long bar composed of a small amount of red and a large amount of light white. Generally speaking, the red part represented the blood volume of the little girl.

Now we can only rely on the blood bar to judge whether we can survive this thunder calamity.

Duan Xiaomei stared nervously at the screen with only 10% of the health bar left, not letting go of the slightest change.

At this moment, the blood bar panel on the screen suddenly increased rapidly, and the red block representing the current blood volume increased rapidly until it replaced the light white part and filled the entire blood bar.

This is...

Could it be that!

Dian Xiaomei looked at the blood strips that filled the entire frame, a flush appeared on her face, and she couldn't hold back the excitement of jumping up from the chair to celebrate.


"Dai Xiaomei has really become the first person from Xia Ke Xing to rise through the calamity."

"I don't know if she will really fly to Xintianyou!"

The water friends in the live broadcast room were talking a lot.

PDD's mood at the moment is also somewhat indescribable, with excitement and regret on his face, and more entanglement.

The excitement stemmed from the fact that the little sister was successful in transcending the tribulation, although she did not know whether she would successfully ascend to Xintianyou in the future.

But Little Sister Dai's success in transcending the calamity in such a huge thunder tribulation scene also means that he also has the hope of successfully transcending the calamity, and as a result, it is possible to play Xintianyou.

The regret came from the fact that he had just seen the little girl who was in front of him transcending the tribulation, and if the little girl who was dissatisfied with the tribulation was successful, he would stand upside down the flag of the live broadcast.

So there was more confusion on his face.

However, in the next instant, in front of Dian Xiaomei and the audience, the entire blood bar suddenly collapsed and turned into snowflakes flying across the screen. .

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