I! Game Designer! Drive the Little Girl Crazy at the Start

Chapter 456: All boarding the ship, targeting the Void Sea! ! ! !

"Let's gather here in an hour."

Jiang Qi said after thinking for a while.

He himself wanted to go to that coordinate very much.

Because I want to play Xintianyou, but not only PDD and others, but also Jiang Qi...

Half an hour later, millions of starships gathered in the star port.

Looking at the busy scene, some players are refueling the starship. After all, this is a long voyage, and the fuel required is destined to be not a small amount.

Some players are chatting.

"You said, is it really possible that the coordinates are Void Sea?"

"Who knows, but if you have this possibility, you have to try it, or do you have a better way to ascend to Xintianyou~?"

"That's true. Some time ago, my hair was about to go bald. I tried all kinds of methods, but I couldn't successfully fly to Xintianyou."

"So it's the most important thing to seize this opportunity. No matter if the outcome is success or failure, at least you won't be disappointed in the end."

The thoughts of these players are actually the psychology of the vast majority of players at this time.

The threshold for Qiu Yaoyang's design for Xintianyou is too high.

Even during this period of time, they have been trying to conquer the stars and kill the Quartet, but there is still no way to successfully ascend into the world of Xintianyou.

Many people are discouraged and think that it is impossible to play Xintianyou.

But now through PDD's live broadcast, they know that Jiang Qi has obtained a coordinate through the mission, and it is likely to be the location of the Void Sea. How can this not make them very excited?

At this moment, more and more netizens have joined the gathering queue. They all got the news that Jiang Qi has the coordinates of the Void Sea from their friends who have seen PDD live broadcast around them or on the Internet, and there will be an investigation soon. Action, so it went online quickly.

Dui Xiaomei, who was playing Weibo, suddenly swiped the news of #suspected void sea coordinates were found, and the player quickly went to investigate#.

"No, I can't fall behind!"

The little girl clenched her pink fist secretly.

She quickly opened the endless deep space and drove her starship to the assembly point.

"Oh my God, there are so many people?!"

"So everyone wants to go to Xintianyou?"

However, before arriving at the meeting point, Duan Xiaomei saw a huge starship moored in the star port, and there were millions of them at a rough estimate.

Covering an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of square kilometers, the originally extremely wide Star Harbor was now crowded with visiting starships.

"What nonsense are you talking about, old lady?"

"Who wouldn't seize the opportunity to ascend to Xintianyou like a life-saving straw!"

"Versailles is yours!"

"Old woman, you are really full of liver, you can soar in the Xia Xingxing, enter the endless deep space and have a starship!"

"The starship is so difficult to do, and you still have time to pull out the starship when the knight's fee has been successfully soared?! The sunflower liver protection tablets at home are probably piled up into a mountain..."

The water friends in the live broadcast room talked a lot. Some mocked the little girl who stood and talked without back pain. She stepped on the shit luck and became the only player so far to ascend to Xintianyou. She is still in this yin and yang strange atmosphere, it's just Versailles.

However, the vast majority of netizens are very interested in the little girl who has grown a few livers.

Because while completing the pre-mission of the Xia Ke Xing to cross the calamity, it is necessary to build a starship, which is too difficult.

Even the Liver Emperor is difficult to accomplish, but now, Little Sister has not only accomplished two things, but also accomplished it very well, becoming the first person in the world to ascend to Xintianyou.

"This is game talent!"

Looking at the netizens' barrage, Duan Xiaomei's face twitched for a while.

This chicken also said that he is very talented. . . .

In the public channel, PDD heard the words of little sister, and was speechless, and patted the table.

"This TM is a game talent? This is the power of money, okay!"

Jiang Qi's mouth twitched when he heard the words, as if nothing had happened, he turned around and issued a series of instructions.

"Everyone is ready to go to the predetermined target in one minute!"

Hearing Jiang Qi's instructions, all the players present quickly got busy, boarding the ship, saying goodbye, everything was racing against time.


One minute passed quickly.

"All staff stand by!"




"All ships set sail!"

With Jiang Qi's order to set sail, the Star Harbor, which covers an area of ​​more than 100,000 square kilometers, suddenly burst into the sky, illuminating the surrounding universe shrouded in darkness.

In fact, it can't be said to be fire, because the starship with extremely high technology content does not rely on fuel such as liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen to propel the ship forward, but uses nuclear fusion detonation engines.

This kind of engine does not rely on simple combustion to generate propulsion, but relies on nuclear fusion to continuously generate small explosions and shock waves to propel the aircraft forward.


Of course, some people will question whether the use of such an engine on a spacecraft will make the spacecraft tremble.

However, as long as the intensity of the nuclear fusion explosion is perfectly controlled, and the interval between each nuclear fusion explosion is shortened, there will be no major vibration.

In fact, the gasoline or diesel engines used by human beings ignite the mist fuel mixed with air in a closed space to generate small explosions to push the piston to expand and contract, and then use the constantly expanding piston to drive the connecting rod to drive the crankshaft to rotate. .

And now the nuclear fusion detonation engine on the starship is undoubtedly the future development direction of human beings. As long as this technology is mastered, human beings will be a big step closer to realizing the travel between galaxies and galaxies.

The spectacular scene of millions of starships setting sail at the same time shocked the newcomers in the star port.

"Is this the game where the starship can only be heard on the battlefield?"

"Millions of starships set sail at the same time, and this scene is too spectacular."

"It's a pity that I entered the pit too late. I can't start interstellar voyage without a starship. I can only watch the big guys go to explore the coordinates of what may be the void sea..."

There was a lot of discussion among the cute new people present, and they all regretted that they had entered the pit late and had no way to join this interstellar journey where millions of starships set sail at the same time. wide.

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