I! Game Designer! Drive the Little Girl Crazy at the Start

Chapter 463 Pursue the victory, hold on, we can definitely win! ! !

The players calmed down one after another. Yes, the enemy has not been completely eliminated, and it is not the time to be happy.

Everyone began to spontaneously form a battle formation. When they were ready, they manually turned on the weapon system, and the tops of more than one million starships emitted a dazzling red-orange light.

In about ten minutes, dozens of cigar-shaped aircraft suddenly emerged from the void.

The players immediately concentrated their firepower. At this time, a nearly transparent protective cover suddenly rose from the cigar-shaped aircraft.

The red-orange beam emitted by the starship hit the shield and was immediately bounced back. For a while, many players' starships were destroyed by the bounced laser beam.

The originally stable formation began to become scattered at this time. Seeing this situation, Little Sister hurriedly drove the starship around to rescue and salvage the players whose starship was destroyed and ejected out of the warehouse.

"Everyone moved to the left while attacking."

Jiang Qi issued a command on the public channel.

The players listened to him almost subconsciously.

Jiang Qi's instructions soon came into play.

23 Although the cigar-shaped aircraft was still covered with a layer of shields, those shields were still bouncing off attacks.

But when the laser reflected back, the players' starships had already moved, and the starships passed by the reflected beams.

In fact, this is not difficult to explain, the players' starships are about 500,000 kilometers away from those cigar-shaped aircraft.

It takes nearly two seconds for the laser light from this distance to travel from the starship to the cigar-shaped craft, and the time it takes to bounce back is already as high as four seconds.

Four seconds is enough time for the extremely fast starship to move enough to avoid the bouncing laser beam.

The players launched attacks according to Jiang Qi's command. Although they said they were no longer attacked by the beams that bounced back, they could only maintain this situation, and there was no hope of destroying the cigar-shaped aircraft.

"When will a day like this end?"

Players in the public channel started complaining.

Perhaps players feel that this kind of thing is too boring, or there is no hope of winning, more and more people are beginning to agree.

"I also think that although it is said that it will not be hit by the laser beam that bounces back, I don't see any hope of winning."

"Are we going to play this kind of game like ping-pong in front of a wall all day?"

"Jiang Qi, can you think of a way? I don't want to. Although it was exciting at first, I don't see any hope of winning."

"Does the enemy's shield last for a day, we have to sit in front of the computer and play this kind of game for a day?"

Players in the public channel are talking a lot.

They were all complaining that it was like launching an attack and then moving to avoid the bounced attack. It was really boring.

"I think since they have shields, then we should stop attacking first, and wait for their shields to disappear before attacking."

At this time, a player made an opinion.

"That's right, since they have shields, we'll stop attacking first and wait for their shields to disappear before attacking."

"It makes sense. I think you can try it, whether it is successful or not, but it is better than wasting time here."

Hearing that player's thoughts, the rest of the players began to conform.

Because this idea does have a certain truth, since the enemy has a shield that can bounce back attacks, then simply stop the attack first, so that there is no need to avoid the high-energy laser beam that is bounced back.

Moreover, the enemy sees that they are not attacking, and maybe they will remove the protective cover and launch an attack at that time.

"Quiet, keep attacking, don't rush."

Jiang Qi stared at the group of cigar-shaped aircraft shrouded in protective covers on the screen and said lightly.

No one could read any emotion from his tone, Jiang Qi was as calm as ever.

But at this time, Jiang Qi felt a little turbulent in his heart.

Although the players were reluctant to hear Jiang Qi's words, they calmed down.

Although they didn't know why Jiang Qi issued such an order, there has been no mistake in Jiang Qi's command since they started playing the game.

Get them on the right path every time to win.

The players continued to attack the cigar-shaped aircraft, and the time had passed five minutes unknowingly.

That's when the situation quickly reversed, and the shields on the cigar-shaped aircraft began to fade and flicker.


All players were excited to see this scene.

"Their shields are about to be overwhelmed, we continue to attack!"

A player shouted in the public channel.

Some players who had not noticed this situation heard the man's words, and immediately looked at the cigar-shaped aircraft, and found that it was indeed as the player said, the shield had become dark and faded a lot, and even began to flicker.

The players present immediately gathered up their energy and controlled the starship to continue to attack the cigar-shaped aircraft.

It didn't take long for the shields on those cigar-shaped aircraft to disappear with a hum!

But before the players were happy, those cigar-shaped aircraft flew directly towards the fleet of millions of starships at an extremely fast speed.

"What are they trying to do?"

A player exclaimed in the public channel.

But no one said a word, and everyone turned the high-energy lasers on their starships to shoot at the cigar-shaped aircraft that flew fast.

The cigar-shaped craft dwindled sharply under the red-orange laser beam, but several still broke into the fleet of millions of starships.


The cigar-shaped aircraft rammed directly toward the starship, smashing a starship in an instant, but it did not suffer much damage.

It was the first time that the players encountered such a thing, and they panicked for a while.

The formation also began to become scattered.

"They've run out of skills, turn their firepower and continue to attack!"

In the public channel, Jiang Qi's quiet voice came. .

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