I! Game Designer! Drive the Little Girl Crazy at the Start

Chapter 467 Until the end, never give up! ! !

"Look behind you!"

"The ship is in danger!"

Netizens sent the barrage frantically. When PDD saw the barrage, he was very nervous for a while. He quickly glanced back and saw that the purple halo of the sea of ​​magnetic storms had swallowed most of his starships. Just wrap it all in.

PDD's heart immediately hung in his throat.

Abandon some or go all out to salvage?

His face was full of struggle.

But couldn't make a decision for a long time.

Although it is said that abandoning some starships can prevent him from being wiped out in this sea of ​​magnetic storms.

But every starship is PDD's hard work and accumulation.

Even if he was faced with a situation where the entire army would be wiped out if he did not abandon some starships, it was difficult for him to make a choice for a while.

"Abandon some starships! Otherwise, your entire army will be wiped out." "593"

"Abandon some, you won't be able to keep a starship if you go on like this."

"The remaining green hills are there, don't be afraid of running out of firewood!"

Netizens tweeted.

Seeing the netizens' barrage, PDD seemed to have made up his mind. A stern look appeared on his fat face, and his fingers quickly pressed several keys on the keyboard.

"Are you sure to give up the starship?"

The system prompt sound is played from the headset.


PDD stared at the red word "OK" in the options, and the expression on his face was extremely serious.

"Hurry up, what are you waiting for!"

"If you don't make a choice, you won't be able to keep a single starship!"

Netizens even hesitated when they saw PDD at the critical juncture, and quickly sent a barrage reminder.

Looking at the netizens' barrage, PDD's face flashed a touch of decisiveness and lightly clicked with his right index finger.

At this moment, his eyes were as fierce and fierce as a wolf who had its tail cut off to survive.

With a crisp click sound, most of PDD's starships began to stop, and then they were instantly swallowed by the sea of ​​lavender magnetic storms.

Seeing his starship being swallowed up, PDD seemed to be drained of all his will and mental power at this time, and the whole person lay down on the chair limply, and his eyes lost light.

His hands were still on the keyboard, and he was controlling the remaining starships, but he no longer paid attention to the sea of ​​magnetic storms behind him, but chose a direction and started flying.

After abandoning most of the starships, the speed of PDD's starships gradually increased when they landed, and the distance from the sea of ​​magnetic storms began to gradually increase.

Seeing that he was about to escape from the sea of ​​magnetic storms, there was no happiness on PDD's face.

In fact, the situation of other players is similar to him, but some people are reluctant to abandon them, so they are wiped out in the sea of ​​magnetic storms.

There are also some players who abandoned most of the starships and escaped, but at this moment they are not happy at all.

Instead, he slumped on the chair, staring at the screen with his eyes blank, just like Li Yunlong who had finished attacking Ping'an County.

There was silence in the channel, and after a while, no one spoke.

"No more."

"It's ruined, it's all ruined, it's boring."

"I'm going to retreat, I've lost all my starships, and this game has no meaning to me."

"I'm going to leave too. In fact, if I can leave a few starships, I won't leave."

"You have this idea when all the starships are gone. When you set off, Laozi had more than 200 starships, and now there are only three left. It feels even more uncomfortable than the entire army being wiped out."

"The one above said that if you leave a few starships, you will not retire. You just don't feel the mood of those of us who gave up most of the starships and left only a few!"

Players chatted in public channels.

At this moment, they have no idea of ​​continuing to play at all, because the losses are so heavy that they seem to have been drained of all their strength.

Some people have lost all hope, and of course some people still retain the aggressiveness to explore the Void Sea, but their starships have been swallowed up in the sea of ​​magnetic storms, and they can quit the game at this moment.

At the time of departure, there were originally a fleet of millions of starships, but at this time there were only more than fifty starships left.

Xiaomei also looked at the results in front of her in disbelief. Although she was more of a knight, she also spent a lot of effort in the endless deep space.

Today, in a sea of ​​magnetic storms, it is naturally unbearable for her.

"I'm waiting for you in Xintianyou."

The little girl's voice sounded in the desolate public channel, looking extremely desolate...  

Her fleet also suffered heavy losses in the Sea of ​​Storms, and she now has only two starships left.

After saying this, she also quit the game and went offline.

At that time, only ten people including PDD and Jiang Qi were still in the game.

The atmosphere was unusually silent.

In the live broadcast room, the fans of PDD posted a bullet screen sentence by sentence.

"More than a million starships have not yet reached the coordinates, and there are only more than 50 left. I think this operation will end in failure."

"Everyone has retreated, PDD, you should also retreat. If you continue to encounter another sea of ​​magnetic storms ahead, or something else, I'm afraid you won't be able to keep a single starship."

"I think so too, just accept it when you see it, don't go bankrupt."

These barrages are persuading PDD to turn back. If they continue to walk, they may be wiped out like others.

PDD lay on the chair silently watching the barrage sent by netizens, and did not speak for a long time.

"This time you can't find the coordinates. Maybe there are dangers above waiting for you."

"This road is too dangerous, and even if you get there, it may not be the Void Sea."

Looking at the barrage, the despairing PDD is also thinking in his heart.

Is it really worth paying such a large price for an uncertain coordinate?

Even if it reaches the 5.4 mark, it may not be the Void Sea.

PDD's face was full of struggle.

He was a bit persuaded by netizens. After all, as netizens said, the target of this operation, the coordinates cannot be determined to be in the sea of ​​​​empty.

Moreover, so many things have already happened before we have reached it. If we continue to walk, we may encounter several seas of magnetic storms.

At that time, it might be possible that the entire army will be wiped out, and even the few starships that were saved with great difficulty in the catastrophe will be sent out.

PDD thought, his left hand clicked the ESC in the upper left corner of the keyboard unconsciously, and the mouse pointer moved to the four big characters "Exit Game" and then clicked it down. In a trance, he seemed to have thought of something.

"Having paid such a high price to quit before reaching the coordinates, Laozi refuses to accept it!".

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