I Gave Up on Conquering the Heroines

Chapter 105

“Is it a sword aura? Is that what we’re calling it now?”

“I’m just calling it that for convenience. There’s probably a different name for it.”

“There isn’t. What I’ve established is a fake martial art. You’re the first to actually manifest the sword aura that Dakia chased after.”

The first, huh.

I just threw together a name based on my vague memories from martial arts novels.

I have no idea if this has the same characteristics as what’s depicted in those novels.


I draw my sword and extend it forward.

The energy flowing along the blade…

No, it’s still more like a vibration.

I feel that vibration resonating with the tremors in my hand.

Of course, when I say resonance, it’s not just matching frequencies in a physical sense.

It’s a process of aligning the sword’s resonance with my energy to truly make it ‘my sword.’

If I had been told to ‘achieve resonance’ when learning martial arts, I would have been lost for ages.

I’m just calling it resonance for convenience.

That’s not the essence of it.

I focus my ultimate concentration solely on the sensations in my fingertips and the sword.

And slowly, by resonating a little, the tip of the sword feels like it is part of my hand.

The sensations on the blade feel as if they’re identical to the feel of my skin.

In this context, it might actually be similar to the unity of the divine sword.

In this process of concentration, mana control and basic stats are of no help at all.

They might actually get in the way.

In Dakia-style martial arts, all you need is ‘the sword’ and ‘me.’

I feel myself and feel the sword.

Everything else is merely auxiliary help or things that are useless.

Still, once I get used to the sword aura, physical enhancement through mana control should be quite helpful.


With my body fully enhanced by the Guardian Knight and mana control, I swing.


I exceed the limits of the sword.

A white sword aura extends from the blade.

It strikes the tree, much more vibrant and thicker than before.

If Rex had been hit by this, his limbs would’ve been severed.

But it still lacks enough power to cut through the tree trunk.

“It’s gotten stronger. Does it not matter what sword you use?”

“As long as it’s in the form of a sword, probably.”

“What about a wooden sword?”

“Umm… I’m not sure.”

What matters isn’t the form of the sword.

A sword is ultimately just a tool.

The entity that sends out the sword aura is me.

“I think that if I keep training, I could probably do it with a branch too. But for now, it seems difficult without a steel sword.”

However, perhaps due to a lack of enlightenment, it’s hard to find a point of resonance with the wood.

Even picking up a branch makes it really hard to pour energy into it.

Of course, it’s tough, but it’s not impossible.

Maybe in the distant future, it may be possible.

I have that intuition.

“And what about a spear instead of a sword?”

“Umm. It might be tough to concentrate the aura if I’m stabbing with it.”

“What about a crescent blade?”

“That might actually be easier than a wooden sword.”

Trancylvania keeps poking and prodding.

As I answer, I realize that Dakia-style martial arts really don’t care about the type of medium.

Of course, a long, straight, and well-honed steel sword is more comfortable.

It makes it easier to match frequencies for resonance.

In fact, after putting down my broken sword and picking up Dakia’s, I gained insight.

But this time is different.

Maybe my proficiency has improved; I can manage even with a broken sword.

I seem to have found the knack for it.

Whether it’s a single-edged or double-edged sword doesn’t matter.

Assuming my proficiency is infinite, I should be able to manifest the sword aura no matter what I hold.

If it doesn’t matter what I pick up…

Then could I possibly do it with my bare hands…?

It doesn’t seem impossible.

The problem is that before I reach that level of proficiency, I’ll probably die of old age.

Even if I realized martial arts, it doesn’t mean I’m at the same level.

Once I can unleash sword aura with just the edge of my hand, I’ll truly be a weapon of humanity.

“What’s your impression of realizing martial arts?”


“Your honest impression.”

With Trancylvania looking at me expectantly, I take a moment to choose my words.

An honest impression, huh.

I can sense what kind of answer Trancylvania wants to hear.

“Humans all look like ants to me.”

“Exactly! You too! Once you realize martial arts, humans look weak and inferior, just like looking down at ants from above—”

“Not to that extent. It just feels like even if a bunch of them swarm me, I could probably take them all down unless they’re superhuman.”

Trancylvania goes into a frenzy at that and I momentarily hold her back.

Saying humans look like ants doesn’t mean I look down on them.

Just like how a hundred ants wouldn’t stand a chance against a person’s foot movements.

The fact is, no matter how many regular soldiers come at me—hundreds or thousands—I won’t be stopped.

I’d had some confidence in fights against multiple opponents before.

But that was only against up to three at most.

After mastering telekinesis, I felt I could handle up to five skilled mercenaries simultaneously.

But if the numbers increased beyond that, and I was surrounded, I wouldn’t be confident.

However, now that I’ve learned Dakia-style martial arts, things are different.

The power of the sword aura can pierce even the body of an elf who’s burnt out their lifespan.

Even if a bunch come to surround me, they’ll be cut down before they even reach me.

“Hmm. While our perspectives are slightly different, it seems that the impressions of those who step into the realm of the superhuman are similar.”

“I hate to admit it, but…”

“It’s a level where human lives seem trivial. You can decide the fate of a person effortlessly.”

This is what the world of the superhuman is like.

A wall that cannot be overcome.

I may be a mere human, but after repeated regressions, eating opportunities for myself, I finally succeeded in surpassing that wall.

And as I crossed that wall, I felt my perspective change.

Whether I like it or not, the way I see people has changed.

Human lives inevitably appear lighter than those of flies.

‘Is this the weight… and fear of power?’

I feel my underlying nature slowly emerge.

What I believed to be my morals extinguish.

The primal instincts that had simply been suppressed by the logic of power are awakening.

“And that’s precisely why I need to contemplate more. I never had to ponder or make efforts. I just killed all those weaker than me who crawled up to me. Most problems were easily solved by killing them, so I took the easy path, and that culminated in me becoming the murderer known as Trancylvania.”


“Never stop thinking. Never stop contemplating. I stopped all thought in the past. I could have had a human heart in this monster’s body, but I threw that opportunity away. How are you going to live? With a human body but a monster’s heart, or will you remain human? That’s all up to you.”

Trancylvania gives me a bitter look, handing me a riddle.

He passes on the contemplation he gave up long ago to me.

Trancylvania has crossed the river that cannot be crossed.

Both body and mind have become monsters.

The thought that this could be my future makes me dizzy.

If I were to witness Mi Jeong or the main heroine die right before my eyes…

Would I be able to maintain control over this power then?

Could I remain a person, not a monster?

‘I need to build strength.’

The conclusion is always the same.

With strong power, there’d be nothing I’d lose.

I need to become stronger.

[ Trait: Mental Strength Enhancement ]

[A strong body is accompanied by a strong mind. Mental strength is enhanced proportional to total stats.]

Besides, I have the mental strength enhancement trait too.

As I grow stronger, my mental strength will increase accordingly.

I don’t have to worry about being mentally weak and letting my mind get polluted even with strong power.

“What! The mood is a total downer! But isn’t getting stronger a good thing? So, how about we have a little match? We can’t make noise, so just use our bodies and swords without mana.”

“Sounds good.”

Trancylvania points his sword at me as I draw mine.

If it was before, I would’ve been scared and backed away.

But now, I’m more than capable of handling it.

Now that I’ve unlocked a martial art style of my own.

In fact, it’s a primordial martial art.

It’s clearly an upper intermediate version.

Plus, limiting the use of mana puts me in the advantageous position.

Thanks to the Guardian Knight, I can maintain my stat buff.


Mi Jeong raises her hand to referee.

Trancylvania and I walk to opposite ends, creating some distance.

Then we smoothly draw our swords.

The aftermath of my duel with Rex has left my sword chipped, but it’s fine.

It’s just a duel, and I’m not going to cut off Trancylvania’s head.

I’ll just fix that later.


Mi Jeong’s starting signal explodes.

An ominous energy surrounds us as Trancylvania and I kick the ground simultaneously, shaking the ground.

I expected a large clash, but…


Unexpectedly, it’s quiet.

Though we kicked the ground, neither of us moves forward. We’re both just standing still.

Neither of us dares to jump in first.

‘Damn it. I can’t find an opening.’

Dakia-style martial arts greatly expands my sword’s attack range.

While swordsmen who haven’t comprehended martial arts must approach and clash swords, Trancylvania and I both have comprehended it, making it so that we are within the attack range regardless of where we stand.

Thus, we have to consider not just the enemy’s charge but also the long-range sword strikes coming from afar.

Charging in first risks getting attacked from a distance.

We continue a tense standoff, searching for openings.

“This is ridiculous. I’m going to end up getting pierced through with those glaring eyes. I hate mind games!”


Trancylvania strikes first, creating a gust.

A thin stream of wind shoots out from the sword tip, slicing through the bushes.

Indeed, even if it’s not the primordial form, this too could be called a Dakia-style martial art.

It’s hard to track the flow of the wind with my eyes, meaning I have to deduce the trajectory and shape of the strike from the enemy’s posture, which makes it superior to my martial art.

However, it has one crucial drawback.

Having to utilize the medium of the wind restricts its speed significantly.

‘I can respond.’

While Trancylvania’s sword strike is as loud as thunder and impossible for me to track with my eyes, I can still see the wind shooting out from the sword tip and respond.


I slash diagonally downwards.

My energy-infused blade carves through the air, as the sword aura erupts.

My sword aura and Trancylvania’s wind collision at the midpoint.



It seems the victor is, indeed, me.

I slice through Trancylvania’s wind, scattering it as I advance.

The impact diminishes its power significantly, but it’s still enough to be dangerous.

In response, Trancylvania deflects the aura with his sword and steps back.

“Ha… It may be sharper, but the wind’s strength is lacking. This imbalance doesn’t work in my favor.”

While Trancylvania’s wind can slice a tree in one go, mine struggles to do even that with a branch.

Nevertheless, it seems that in terms of durability, my sword aura holds the edge.

Even with both wielding Dakia-style martial arts, Trancylvania must swing his sword again to deflect my aura.

This is a game I cannot lose.

“The difference in attributes can be overcome!!!”

In that moment.

Trancylvania kicks the ground and dashes forward, creating variables.

Realizing I’m weaker in strength and speed, I assess his approach as entirely correct.

Because Trancylvania is faster than me, who has pumped myself up with the Guardian Knight’s power.

If I allow him to close the distance, victory will be unattainable.

But conversely, there’s no way I would allow Trancylvania that chance.

“Dakia-style martial arts.”


I take a deep breath.

I modify Dakia-style technique number zero.

Without the power of mana control, I focus all of my energy to maximize speed by overloading my body.

I twist my joints, readying my body for damage, and apply force.

Then, I bring my sword down.

I unleash the energy residing within the blade.

“Iron Blood Storm Slash!”


I link the Dakia-style martial arts techniques together, unleashing a barrage at maximum speed.

My blade covers all four directions.

The sword auras it unleashes overlap and completely paint the front of me white.

A literal celestial net.

An unavoidable net of sword aura.

Given how quickly Trancylvania was charging, there’s no way for him to change direction and escape.

I’ve got him.


Or so I thought.

Trancylvania leaps into the center of the sword aura, countering my attack.

He dodges the amassing sword auras that become indistinguishable, deftly cutting each one.

The severed auras then dissolve instantly.

Before Trancylvania, a few strands of them brush against his limbs, leaving behind wounds.

Yet, he doesn’t stop—on the contrary, he pushes forward, cutting down my sword auras one after another.


I’m left astounded, a gasp escaping my lips.

I tossed him a net he couldn’t escape, and yet he tears through it.

If he can do that while using just his bare body without mana, I can’t even consider calling him an ordinary person.

This guy is a freak of nature.

“Iron Blood Storm Slash, is it? I like the name. Should I write about it in a newspaper? Dakia-style heir defines martial arts and names it Iron Blood Storm Slash—”

“Shut up, you idiot.”

We exchange pointless banter while checking on each other’s conditions.

The wounds on Trancylvania are superficial.

His limbs are lightly scratched from my aura debris.

It feels awkward there’s no blood seeping from the torn skin.

‘My side isn’t exactly injury-free either.’

Using Iron Blood Storm Slash with just my body has taken its toll.

My wrists and shoulders finally gave out, and my ankles creak.

Using the martial art once left me feeling like an eighty-year-old.

“You seem to be in a lot of pain! Can you keep going?”

“You too, how about you? One mistake, and your head will fly off.”

“I won’t make a mistake!”

As I align my wrist and joints, Trancylvania gives me a moment’s respite.

As soon as I regain my stance, Trancylvania flashes a crazed smile again and charges back in.


It’s impossible to deliver Iron Blood Storm Slash with my injured arms.

Instead, I unleash a lighter three-hit attack imbued with sword aura.

“Hahaha! You’re clearly at your limit!”

Trancylvania easily slashes through dozens of my rapid strikes.

Those three hits are nothing for him to deflect.

However, this time, my sword aura will be different.


Knowing my aura’s shards can inflict harm, I decide to use that to my advantage.

The aura fragments I sent flying at precise angles break apart, and shards spiral towards Trancylvania’s ankles, severing his Achilles tendon.

He looks shocked, eyes widening in disbelief.

“Do you think I’ll retreat?!!!”

Immediately, he kicks off with his damaged leg and charges again.

I step back for a two-hit combo.

Unlike when he was hastily deflecting the aura fragments, this time he’s thinking ahead, safely neutralizing the incoming sword auras.

It won’t work a second time.

“I’ve caught up…!”

In the blink of an eye, I’m within close distance.

With his red eye light glowing fiercely, Trancylvania thrusts me into the danger zone of his sword.


“You blocked with your leg?!”

Now that he has me cornered, there’s no point in adhering to Dakia-style martial arts.

I apply a technique more suitable for defense—Frost-style.

As I deflect Trancylvania’s sword with my steel-soled shoes, his eyes widen in sheer surprise.

“What kind of hybrid technique is this?!”

From there, I employ Merida-style and slash upwards.

Exploiting the vulnerability of his single-edged sword, I thrust the point towards Trancylvania.

Though surprised, he skillfully steps back one pace to evade.

We’ve now gained some distance apart.

Quickly retreating, Trancylvania’s posture falters slightly.

‘I knew I’d fall short in terms of speed. I need to finish this with a trio of techniques that are impossible to predict!’

It’s my turn to attack again.

This attack must finish him off.

Immediately, I activate the Weak Point Trait.


I activate it and prepare to strike right away.

However, Trancylvania’s weak point is nowhere to be seen.

No, to be precise…

It seems his weak point exists, but it’s constantly shifting.

Whenever I lock onto a weak point and aim to strike, his posture subtly changes and moves away.

When I aim for a different spot, it shifts once more.

There’s a weak point, but all I can foresee is that every attack will be blocked.

I can’t break through.

At least, not without using mana to penetrate that thick defense.

Even with him having one Achilles tendon cut, he’s still too formidable.

“I concede. I surrender.”

“What?! That’s so anticlimactic!”

As I drop my sword, raising my hand, Trancylvania throws a fit.

After all, he was about to have some fun.

I don’t need to face him directly to know a few things.

In close combat, Trancylvania is undoubtedly the strongest.

‘Monsters are just monsters.’

Trancylvania isn’t using just one specific martial art.

He has dedicated a long time to mastering countless martial arts, embodying them, becoming one with all those styles.

‘I wasn’t facing someone who could be defeated with just three learned martial arts.’

The ultimate form, compiling the strengths of all martial arts while compensating for their weaknesses.

Even if the opponent exhibits unpredictable movements, he’s at a level where he can respond accurately.

Any shortcomings due to talent have been compensated by time and learning.

Trancylvania is the embodiment of the history of swords.

“Oh, that hurts.”

“Do Blood Ghouls feel pain?”

“Isn’t that obvious? If you can’t feel pain, you’d keep bumping into things and breaking apart without even realizing it. That’d be a disaster.”

“…I don’t feel it that well.”

“That’s just you being dull.”

As I apply potions to Trancylvania’s limbs, we chat about various topics.

Of course, this potion isn’t a low-grade one.

A low-grade potion only increases biological healing, but that doesn’t work on a dead body like a blood ghoul.

So, I have to use high-grade potions to heal the wounds, and I’ve already used three.

I wonder if I should bill him for this.

“That was impressive. If you added mana’s power, I wonder how much stronger the sword aura would become. Perhaps it might even be so deadly that I couldn’t block it, or even if I did, it could be lethal enough to slice off my limbs. If we fought without holding back, I would undoubtedly lose.”


“Why the silence? Do you disagree?”

“Right. I truly believe that if you went all out, Trancylvania, you’d win.”

“Hahaha! Both of us are people far from humility! What a strange situation!”

Trancylvania bursts into laughter.

I never expected our opinions would diverge like this.

If we fought with everything we had, I thought Trancylvania would win for sure, while he thinks the opposite.

Given how many variables exist in real battles, only experience in combat can reveal the outcomes.

Yet, I believe that will never happen.

Both our bodies are in tatters from this spar.

If we went all out, one of us would likely end up crippled.

“I’m so disappointed. Usually, I’d dive in without regard for whether I died or my opponent died. But it’s a problem because it’s you. I don’t want you to die, and I also don’t want to die and miss out on the future you envision—”

I share his sentiment.

There’s an overwhelming desire inside me to engage in a life-and-death battle and confirm our boundaries.

In my lifetime, I’ve never understood those who felt ecstasy in combat, and yet here I am, possibly understanding that feeling through engaging with Trancylvania.

As our swords clashed, it felt like our souls resonated together.

“I think you got cut in the side too. Stop jabbering and check your bandage.”

“Oh, that? It was just a graze.”

“That’s going to leave a scar. Lift your shirt.”

“Why should a swordsman care about scars? Are you a swordsman who’s afraid of having scars on his body—”

“Come on! I don’t care, but your skin is so pale that it’s weird to have scars on it! If you have a scar on that white, flawless body, that’s just odd! Enough talk, lift your shirt!”


Only after I pressed him did Trancylvania reluctantly pull up his shirt.

Slowly, his abs emerge from below.

I expected neatly defined six-pack abs, but surprisingly, they’re in a straight horizontal line.


Not bad, but I have the sudden urge to poke his soft-looking lower belly.

‘What am I doing with a man?’

This is a man’s abdomen. This is a man’s abdomen. This is a man’s abdomen.

I clench my eyes tightly, silently chanting that three times before opening them again.

But the sight before me is completely unexpected.

“Huh? Uh? What’s this?”

“What’s the problem?”

“Do you have gynecomastia?”

A bandage tightly wraps around Trancylvania’s chest.

It looks like it’s being compressed severely, yet his chest seems ready to burst forth at any moment.

That’s definitely not muscle; that’s fat, isn’t it?

“Gynecomastia? What are you even talking about? A woman’s breasts are naturally this size.”


After a brief moment’s pause, I finally realize what Trancylvania meant.

I am not—

I am not a gay man.

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