I Gave Up on Conquering the Heroines

Chapter 114

Taesu. Gui Ho.

A nine-tailed fox yokai.

After absorbing the earth’s energy in the northern continent for thousands of years, it awakened as a yokai.

It accepted the faith that supports it and rose to the position of Taesu.

It’s essentially a local deity.

With that level of prowess, it possesses power that far surpasses mere humans.

With that strength, Taesu has practiced curses.

Space distortion. It feels like the space has been expanded hundreds of times…

It was only a space about three floors high inside the casino.

But where I’m standing now feels so vast and high that it’s like I’m outside.

In the middle of that space.

As silver fur rustles.

A gigantic spiritual body awakens and faces me.

[Who dares to disturb my deep slumber…?]

Fur bristling in anger.

And a growling mouth.

Its voice seems to enter my head directly without passing through my ears.

So I bow down to show respect in the northern style.

This is a completely different level of being. I could easily be toyed with and killed.

In cases involving超 beings like Yerina, Transylvania, or Swordmaster Sola, I might take them down with everything I’ve got (including the petty tactics).

And while the Four Heavenly Kings might be able to deal a blow if they awaken to their peak later on, it still seems possible to land a hit.

But with someone like Taesu, the notion of fighting doesn’t even exist.

It’s a level where distorting space and observing the entire northern region is possible.

And just the fact that I’m already in this distorted space means I’m in Taesu’s palm.

Here, Taesu can literally toy with me.

But where was Taesu when the final boss crawled out…?

In that moment.

A question arises.

In the game’s storyline, why was Taesu just sleeping quietly until the final boss showed itself?

If it was the early game when the existence of the Four Heavenly Kings hadn’t been revealed yet, it would be understandable.

Even in the latter stages when the Four Heavenly Kings started rampaging, Taesu was still quiet.

Then, when the final boss broke through the dimensional wall and revealed itself, Taesu just showed up then and was merely a device to provide shock by being one-hit killed.

The system must have intervened again.

A clear narrative gap.

When it comes to Taesu, there’s a strong possibility that the system arbitrarily modified the settings.

Reasons why Taesu couldn’t come forward externally for a while…

[Who are you? What is your true identity? Why is the heart of a human so bizarrely twisted!? This is not something one can possess unless they have lived multiple lives!]

A direct hit.

It seems that a being of Taesu’s level can peek into the hearts of others.

Maybe it glimpsed the strangely entangled emotions within me.

A bizarre inner-self burdened by twelve different emotions…

To Taesu, I might appear like a monster.

“I present myself to Taesu, the ruler of the north. I sincerely apologize for intruding and disturbing your rest. Please forgive me. Regarding my inner self—”

[Hmm, hmm. Enough. What a diverse spirit, it’s actually a good thing. A rare specimen has come in,]


I expected Taesu to be wary of me.

But the furrowed brow softens, and a gentle voice emerges.

Is this a warm welcome?

[Ah. It’s been a while since I saw a human, so I impulsively released my aura. It must have been distressing. Allow me to easily suppress my aura now.]


At that moment, Taesu giggles, shrinking down until she becomes a white-haired woman holding a long pipe.

Fox ears still remain on her head, with nine tails peeking out from under her skirt.

Then the overwhelming energy that had been pounding my head vanishes.

But it wasn’t that painful, was it?

She said she released her aura indiscriminately?

If a being like Taesu had done that, I should have been rolling on the ground or my head should have exploded by now.

I am strangely fine right now.

Just as I wonder about this.

[Trait: Mental Strength Enhancement]

[Mental strength dwells within a strong body. It enhances proportionately to overall stats.]

Mental strength enhancement.

It seems I was safe thanks to this trait I obtained from meeting the final boss, Draken.

Taesu’s eyes widen in surprise as she observes my reaction.

[Did you overcome my aura? You, are you truly human?]

“Yes. I am.”

[Hmm. Not lying, huh. What on earth is going on… Anyway! Since I’m in a good mood right now, I will grant you one wish! Speak what you desire, human.]

Taesu crosses her legs, smiling.

The displeasure quickly fades and she immediately grants a request.

Was Taesu always this kind-hearted?

Anyway, this is good.

It seems I’ll be able to achieve what I want right away.

“I have limited knowledge, so I would appreciate it if you could teach me something.”

[Why would a human seek teachings from me? Find a human teacher. I don’t know much about you guys either.]

“It’s not about humans. I wish to inquire about the traits of beast-folk.”


Taesu chuckles, showing interest.

Though she is originally a yokai and now a yokai spirit, she seems to be well-versed concerning beast-folk.

After all, most of the population in the northern region, which she governs, is beast-folk, and she is familiar with them.

Besides, one of her other forms is that of a beast.

“I came to see you, Taesu, who has lived for thousands of years, hoping you know something about the peculiar traits of beast-folk.”

[Alright. Go ahead and tell me. I can share what I know.]

“Do you know of the trait known as Frenzy among beast-folk?”


Taesu tilts her head.

It seems like the name “Frenzy” is relatively new.

She likely hasn’t encountered that term yet.

“It’s a rare trait that appears once every thousand years, believed to dramatically enhance the sensitivity of the five senses and unleash the wildness that’s usually suppressed.”

[Ah! I see. You mean the blessing that King Palana possesses. I’ve only witnessed that blessing three times in my life. Definitely a precious trait. But what about that blessing?]

“If you know of any method to remove or weaken that trait, please let me know.”

Yerina’s Frenzy.

It’s the other name for the obsession that has tormented me for the past twelve loops.

As long as this Frenzy exists, I won’t be able to escape the hardships in this round either.

So far, I’ve managed to evade pretty well.

But after catching Alicia’s betrayal, Yerina will start to pursue me even more fiercely.

From my perspective, escaping from Yerina for over a year seems impossible.

In the current state, the moment I confront her, my home will transform into Yerina’s Ice Cave and I will surely face a bad ending.

Thus, I need to neutralize the Frenzy.

Minimizing Yerina’s obsession might even lead to some hope after being captured.

And if the Frenzy improves, the treatment of Alicia’s betrayal might get better too.

However, all of that is a secondary effect.

The real reason lies elsewhere.

[Are you seeking to eliminate King Palana’s blessing?]

“If you take it that way, that’s fine.”

[First, I want to ask. Why do you want to eliminate the perfectly fine blessing of King Palana?]

“Because Frenzy prevents the Frost Duchess from being happy.”

[What do you mean by that? King Palana became strong because of the blessing. That power allowed her to claim the throne and lead numerous vassal states. Are you saying the blessing is making her unhappy?]

“That’s absolutely correct. That trait has given the Frost Duchess immense power, honor, and even the throne. The obsession stemming from that trait has helped her manage her vassals and establish absolute monarchy. It is undoubtedly a blessing for her. However, for Yerina Frost, it’s a devastating curse.”

Frenzy might be a splendid talent for the Frost Duchess.

But for the human, Yerina Frost, it is the worst trait.

It prevents building relationships with others, constantly gnawing away at her mind with suspicion until her death.

“Yerina Frost suspects everything, and that suspicion only grows with time. She cannot trust anyone and demands proofs of loyalty and sincerity from everyone. But that’s merely pouring water into a bottomless well. She will never share her heart with anyone until she dies. Love will not be realized, nor will she gain anyone’s understanding. Living behind the mask of the lofty Frost Duchess, she will die alone. That is the curse that Frenzy has cast upon Yerina Frost.”

Frenzy must be eliminated.

Not for something else.

But for Yerina’s happiness.

I’m just now realizing this.

I couldn’t think this way when I viewed Yerina simply as a heroine to conquer.

When I was only focused on how to deceitfully traverse her and commit perjury, such thoughts never crossed my mind.

However, in the 13th loop, having given up on conquering those heroines.

I finally realize I truly wish for their happiness, which ultimately means I must liberate Yerina from the Frenzy.

“I hope Yerina Frost finds happiness as a person, as a woman.”

[Hahahahahaha! You’re in love with the Frost Duchess, aren’t you!?]

“If you take it that way, that’s fine.”

[King Palana is destined to reign supreme alone! She was born to stand noble and beautiful, unyielding in her fate! You want to break that destiny merely for the sake of receiving her love? You’re trying to pull the teeth and claws of a beast and tame it like livestock! Hahahaha! How absurd! Ridiculous!]

What’s so funny? Taesu laughs so hard she’s holding her stomach.

I felt anxious for a moment, wondering if she didn’t like it.

But Taesu stops laughing and wipes her tears before speaking.

[Hahaha! It’s been so long since I laughed! How delightful! This will surely be so entertaining to see that proud wolf become a sweet pet! Of course, that won’t happen! Now! Take this!]


At that moment, a book appears on Taesu’s palm and she tosses it to me.

As I catch it and look at the cover, it reads “The Mind Control Method”.

[Meditation for training your senses. Once perfected, you can freely control your and others’ five senses.]

I check the system window that pops up.

This is… exactly what Yerina needs.

Of course, figuring out how to get Yerina to practice this is the issue, but I’ll think about that later.

Finding a way to suppress Frenzy is already a significant achievement.

[It’s a book for refining the mind and controlling the heart. If you train accordingly, the Frost Duchess will gain complete control over her trait. She will be able to activate Beast Mode without showing any paranoid symptoms.]

“I gratefully accept this. My gratitude knows no bounds.”

[It’s fine. It was just a junk book rolling around the streets three thousand years ago. It’s good that it found a necessary person.]

Was Taesu originally a figure of such greatness?

If I’d known this would happen, I should have come straight to greet her first.

I bow my head again, touched by Taesu’s compassion.

[Hahahaha! You know etiquette! Good! Worry not. I will ensure the Mind Control Method reaches the Frost Duchess properly.]

“What? It’s okay. I will deliver it personally.”

[You, a fool, how do you intend to deliver it to the Frost Duchess as a dimwit? Leave it to me.]


My mind goes blank.

What does this mean?

Am I going to become a fool? Why?

[Why do you make such a foolish expression? You are here as my sacrificial offering, are you not? By the way, hehehe. You look absolutely delicious! How do you have such a diverse spiritual essence at just twenty years of life? A fresh and richly colored spiritual essence! Truly the utmost delicacy!]


After hearing that, the questions start to resolve.

The reason Taesu didn’t get angry despite her deep slumber being interrupted.

It’s because the one who woke her was a delicious-looking offering.

And her kind responses to my abrupt inquiries.

Because she would eat me after answering.

At the very least, she would grant the last wish of a delightful offering.

“I am not an offering!”

[Did you come down without understanding? How pitiful. But it’s no use arguing with your fate. The process of your essence being devoured won’t be painful, so you need not fear too much. Rather, it’s an ecstatic feeling akin to reaching the heavens.]

Suddenly, she transforms back into her gigantic fox form and approaches me, mouth wide open.

A mad yokai.

This is not going to work.

If it continues this way, I’ll become a fool with my essence devoured.

That absolutely cannot happen.

I don’t want to be smeared on the wall in my youth.

Do I have to fight?

Gripping my sword and preparing to draw it…

A chilling sensation sweeps through my brain.

Intuition developed from years of traversing life and death.

It tells me where to dodge and where to aim…

Right now, my intuition screams at me to not draw the sword.

It’s broken.

There’s no apparent countermeasure.

No matter what attack I make or how I do it…

The only outcome in my mind is my head being bitten off by that steel-like mouth.

This is bad!

[Where do you think you’re running!?]

It wouldn’t be effective to attack; there’s no reason to further provoke Taesu’s mood.

Instead, I turn around and bolt.

Toward the door I entered.

But no matter how much I run, the wooden door doesn’t come closer.

Instead, it only seems to grow more distant.

The more I run, the more the space contorts.

[It’s useless! This is my formation! In here, you cannot escape, so obediently offer your essence to me!]


Just as I was about to sink into despair…

A piece of rare news strikes my ears.

Formation refers to a type of magic created by inscribing demonic energy onto objects or land.

And since this formation is made of demonic energy…

I know something that would gobble it up.

At that moment, something clinks and rattles in my bag.

[What is that? That suspicious mass!]

“Oh. This is a terrifically beautiful spider lady’s thing that she dropped while dying.”

I stop leisurely and pull out Kali’s Dead Soul, which I had disguised.

Taesu’s expression twists.

If I leave it out too long, the Four Heavenly Kings will track me, so I have to finish this quickly.

As I place the ravenous Dead Soul on the ground, the ground starts to seep demonic energy, being absorbed into the Dead Soul.

“This is how you use this item.”


In an instant, the formation dissolves.

All around fills with remnants of demonic energy, creating a hazy fog.


The spatial distortion should now be impossible.

Moreover, with visibility hindered, I can take the chance to escape.

…Or so I think, as I pull the doorknob.

But when I look back, the silhouette visible through the mist is not right.

What’s that tiny creature?

[Eh? Ugh.]


[What are you doing!? Now that the formation is broken, you should hurry and escape! If you don’t, you’ll lose your essence—it’ll be aaah! No! Don’t look at my true form!]

As I push through the fog, Taesu’s true form gradually reveals.

A small fox with nine tails.

That fox is now covering its eyes and trembling.

[Achievement Unlocked]

[Encounter with Taesu, Gui Ho!]

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