I Gave Up on Conquering the Heroines

Chapter 181

“The launching ceremony will begin shortly. If you haven’t entered yet, please hurry and take your seats.”

“Is the flagship of the 2nd fleet already completed? It’s quite nostalgic.”

“I heard there were many design errors on this airship from the start…”

“It’s unavoidable for a maiden ship with new technology applied. That’ll have to be resolved gradually in the follow-up ships.”

Sounds of the orchestra fill the air.

As the protective cloth is removed, the massive hull begins to reveal itself.

The 10th airship of the allied forces.

It was to be the flagship of the 2nd fleet.

The murderer, Transylvania, sat in the audience, sipping on a blood pack, watching the scene with an indifferent expression.

“Tastes bland.”

It’s that Yoo Jin’s fault.

Ever since I tasted that guy’s blood, every other blood just tastes the same.

My taste buds feel like they’re trained by his blood, and it’s quite unpleasant.

“Who’s going to be the captain of the 2nd fleet?”

“I heard it’s going to be Yulia Petenburg. The captain of the flagship is still undecided.”

“The witch of Petenburg…? Huh. I still can’t believe that Petenburg is the backbone of the alliance…”

Transylvania clicked her tongue while glancing at the elderly men shaking their heads.

Just because Petenburg is a small city-state doesn’t mean its influence is small.

In reality, it’s that tremendous wealth that allowed the witch to establish a global communication network in collaboration with Tay’s workshop.

The entire tight command structure of the alliance is based on Petenburg’s communication network.

It seemed that these old folks were oblivious to that.

‘Oh well. What can you do if they don’t understand?’

The alliance was formed based on the Holy Kingdom, Petenburg, and Palana.

After Yoo Jin’s death, the alliance established a common command for the allied forces.

Palana, which practically governs the entire northern region, and Petenburg, holding the world’s finances in its grip.

With that enormous capital, the allied forces already had an astounding air power of ten airships.

They established an excellent command structure centered around the priestess.

The land forces of the allied army were already nearing 100,000 troops.

Even if they weren’t the main force, the other countries that joined the alliance ridiculed it as extravagance.

But no one cared about that.

The day of the final battle would soon come.

Countries unprepared by then wouldn’t escape destruction.

The flying warships were the only weapon capable of confronting the overwhelming enemy covering the world.

“Damn it…”

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s a summons from the Frost Duchess. Take a good look around and then get lost. Anyway, your shared contributions were hardly useful for launching that ship.”

“What? What…! This crazy murderer! I treated you like a human—”

“Shut up.”

Leaving behind the riffraff who only joined out of fear of being eliminated by the great powers.

Transylvania hurriedly left the launching dock, which was in full swing.

There was a message from the Frost Duchess.

The content was, ‘Undead army remnants have resumed activities. Requesting support.’

“There’s still remnants not eradicated like this…?”

Tick, tick.

At the command center of the allied forces based in Petenburg.

The priestess, Jill Diner, anxiously chewed her nails and tapped her foot nervously.

That day.

Thanks to Yoo Jin’s sacrifice, Luna was exorcised, and the transcendent being was neutralized.

Most of the undead army, frozen by the curse’s chill, was crushed under fallen debris.

However, a few managed to survive, digging tunnels and escaping.

Only about a dozen or so escaped.

Their power wasn’t much to impress, but still, the undead army constantly troubled the allied forces.

If they were just powerful with no intelligence, that wouldn’t be a problem.

But they were able to hide and escape when in danger, adapting their ambush tactics to target vulnerabilities.

They attacked unprotected homes, infecting people to increase their numbers.

Using sheer numbers, they attacked the guards to steal weapons and armor, repeating this cycle.

At one point, their numbers swelled to 10,000.

But thanks to Yoo Jin, the three leaders of the alliance, who were aware of the undead army’s danger from early on, quickly began to respond.

Using tactics that rejected infection, they narrowed the siege, successfully reducing their numbers back down to the hundreds.

But the closer they drew the siege to eradicate them, the stronger their resistance became.

The damage increased as well.

Eventually, they gave up on complete eradication, determining that maintaining the status quo was the best option.

To keep the siege intact, but never let down their guard.

That was the best plan.

For some time, the undead army seemed to have no way to break through the siege.

“It’s dangerous. This movement is looking for weaknesses in the siege. Soon this way… The areas where the new soldiers are placed will be attacked.”

But then the undead army resumed activities again.

They seemed to be assessing the opposing forces just before attempting to break through a point in the siege.


I hope this battle ends safely without casualties.

Jill prayed again, hands clasped together.

These days, every day was filled with this kind of worry.

People dying like ants.

Standing in the position responsible for that was an enormous pressure.

If Yoo Jin were here, there wouldn’t be any worry.

He would have resolved everything somehow.

And he would have held my hand, melting away this anxiety…

Today, Yoo Jin’s absence felt even larger.

“Hu… Have the alert levels been raised?”

“Yes, priestess. All the siege barriers are on high alert, and reinforcements are on their way.”

Jill clenched her jaw and lifted her head.

During times like these, she had to keep her wits about her.

Yoo Jin’s efforts and sacrifices couldn’t be in vain.

Many knights and clergy followed the priestess, trusting her.

It was Jill’s responsibility to take care of them.

As the priestess’s aides left their posts.

Before long, Jill was the only one remaining in the command center, watching the map displaying the situation.

At that moment, a familiar voice called from behind.

“I sent Transylvania that way. So it should be fine.”

“Frost Duchess?! Why have you just arrived!”

“I’m sorry. I hurried over as soon as I heard the news… Oh.”


Covered in sweat, Yerina entered, and Jill rushed to embrace her.

Yerina gently patted Jill as if familiar, then pulled back.

“I’ve already completed the initial response… I’m scared. What if many people die again…?”

“Don’t worry. The response was, if I may say, perfect. This is an opportunity. A chance to completely eradicate the undead army, the legacy of the necromancer…!”

Yerina exaggerated a bit to reassure Jill.

At this, Jill’s expression brightened a little.

While she pretended to be tough and strong before others, leading the army without a care.

In front of Yerina, she released the pressure that so many lives weighed on her.

The only one she could share her wounds and worries with.

The true aspect of the priestess only showed in front of Yulia and Yerina.

However, Yulia was currently rushing to conclude the launching ceremony and send out the 2nd fleet’s flagship to exterminate the undead army, so she was not here.

For now, Yerina was the only one.

“The priestess is doing her best.”

“Doing my best isn’t enough…”

“You’re doing great. You’ve brought the alliance, which was precarious at its inception, this far. Thanks to you, the alliance has reached a level where it can compete with the whole world in war.”


Yerina didn’t fail to understand that sentiment either.

She simply patted Jill gently with an affectionate gaze.

She knew that she was merely filling in for Yoo Jin in Jill’s life.

The priestess was the type who couldn’t endure without leaning on someone.

[This is a communication from Transylvania. Shall I connect?]

“Connect, Linda.”

[Frost Duchess! Have you correctly identified it!?]


At that moment, a mana stone began to emit a red light and make noise.

Transylvania’s voice sounded quite urgent.

It seemed she was currently running.

[Not this!]

“What do you mean?”

[It’s a feint! The ground trembled, and shadows covered the horizon; I was deceived! When I checked myself, they were just illusions!]


A feint.

Transylvania’s pupils shook at this shocking news.

While they knew the undead army was intelligent, they had never seen tactics like this before.

Were all those reinforcements, which were hastily dispatched, just a ruse?

If this isn’t the attack point, then where on Earth could it be?

As Yerina hurriedly checked the map, Jill was contacting everywhere.

“Eh…? The enemy has already crossed the river…? Their numbers are nearing 10,000…?”

“Oh no!”

The enemy had already broken through the siege.

Leading an army of nearly 10,000, they boldly made their gamble.

And they had succeeded.

“Right now! Rebuild the siege! Follow the next river to…!”

“There are more than ten cities inside! At least 50,000 citizens are at risk!”

“This can’t be happening…!”

Jill and Yerina’s faces turned pale as they realized the gravity of the situation.

If only Yoo Jin were here.

If only Yoo Jin were here…

That thought kept popping up in their heads.

“It can’t be helped. For now, we must establish a secondary defense line and evacuate the citizens. At this point, sacrifices… are unavoidable…”


Both of them, realizing how futile that sounded, quickly dismissed the thought from their minds.

Though they didn’t let go of the thread of hope yet.

The sense of despair was piling up steadily.

They were exhausted.

The clues to capturing the enormous enemy that Yoo Jin faced were yet to be found.

Dealing with the undead army and the great demon alone was overwhelming.

While the allied forces appeared to have military strength that far surpassed a single nation.

No matter how they thought, it felt insufficient to confront ‘that being’ who had become one with the world.

‘I don’t know… I’m not even sure if this path is the right one anymore…’

How did Yoo Jin continue to fight this battle alone?

As days passed, his absence only felt larger.

Like magic, I wish Yoo Jin would just appear.

To tell me this is the right path, that I’m doing well.

Not just in the dreams I keep having, but in reality…

Jill thought that.

“And today, I’ll close early.”

“Eh? Master Artisan, already?”

“I mentioned it yesterday. I said I’d finish early today. I have someone important to meet.”

“But on a busy day like today, I really didn’t think you’d finish early… Is it really an important person?”


Amidst changing out of her dark work clothes into bright attire.

Tay paused for a moment at the assistant’s question, deep in thought.

As a bittersweet smile spread across Tay’s lips.

“Yeah. Someone precious. The one who brought me to this place…”

Tay had been living almost entirely in the workshop.

When she mentioned she’d be dressed nicely and heading out, everyone was surprised.

But nobody hesitated about her long-awaited outing.

The carriage carrying Tay began its journey down a long road.

Just past the bustling city of Basel, the carriage climbed several mountains before soon reaching a desolate land.

If one said that just a few years ago, a lush forest spread here, newcomers would find it hard to believe.

“Please let me down here.”

As Tay jumped from the carriage.


She suddenly felt an odd sense, as if something had swept by, and turned back.

It was a strange sensation.

It felt like someone had called out to her.

But turning around, there was no one.

It was clear time had passed.

What had happened in the meantime, she couldn’t tell.

‘Is it just my imagination?’

Perhaps she had zoned out from exhaustion for a moment.

Ignoring it, Tay continued toward the graveyard and spotted a girl ahead, rushing towards her.

A girl clad in a black robe.

Seo Gong.

“What? Did you stop your training to come here?”

“It’s that human’s death anniversary. At least I should come. Busy people might not make it, but we, who can’t help, should come every year for the anniversary, right?”

“…I’m useful, you know? I crafted the mana stones for the communication network commissioned by Yulia.”

“Is that even important right now? I’m no kid either.”

“Just because I’m smaller doesn’t mean I’m a kid!”

“Being big doesn’t mean you aren’t a kid, though!”

As soon as they met, the two grabbed each other by the collar, bickering fiercely.

But soon, they cleared their throats and released each other.

“Long time no see.”

“Yeah. Have you been well?”

“I spend my days crafting.”

The two had first met during Yoo Jin’s funeral, and although it was hard to find common ground, somehow they had become quite close with time.

The catalyst was a fight.

While Seo Gong was cursing Yoo Jin backstage during the funeral, Tay overheard and got into a fight with her.

After rolling around on the ground, Tay realized that was Seo Gong’s way of releasing sadness.

Seo Gong had been cursing and resenting Yoo Jin, reminiscing about him.

Perhaps it was due to their similar ages.

Seo Gong, Tay, and the nameless one quickly became friends.

They met often.

“Where’s the nameless one?”

“I don’t know. I think he cut off contact after the appointment ceremony for the Great Mage. I heard rumors he went north…”

“I should ask the Frost Duchess about it.”

“How’s Gui Ho doing these days?”

“My mentor? Well, he’s… doing alright. I think he’s been suffering a lot because of the scars from the fire caused by the Great Spirit, but it seems he’s overcoming it lately.”

Seo Gong scratched his head as she answered.

It wasn’t exactly a pleasant topic to discuss.

Seeing Seo Gong’s expression, Tay cautiously took a step further.

“And you?”

“I am…”

Seo Gong’s mouth was sealed.

Then, she bit her lip, hesitating to answer.


Tay immediately regretted asking.

The world was chaos with undead remnants and great demons, and the superhumans were all too busy.

To find Seo Gong leisurely visiting a graveyard instead of being deployed to fight alarm bells was where she should have realized.

Initially, it was a mistake to bring up recent events.

“It’s tough…”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

While comfortingSeo Gong’s shoulder.

Tay walked together with her towards the desolate gravestone as usual…



An exclamation escaped simultaneously from Tay and Seo Gong.

The gravestone, which should have been standing firm, was broken.

The two hurriedly rushed over, shocked, and discovered the stone split in half, with an empty space within.

“They took the sword inside!”

“Who could do such a thing…?”

It was strange.

If they were grave robbers, wouldn’t they typically dig up the coffin instead of the gravestone?

Yet only the gravestone was destroyed, while the tomb remained intact.

Dumbfounded, Tay and Seo Gong could only express their bewilderment.

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