I Gave Up on Conquering the Heroines

Chapter 95

“From now on, please write the letters with fake addresses and fake names before sending them.”

“Huh? Why’s that?”

“Because the entire postal system across the continent is owned by Yulia. If she wants, she can open all the letters sent by the Priestess.”

“Oh… I’ll do that.”

Now that Yulia has officially started keeping an eye on Mia, it’s extremely dangerous to exchange letters in the name of the Priestess.

With so many memories of being censored in the previous rounds, there’s no way to be overly cautious.

“Thanks for the prophecy. I think it will be a big help.”

“If you’re thankful, can I ask you one question?”

“What is it?”

“About the discord between you and Yulia, the previous Priestess… Did that start because of her fault?”


I see, you’re curious about the relationship between Yulia and me.

Though I can’t explain everything and it wouldn’t be beneficial either, it wouldn’t be right to completely hide things from someone who is helping me.

Some explanation is necessary.

“Isn’t it more important to ask what kind of discord it is? What kind of relationship we had before the discord?”

“Ah. Can I ask that too…?”

Mia, with her hands clasped delicately, whispers while covering her mouth. She seems to lack the courage to ask.

Since we’re both taking on risks, Mia deserves to know. She needs to be prepared to deal with Yulia’s sudden actions.

“At first, it was a bit, just a little bit, of an intimate relationship. More like close friends who could talk to each other openly. But it seems Yulia’s feelings were bigger than I thought. She got upset about my relationship with another woman and caused a big mess.”

The war between the Holy Kingdom and Petenburg during the sixth round was triggered by Yulia publicly criticizing the Priestess.

However, it’s not entirely Yulia’s fault, as it’s also a problem for Jill to decide to invade over just that.

“So that’s what broke the relationship?”

“Not exactly. Yulia clearly made a mistake, and it was an incident that couldn’t be resolved… But I decided to embrace Yulia as she is. I promised a future with her.”

“Oh my.”

Though it was a lie, I confessed to Yulia, and she accepted it.

“And right after that, I insulted Yulia and left. That’s how we fell apart.”


Mia’s eyes widen, as if she can’t process it all.

It’s hard for an ordinary person to understand from their sense of reason and logic.

I intentionally kept my explanation vague, so it’s only natural.

“I thought that since I regressed to the past, my insult would become a non-issue, but there was a critical error, and Yulia ended up remembering the previous round,” is something I can’t just say.

“So… you unilaterally betrayed and left Yulia?”

“There’s no room for excuses.”


While I’ve condensed and inadequately explained things, it’s not distorted by any means.

I didn’t intend it that way, but the fact is that I trampled on Yulia’s feelings and hurt her.

I’m not going to hide or cover that up.

Of course, I also don’t plan to quietly let myself be caught by Yulia, who is chasing me.

I need to get home.

“Yulia was just… how should I put it? She was just unlucky.”

If the system had worked properly, there wouldn’t have been a need for her to remember anything.

Yulia would have lived peacefully without knowing me, and I would have been running smoothly toward my own ending.

Both of us were just a bit unlucky.

“Was that an adequate answer?”

“Ah, yes.”

The atmosphere has become a little awkward. I wonder if I said something unnecessary, but I also feel slightly relieved.

I hope Mia doesn’t treat Yulia like a crazy woman just because she stands against me.

Only I can call Yulia crazy.

“It seems a bit noisy outside.”


At that moment, Mia’s long ears perk up as she stands up.

Maybe due to the connection with the World Tree’s senses, I can’t hear anything, but Mia seems to notice the commotion outside.

“Huh? It sounds like there’s a fight somewhere? Is it possibly your companions, Yoo Jin’s group…?”


I was worried that Transylvania might cause trouble, and it seems my fears have turned into reality.

“Where are you going?”

“Where else? We need to go to the training ground. I have a storage there. It’s probably in terrible shape since I haven’t used it for a hundred years.”

“I need to… talk to Yoo Jin.”

“I left a note, so please stop bringing up his name. I’m getting tired of it.”

As she digs at her ears, Transylvania openly shows her annoyance.

She has been noisy since we started walking, constantly mentioning how Yoo Jin would worry and how she has to inform him, Yoo Jin, Yoo Jin…

It’s driving me crazy.

“Do you have any romantic feelings for that human?”

“…Romantic feelings?”

Mi Jeong tilts her head in confusion.

Transylvania ruffles her hair in frustration, suppressing her anger.

“I mean, do you feel anything special for that human?”

“…Yoo Jin is special.”

“But you know that, right? He has no interest in you. He’s just a useful tool. No more, no less. If you break or become useless, you’ll be abandoned. If you die, he wouldn’t shed a single tear.”


That’s wrong.

Yoo Jin would cry rivers if I died.

Though she calls me an object or tool, he actually treasures me.

But Mi Jeong decides not to argue in detail.

It would be pointless to debate with Transylvania, who has built up mistrust against humans for hundreds of years.

Yet inside Mi Jeong, dissatisfaction slowly builds up.

Every time Transylvania talks about Yoo Jin without knowing anything, her eyes twitch.

“But over time, relationships will reverse. Humans inevitably grow old, weak, and ugly. On the other hand, we continue to grow stronger with accumulated experience, knowledge, and techniques. I started as an ordinary farmer without any talents, yet now I’m one of the strongest swordsmen on the continent. Time is a powerful force. In that sense, we blood ghouls are the strongest.”

“…That’s not true.”

“What isn’t?”

“Just because you’re alive, doesn’t mean you’re strong. Living long doesn’t equal strength. Being alive isn’t the same as being powerful. A cockroach is not the strongest just because it survives.”

“Hahaha. You finally crossed a line you shouldn’t have, little one.”


Transylvania ground her teeth.

It’s true that before 200 years ago, there were many powerful beings that she could never have surpassed, no matter what she did.

But they have all died and been buried as skeletons.

The ones who survived are me, and now I’m the strongest.

Claiming to be the strongest is a clear and indisputable fact.

Every time I’m compared to the long-dead powerful beings, Transylvania feels a furious rage.

“I treated you kindly just because you were of the same kind. Say that again!”

“…You were born in an era where the strongest have disappeared.”

“This little brat…”

Just as Transylvania couldn’t hold back and clenched her fists, a loud bang echoed from far away, freezing her body.

It was the sound of something flying in with a loud explosion.


Transylvania sharpened her nerves and kicked Mi Jeong away.


Transylvania picked up the sword she had wrapped in bandages.

With a clear metallic sound, something collided with the sheath, sparking bright red flames.

The metal piece that bounced off spiraled into the sky and then flipped back, returning to where it came from.

Amidst the thick cloud of dust, an elf appeared, snatching up a boomerang-shaped sword.

“Hey, monster. Wasn’t being unable to kill me last time a pain that brought you back?”


A golden-haired elf.

Based on his hair color and blood color, he seems to be under 500 years old.

His outfit was light, lacking any accessories, suggesting he belongs to the warrior class due to his tattoos.

And if he can launch such a powerful projectile, he must certainly be one of the high-ranking warriors of Elvenguard.

As the smoke started to clear, the elf’s face became visible.

He looked incredibly handsome, as if he was radiating heat.

Transylvania’s eyes widened as she recognized him.

“I can finally tell who you are!”

“No, I don’t know you…”

“You bastard!!!”

But no matter how much she furrowed her brow, she couldn’t recognize him.

It’s been hundreds of years, and she’s crossed paths with many elves.

Not remembering him is simply not remembering.

Thinking the elf would jump around and explain everything if she kept quiet, she let out a big yawn.

“Do you remember the high-ranking warrior you killed in Elvenguard 50 years ago? I am his brother, Rex! I vowed to take revenge while cradling my dead brother’s corpse! I’ve been waiting for this day!”


Vague memories started flickering.

Transylvania rolled her eyes, trying hard to recall the memory.

She clearly remembered killing someone in Elvenguard.

That was why she had disguised herself and even used makeup when she entered this place.

But she had no memory of who it was or whether he had a brother.

As Transylvania couldn’t remember, the high-ranking warrior’s face turned red with anger.

Someone spent his life sharpening his sword for vengeance, only to find that the target of his revenge didn’t even remember him.

“Was this the day of your return, esteemed high-ranking warrior? I seem to have miscalculated the date of my visit.”

“Shut your mouth and draw your sword, monster. If not, I’ll smash you along with your sheath.”

“I’m in a bit of a bind here. I’ve become a direct knight of the Galia royal family. Are you seriously going to declare war on the Galia royal family?”


It was known throughout Galia that the king appointed Transylvania as a knight.

Naturally, it became a hot topic since a monster had become a knight.

However, it was not yet known that Transylvania had shed her armor and horse to give up her knight status.

She hates troublesome fights.

Transylvania wanted to use her former knight status to slip away.

She didn’t wish to kill an enemy she harbored no grudges against.

“Then it’s a duel! Accept my challenge, monster! You’re not going to run away, are you?”

What a funny guy.

If it were the old days, I would have jumped in and decapitated without hesitation, then slipped away leisurely.

But now, I can’t do that.

I made a promise to a human.

I have to remain here and teach him Dakia-style secrets.

Now that my identity is revealed, I can’t avoid the commotion.

But I have to endure it to avoid giving a reason to be forcibly driven away.

“Okay. You win. You’re talented. Keep it up from now on.”

“You bastard!!!”

Blushing fiercely, the high-ranking elf warrior took off his thick gloves and tossed them at Transylvania.

But Transylvania easily turned her face to dodge it.

Instead, with a thud, the glove struck someone else’s face.

“Hey! What ruckus are you causing while I’m not around… Huh?!”

Yoo Jin rubbed his face where the glove hit.

Getting hit with a glove signifies a challenge for a duel.

Suddenly, an idea popped into Transylvania’s head as she quickly moved behind Yoo Jin and grabbed his shoulder.

“You’ve been challenged to a duel by my disciple! He’ll fight in my place.”


Yoo Jin, placed in front of her, was utterly confused.

Even if it was suddenly declared a duel, he wouldn’t feel like fighting a stranger.

“But what do you mean? Why am I fighting in your place—”

“Ah! Like a monster’s disciple, you’re looking damn unpleasant. You look like a petty thief.”

“Take that back.”

My previously nonexistent fighting spirit skyrocketed.

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