I Gave Up on Conquering the Heroines

Chapter 98

Training went on and on.

The promised time is gradually approaching.

Now, only 12 hours are left until the match.

I barely lit the mana herbs that I couldn’t even ignite well, staying up all night and exhausting my body.


Significant changes occurred.

“Oh crap. My wrist popped out.”

Of course, it’s not a positive change.

My wrist bone is loose and dangling.

This is already the third time.

Even if I pop it back in, it comes loose again after swinging the sword a few times.

It’s not just my wrist that’s creaking.

My whole body is just screaming in pain.

When Mi Jeong is by my side, the Guardian Knight activates, allowing me to function without rest for a week.

But my body’s durability can’t keep up with my stamina.

So, have I realized anything during this whole ordeal?

“What the hell am I doing…?”


Nothing at all.

For two whole days, I endlessly pondered the concept of “expanding the range of attack.”

I focused all my nerves on the sensation at the tip of the sword, putting everything into detecting subtle changes.

In the end, I gained absolutely nothing.

My sword still just slices through the air, creating a meaningless breeze.

I can’t seem to create the sharp and powerful blades of wind that Transylvania makes.

“I feel like something has changed.”

Swinging my sword for two days seems to have brought about a slight change in my swordsmanship.

My posture, swinging form, and such have perhaps changed a tiny, tiny bit.

After all, my body has been wrecked during this time, so it would be weird if it didn’t change.

It’s a truly meaningless level of change.

Just because it’s changed doesn’t mean my attacks suddenly extend far with a strange sensation I’ve never felt before.

I don’t suddenly achieve enlightenment like in a martial arts novel, either.

“Damn it. My wrist won’t go in.”

Crack, snap.

Forcefully twisting and fitting my wrist back in place.

I sneak a glance at a corner of the storage room.

As expected, Transylvania is still quietly sitting there, watching me.

In the same sitting posture as on the first day.

Like a statue, there’s no change at all.

She just sits quietly, doing nothing.

She could point out something while watching me swing my sword, or highlight something I did well.

But when I ask her something, she subtly avoids answering.

When I look at her for hints, she just keeps telling me to continue, presses for me to keep going…

I’m getting frustrated.

At least she could set some kind of direction.

What kind of master is that?

I’ll never learn anything from Transylvania again.

“…Give me your hand.”

“Ouch ouch.”

Mi Jeong comes over quickly, grabs my wrist, and twists it around.

I thought this girl was trying to break my hand.

But after a moment, I start to feel comfortable and my wrist begins to move correctly.


Is it because she’s a corpse monster?

She seems to be an expert in setting bones.

Mi Jeong nudges my head as if demanding praise.

I gently pat her head and look back at Transylvania.

As expected, it’s obvious.

She’ll tell me to stop resting and continue again.

Just like she has for the last two days.

“Take a break.”


“There’s less than 12 hours until the match. You need to sleep and recover before we get into it.”

“But I haven’t learned the martial arts secrets yet!”

“That’s something I can’t help with.”

It’s absurd.

Honestly, the outcome of the match doesn’t matter to me at all.

It’s fine if I go in a complete wreck. I just want to make the most of these precious three days and train in the martial arts secrets.

But if I throw away that entire three days and sleep away the remaining 12 hours?

I’m starting to get angry.

“Rest? I can’t fight against someone I haven’t eaten or slept for three days. Especially if I haven’t learned the martial arts secrets!”

“I don’t need them. I can take down any high elf warrior without those.”

That’s not just bravado; I mean it.

This upcoming match isn’t a simple spar with bare hands and swords.

It’s a full-power battle.

In other words, magic can be used.

So, I can use the incredibly rare telekinesis in the match.

The power of telekinesis might not crush the opponent to death,

But I can restrict movement for a moment.

And in a heartbeat, that can be the deciding factor in a real sword fight.

I can’t lose this game.

I’d rather Transylvania properly teach me in these last 12 hours.

“Take a break.”

“I won’t sleep until you teach me properly. It’s unfair! If I’ve trained my heart and soul, yet I don’t realize anything due to my lack of talent, fine. But the teacher just sits there meditating while I do what?”

“Sigh. Mi Jeong. Put him to sleep.”


“Hey, what are you…”


At that moment, I feel a tap on my back.

Suddenly, my vision blurs and all my energy drains away.


As I feel around my back, I touch something small and paper-like.

It’s probably a talisman.

A sleep curse?

“Let’s sleep and see what happens. You’re already too worn out. You need a healthy body and mind to realize the martial arts secrets.”

“You bastard…”

I had to close my eyes, unable to resist the coming spell.




Yoo Jin lay on the ground like a corpse, asleep.

Looking down at him, Transylvania felt an illusion that her already-stopped heart was pounding.

“It was so close…”

The past three days had truly taken her breath away.

Every time she saw Yoo Jin’s sword, it felt as if Dakia’s sword was alive,

And the more time passed, the more accurate it became, sending chills down her spine.

Therefore, she couldn’t say a single word about Yoo Jin’s sword.

She was afraid that just a single comment would have a huge impact.

Her words, which only produced a counterfeit, could disrupt Yoo Jin, who was currently replicating the original.

But before Yoo Jin’s sword reached the martial arts secrets that Dakia couldn’t complete,

His body was reaching its limit first.

So, unable to watch any longer, she had no choice but to forcefully stop him.

“I can’t let this precious body be harmed.”

Transylvania smiled, gently stroking Yoo Jin’s cheek.

Long ago lost swordsmanship.

She had believed she would never see Dakia’s sword again, yet Yoo Jin had replicated it.

Just that alone was an enormous achievement that she could hardly believe.

This guy seems to be completely unaware.

“…Stop touching me. Yoo Jin is mine.”

“That’s enough. While he’s asleep, give him a massage. His muscles are tense after three days.”

Mi Jeong growls, blocking the path to Yoo Jin.

Transylvania sighed deeply, stood up, and turned her back.

‘This upcoming match will be telling.’

Yoo Jin had replicated Dakia’s sword.

If it’s Yoo Jin, wouldn’t he also create the martial arts secrets that Dakia could never complete?

The result would likely unfold in a match against the raging elf.


“No audience. Only one member from each side allowed. And while it’s fine to talk about the victory or defeat of the match, the match details are strictly confidential? Ha!”

In the underground of the World Tree.

In a half-collapsed ruin, Rex let out a hollow laugh.

What is a duel?

It’s not just to cleanse insults between the parties but also serves as entertainment for the audience.

But with not a single audience member around and prohibitions on discussing the match details among both parties,

What kind of duel is this?

At first, he thought there might be some trick to the duel,

But those thoughts vanished when he heard that the judge was the Priestess of the World Tree.

After all, the Priestess had already arrived on the scene.

No one would dare commit foul play before her.

The Priestess wouldn’t make an unfair judgment either.

But then, inversely,

Why request such conditions?

He became curious about the reasoning behind this.

In a situation where foul play wasn’t possible, why insist on this?

‘Ah, I see. They don’t want to be embarrassed.’

After thinking for a moment, he came to this conclusion.

They hated the idea that the details of how they lost the duel would be revealed.

Thus, they minimized the onlookers and prohibited any discussion about the match.

He finally understood the mindset of the human.

They had already seemed pathetic,

And now they felt even more ridiculous, causing Rex to chuckle in disbelief.

He had tirelessly trained for three days, thinking he needed to prepare.

But it seemed that wasn’t even necessary.

“Rex, high warrior.”

“Yes, Priestess. Please, go ahead.”

“Could you possibly forfeit this duel?”


At the moment Rex bowed his head at her call,

An unexpected request slipped from her lips.

Rex momentarily doubted his own ears and lifted his head slightly to examine the Priestess’s expression.

She looked serious.

She was genuinely asking him to forfeit this duel.

“I understand this is a difficult request. After all, you were the first to propose the duel, and the challenged is not the one who accepted but their representative. If you step back now, your honor will take a severe hit. Yet, I still urge you. Please forfeit this duel and I promise to offer you advantages regarding your future as Priestess.”


And the Priestess knew very well what forgoing a duel meant.

Knowing all that she still asked Rex to become a fool.

Was the meager promise of a slight increase in promotion the compensation for ruining his reputation?

That too without a solid agreement, just a verbal promise?

Rex had to bite his tongue in frustration, trying hard not to reveal his displeasure.

“May I ask why you value that human’s life so much?”

“I’m not trying to save… Yoo… Michael Jackson’s life.”

“Then what is it?”

“I’m sorry. I can’t disclose that information as it may interfere with the fairness of the duel.”

Nonsense, what do you mean it’s not?

Clearly, she was terrified of the human’s death.

Rex bowed his head deeply and spoke again.

“I’m sorry, Priestess. I cannot forfeit this duel. I cannot let go of my revenge that I have devoted my life to, and everything I’ve built.”

“I see…”

The Priestess sighed.

As Rex stood back up, in the meantime, he heard her mutter that losing honor would be better than losing a life.

“I have one more question, Priestess.”


“Fifty years ago. The day Transylvania attacked Elvenguard and killed my brother, that day was there any kind of deal between you and Transylvania?”


It had always been in his mind.

Seeing how the Priestess let the murderer go, he’d naturally think some kind of deal was made.

But he only had gut feelings about it; he didn’t know the details.

Yet he had lived without doubts for fifty years,

Until he met that human and his suspicion started to arise.

She had reacted as if greatly offended by the insult to the witch.

“I’m sorry. It’s confidential, and I cannot disclose it.”

“Even to me, a high warrior?”



Information that isn’t allowed even for the highest-ranking warrior.

Rex chuckled in absurd disbelief.

‘But why is the opponent so late…’

With less than three minutes left until the duel started.

It’s common courtesy to arrive at least ten minutes early to wait.

Is he a human with a lifespan as short as a child’s, so his manners are at the child’s level too?

Rex sighed deeply and put his chin on his hand.

If they don’t show up by the duel’s start time, it’s a default loss.

In the end, will he run away to avoid embarrassment even before the witnesses and the Priestess?

Was he really that lacking in grit?

Then what was that killing intent from earlier?

“I’m sorry.”


Suddenly, a voice came from the tunnel.

Thud, thud Heavy footsteps echoed.

Figures began to emerge from the dark tunnel.

At that sound, Rex instinctively stumbled.

An unexplainable pressure enveloped his body.

Clearly, just a thief who was nothing special three days ago, yet now, he radiated a different vigor.

“I’m late because I was sleeping.”

This was not someone to be underestimated.

Swallowing hard,

Rex sensed that truth for the first time just now.

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