I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother!

I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother! Chapter Nine

"When Orzella makes a vow, she upholds it, trust me," I said, smiling.


"Then, we should leave as soon as possible. The soldiers said they'd come back in two days. Most of the villagers are heading into the forest for the next few months. Taking what they can with them. In hopes of waiting out whatever is going on," Erendriel revealed. Her words gave a certain urgency to our departure. Orzella slips off the table and is ready to go. Erendriel gathers a few more things into another sack. It was a long trip to the north. We both helped her, and I was surprised that their family had many items we could use on our journey. We need to get there as fast as possible. A trio of horses left behind by her family would be ideal in speeding up our trip. Once everything was packed, our party reunited with the others.


Finding the others didn't take long. Preparations were being made for our departure. Nella and Elene saw us first. When my sister saw our new company, I knew she was angry.


"Who is this??" Lady Sophitia shouted.


It's obvious from her expression that she is worried and cautious. It is understandable why she would feel that way. Just hours ago, our own Kingdom's army and Knights attacked us. An ambush on a scale that wasn't possible without a combination of high-ranking nobles.


"Relax, this is Erendriel. She healed Orzella's wounds. I think it will be a good idea if she comes with us," I explained. 


"You just can't invite anyone along with us. This girl could be a spy! You're being naive, brother!" Lady Sophitia stated.


"It's quite alright Sophitia. If Asa trusts this girl, then I see no problem in allowing her to accompany us," Lady Aiko said.


"Mother! You're the Countess of this land. You should be more careful with who you allow around you!" My sister snapped.


"We can't make it north without help. Erendriel can aid us in our travels," I countered.


"Lord Asa, you are being reckless. If father really is dead, then you are the head of our House now. You don't have the right to endanger yourself," Sophitia explained.


"If that's the case, then I'll make her my new personal doctor. How does that sound?" I questioned.


"Hmph, fine, do as you please!" Sophitia scolded.


"We should move now. Those soldiers will be returning," Erendriel whispered.


It is admirable of her not to add to my sister's discomfort. Despite the extra horses, only Erendriel lacked a horse. It was my pleasure to offer her a ride. We set off towards the north. As we left, it was clear that the villagers were also heading north to the forest. The Great Gold Forest, as it was called. One of the many older forests of the Golden Peninsula. We'd have to journey deep within it, well off the main routes through the region. This was going to be dangerous in itself. Our current predicament left us no other recourse. Once we enter, there will be no chance to resupply. That left one option from here. The city of Helendale and sister city with Helenadale. Both sat on the main path across, with Helenadale the closest to us. I'm sure my sister has the same idea as me. The Royal Army and a contingency of Knights will be there. 'Would they be allies or enemies. There was no way to tell. We'll know within a day or so. I know I was anxious. So was my sister. Our mother, Lady Aiko, put on a strong face for us. That's how my Abigail was in our past lives.' 


One thing is for sure. Many refugees will be traveling to Helenadale and Helendale's twin cities.


There it was in front of us. The majestic city of Helendale. You could see her sister city, Helenadale, across the Golden River in the distance. Both cities lay on the southern boundary of the Gold Forest. The river ran deep within, with the source somewhere in the hidden Golden Mountain ranges just south of the Frozen Expanse. The road is full of travelers. Blending in here is vital. As we approach the city gates, anticipation grows. A platoon of Royal warriors was observing those that entered the city. A group of Royal Knights are present in the rear. Everyone is checked intensely. Our party's turn is coming up soon. 'Here's hoping these cloaks we came up on are enough concealment to get past.' 


We were up next, and two towering warriors looked over me from head to toe. Even inspecting Raven as if my majestic steed was a threat. They were on edge. Their alertness was at the highest levels. I saw a crudely drawn picture of myself, my mother, and my sister. In fact, our entire family was posted on the bulletin board, along with Sir Duncan, Sir Josiah, and Lord Alfred. Many others under my father were stationed there. A little relief came to my soul, knowing he, my other sisters, and my brother were free and safe in some manner. The soldier looks at me in the eye for an uncomfortable moment.


"Alright, move along, sir," the soldier barked.


Our party continues onwards without any hesitation. I felt a sigh of relief from my sister. Then my heart dropped.


"Girl, stop!" A Knight snapped.


I froze in place. "Girl, are you not a mage? You're to report to the Castle at once," the Knight said. "Come with me now. You and your traveling companions," he added.


Sophitia looks at me with fear. 'We can't fight them here. There are too many warriors already. With those Knights here, we stood no chance.' I signal to my sister to comply. It was our only option. She nods and follows the Knight. The rest of us fall in behind her. The tense factor increases as we enter the city. Like my hometown Annedale, this city was as beautiful. The same architecture blessed this settlement. At the heart of the bustling town was the Castle. Sitting on a hill surrounded by an iron curtain wall. Even from here, I could see the banners of House Martindale. 'Was this city under my house's control still?'  The people look unaware of what happened at Annedale. 


Soon enough, we stood in front of the Castle gate. The tremendous gate roars to life, slowly opening to reveal the courtyard. Lord Lincoln Gaston Huntley and Sir Bishop Leonel Westmoreland are waiting inside, two of my father's close allies. They immediately recognized us. Yet, the Knights escorted past them as they left. I caught Sir Bishop passing a scroll to the Knight in front. Once we were inside the Castle, the Knight brought us to a room.


"All mages and their servants will stay here in the Castle for the time being. Make yourself comfortable for the time being," the Knight said, passing the scroll to Lady Sophitia.


She waited until we were alone to read the message. Lady Aiko and I wait in anticipation while my sister carefully read every word.


"Father is alive, but Annedale is under the governorship of House Villanueva. Sighting crimes against the Kingdom. There's also a passage about you brother. You are to be apprehended and brought to the Capital. All other family members are to be gifted to House Villanueva," she whispered.


"By the Gods. Will that man ever cease his obsession? Now he targets my own daughters!!" Lady Aiko scolded.


I knew what she meant. Duke Issac had many sons and daughters. Forcing my sister into a political marriage with his family and ally families would seal his power grab. I could figure out what he planned to do with me and Erfan. Mother said on the bed, looking over the scroll my sister gave to her. Sophitia wasn't saying anything. I think she knew what it meant now. There was no going back to our old lives. Our father's whereabouts are unknown. She was the oldest daughter. That means she and our mother would no doubt go straight to Duke Issac. An unpleasant future. 


"Don't worry, we'll figure this out. Our first step is to regroup somewhere safe. Our House Guard and the Knights loyal to us wouldn't be defeated so easily," I said.


"What do we do in the meantime?" Orzella asked.


"The Gold Forest is a dangerous place," Nella stated. "We'll need supplies to make the trek," she added.


"I heard that there are monsters deep within the forest," Elene said.


"Nonsense Elene! Even if there are, we'll look after you," Lady Sophitia said.


Nella and Orzella appreciate her words. Still, Elene is right. I've heard those rumors too. We'd need more than just to make it. 


"Do you think Lord Lincoln is aware of who we are?" Lady Sophitia whispered.


"Of course he does, why would he provide us with this information?" Lady Aiko countered. 


"Even if he does know, it doesn't look like he's in a direct position to our much aid. I suspect his ranks are filled with spies," I suggested.


"Last year was an influx of recruiting from the mainland. Spies were probably embedded during that time," my mother said.


"Sophitia, we need to know what's happening in the city and get the supplies we need to pass through the forest," I explained. "Sophitia and Nella, you got to the market and see what you can purchase. Elene and I will hit the inns. Maybe I can hire a mercenary or adventurer. Orzella and Erendriel will stay here with Lady Aiko," I added.


"Be careful out there. Inns can be dangerous places if you walk into the lower end ones," Orzella said.


"Don't worry sis, we'll be fine," Elene said.


"Let's return here before dark," Lady Sophitia said.


This city is enormous; I figure we start on the south side and work our way counterclockwise. Of course, we need to be extra careful. Now that we are aware of spies here, we need to be absolutely careful. I felt eyes on us as we parted ways for the day. Lord Lincoln is clever in calling all mages to his domain. He knows our family is magically inclined. A smart cover to get a message to anyone in our House. Those Knights at the gates must be loyal to him and some of the soldiers too. All the reasons to be more careful. Relying on mercenaries was risky. Adventurers, we're the better shot for us. It would be helpful to have at least a guide.

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