I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother!

I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother! Chapter Nineteen

The intricate plan I had carefully devised to outmaneuver the Royal Army's sense users, those rare individuals with exceptional tracking abilities, had unfolded flawlessly. This success marked a significant triumph, a pivotal shift in our ongoing struggle. Without their gifted trackers, the Royal Scouts were essentially blinded, unable to pursue us with their usual precision. Recognizing the rarity and value of these gifted individuals, I knew I had to seize this rare opportunity to extract as much intelligence as possible from our captives.


Fortune seemed to be on our side, as I had managed to capture three such sense users, each of them gorgeous blondes endowed with these unique sensory talents. It was imperative to make the most of this chance, to glean vital information from them, but in a manner that remained within the bounds of reason.


We had restrained two of them, Elizabethe and Wynnefreede, securing them back-to-back to prevent any coordinated escape attempts, with Orzella keeping a watchful eye. My gaze then settled on the third captive, Katheryne Rowe. There was something about her demeanor, a certain air of importance, that suggested she was the linchpin in unraveling the information we desperately needed. Gesturing towards Leia and Rosaniya, I instructed them to position themselves on either side of Katheryne, hoping their proximity would encourage her to lower her guard. Despite the palpable tension, Katheryne maintained a composed demeanor, exuding an effortless confidence that clearly marked her as the prime candidate for interrogation.


"Okay, Katheryne Rowe, I've heard of your House. Your House hails from the oligarchic circles of the far Northeast," I stated, revealing my awareness of her background.


Katheryne's response was a whisper, tinged with a hint of surprise. "Katheryne is impressed. You know of our House, impressive," she acknowledged.


Leia, who had been attentively following the conversation, interjected with a pertinent question. "I'm familiar with the Northeastern oligarchs as well. Why would they venture this far West? Surely, a noble House closer to this region or from the capital would be more apt for tracking you down?"


Her query struck a chord with me, echoing my own thoughts. It was indeed peculiar for the oligarchs of the Northeast to engage in such an elaborate scheme in this part of the Kingdom, especially here in the Golden Peninsula, the westernmost point one could travel.


Before we could delve further into this line of questioning, Elizabethe, one of the tied captives, spoke up with a mixture of indignation and loyalty. "Katheryne, sister! Don't be so easily impressed! This man, his House, and all who support him are our enemies! Elizabethe affirms this!" she exclaimed.

"Be quiet, little girl!" Orzella retorted sharply, her patience wearing thin.


Wynnefreede chimed in, her voice laced with anger. "Who are you to speak to Elizabethe, sister, in such a manner? Wynnefreede is furious!"


Rosaniya, seizing the moment, posed a direct question. "Why are you here in this forest? It's hard to believe that this man and his party are your sole reason for being here."


Leia supported Rosaniya's skepticism. "I concur. It's unusual for the Royal Army to venture so deep into the Golden Forest. There must be more to your presence here."


Katheryne, caught in a moment of candor, began to divulge. "Katherine agrees; our presence here isn't solely for you. Our orders..." Her revelation, however, was abruptly cut short.


"Sister Katheryne! Refrain from revealing our affairs!" Elizabethe interjected, her tone commanding.


"Oh... right... Katheryne isn't supposed to tell you...," Katheryne murmured, seemingly chastened.


"Wynnefreede is pleased with your discretion, Katheryne sister," Wynnefreede said, her tone one of satisfaction.


Sensing a breakthrough, I probed further. "So, you are searching for something."


Elizabethe, unable to contain her arrogance, boasted. "Indeed we are! The relic is well within our grasp. Elizabethe wouldn't lie about such things."


Wynnefreede, alarmed by her sister's imprudence, countered. "Tsk... Elizabethe, sister! Be mindful! Wynnefreede fears you may have just divulged too much!"


"But we are indeed in pursuit of the holy relic, Elizabethe, sister... Wynnefreede, sister," Katheryne added in a hushed tone, inadvertently confirming their objective.


Rosaniya's reaction was instantaneous, her voice filled with a newfound urgency. "I knew it; these soldiers are after our village's holy relic. I must return as quickly as possible!"


Katheryne's whisper, laden with worry, floated through the air. "Oh... no... Daddy dearest will be upset with us now, Elizabethe, sister... Wynnefreede, sister."

Her words seemed to spark a defiant resolve in Elizabethe. "Katheryne, sister! Then we will have to capture these ruffians!" she declared with a determination that belied their current predicament. "Elizabethe is certain this will please Daddy dearest immensely!"


Wynnefreede nodded in agreement, her voice echoing her sister's enthusiasm. "A sound plan, indeed, sister Elizabethe! Wynnefreede is thoroughly impressed and wholeheartedly agrees!"


Orzella, who had been quietly observing the sisters, couldn't help but interject with a dose of reality, her eyes narrowing skeptically. "And just how do you plan to achieve that while you're tied up?"


Unfazed, Elizabethe replied with unwavering confidence, "Wynnefreede, sister, inform this commoner that Elizabethe will find a way. Elizabethe always does," she stated, as if it were an undeniable fact.


Wynnefreede, bolstering her sister's claim, added, "This is true... take her word... Elizabethe, sister, will find a way. Wynnefreede vouches for sister Elizabethe."


Leia, who had been listening to the entire exchange with growing frustration, finally blurted out, "Please stop talking in the third person! You're driving me crazy!"


It was clear to me that Leia wasn't accustomed to the idiosyncrasies often exhibited by nobility. Such eccentricities were not uncommon, especially among those who had lived sheltered lives, isolated from the broader world. This seemed particularly true for the Rowe sisters, whose unique gifts might have further compounded their isolation. Noble families often kept members with special abilities hidden away, both to protect them and to maintain a semblance of control over their powers.


Despite these distractions, the pressing matter at hand was to understand why the Royal Army was so intent on acquiring the holy relic from Rosaniya's tribe. "Katheryne, why is the Royal Army after this relic?" I inquired, hoping to steer the conversation back to more pertinent issues.


Katheryne hesitated, then, with a hint of reluctance, she divulged. "Katheryne shouldn't tell you, but you asked Katheryne nicely. Daddy dearest has been tasked with retrieving the relic to demonstrate the loyalty of the Northeastern oligarchs."


Her revelation seemed to unsettle Wynnefreede, who stuttered in response. "Dear sister Katheryne! Are you trying to make Daddy dearest angry with us? Wynnefreede is now fearful."


Orzella, picking up on Wynnefreede's anxiety, probed further, "Why would you be scared?"


Elizabethe, with a seriousness that contrasted her earlier arrogance, revealed a deeper layer of their predicament. "If you must know, if Daddy dearest fails to bring back the relic, Mommy dearest will be betrothed to Duke Issac Maxwell Villanueva," she said solemnly. "Elizabethe does not lie about Daddy dearest."


Katheryne elaborated, the gravity of their situation becoming increasingly apparent. "So, dearest Katheryne, dearest sister Elizabethe, and dearest sister Wynnefreede will also be betrothed to Duke Issac Maxwell Villanueva," she explained, her voice tinged with a mixture of resignation and fear.


This revelation shed new light on the motives driving the Royal Army's quest. It was more than just a mission; it was a desperate bid to preserve the future and autonomy of an entire family. The stakes were higher than we had initially imagined, intertwining the fates of these noble sisters with the quest for the sacred relic. 'How many of the other Northeastern oligarchs' houses were caught in this web by Duke Villanueva?’


The conversation took a turn, delving deeper into the complexities of noble alliances and the convoluted web of political machinations that governed their lives. Katheryne, Elizabethe, and Wynnefreede, despite their peculiarities, were pawns in a much larger game, their destinies dictated by the whims of their parents and the demands of their station.


As they spoke, their voices a mix of fear, defiance, and resignation, I couldn't help but feel a sense of empathy for their plight. Circumstances beyond their control trapped them, their futures hanging in the balance, dependent on the successful retrieval of a relic they knew little about.


The dynamics of their family, the pressures they faced, and the looming threat of an unwanted betrothal painted a picture of a life far removed from the freedom and agency we often take for granted. Their conversation revealed not only the complexities of their own situation but also the broader societal and political structures that dictated the lives of those born into nobility.


As the sisters continued to converse, their words weaving a tapestry of duty, loyalty, and fear, it became increasingly clear that our quest was intertwined with their own. The relic we sought was more than just a sacred object; it was a key that could unlock their freedom or seal their fate.


The forest around us seemed to echo with the weight of their words, the rustling leaves and chirping birds providing a natural backdrop to the human drama unfolding in our midst.


Our journey had taken an unexpected turn, propelling us into the heart of a complex web of noble intrigue and familial obligations. The paths of our lives had crossed, and now, our fates were inexorably linked.

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