I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother!

I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother! Chapter Seven

"Asa, go this way! We can cut them off. The road curves to the south," Lady Sophitia said.

"Right!" I replied.

I steer the reins down the path she indicated. Raven hits the dirt path at full speed. I remember this path. The memories flash of us playing so long ago. It crossed the road again a few kilometers down. We might have a chance. I only count a few soldiers with the carriage Lady Aiko was taken in. It was clear she was also a target. The evidence is in my past. Duke Issac was always fond of Lady Aiko. The man despised Count Asa for winning her heart and the trust of King Galen. There was no doubt he was behind this. My awakening was just a pretense to attack.

Still, there was no way for him to know that unless he didn't. My sister said it herself. 'Any false claimants of awakening are to be put to death.' It makes sense that the Duke somehow accused our family of this. I was the perfect target. The son of Count Asa Martindale never manifested magic at birth or while young. The road came into view. My sister's plan worked; we'd arrived ahead of them. The carriage roared around the bend.

"Hold here!" Lady Sophitia shouted.

She pulls her bow out and aims steadily. In a short pause, Sophitia releases the arrow. Her aim is spot on, striking the carriage's driver in the head. Two more go down in quick succession. Just a handful remains and now charge at us. We both dismount and prepare ourselves.

Sophitia holds her palm out in front of her and steadies herself.

"Using my power source, I order thee, alter the laws of nature, and unleash a blaze of wind and fire to devour my enemies, burning arrows!" Lady Sophitia yelled.

A barrage of arrows burst from a flaming orange circle around her hand. The approaching adversaries explode in a blaze of flames. The remaining opponents lay dead on the ground. Lady Aiko jumps from the carriage.

"Get two of those horses and follow me!" I yelled.

My sister runs to our mother, and the two work together to free two horses. In moments, they mount the steeds and take after me. It wouldn't be long before more royal soldiers would arrive.

"Where are we going?" Lady Aiko shouted. "What about your father?" she added.

"He told Asa to protect us first, Mother! First, we need to get to a safe place and then regroup," Lady Sophitia yelled.

"Yes, but where??" I countered.

"I know a place. Head north to the Frozen Expanse. There's a place near where we can be safe for the time being," Lady Aiko said.

I let her take the lead, and the three of us headed north. The mountains she spoke of were more than a week's ride away. I hope the man who's my father in this life makes it out alive. He had two Knights of the Round and Lord Alfred with him. Plus, our House Guards and Royal Knights. All I need to do is take care of Lady Aiko and Sophitia. I can only hope my other sisters and brother are safe.

After hours of nonstop riding, we found ourselves approaching a village—one of the many northern settlements. My sister and mother hid the horses while I snuck up to the tree line farthest from the town. With my scope, I see what the place looks like. Men dressed in the Royal Army rounded up the villagers. 'They're here too? What is happening here? Is this some sort of military takeover?' Sophitia crawls up next to me, taking a look.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"Why are royal soldiers here, too?" Lady Sophitia asked.

"Maybe they think I'll come here," I suggested.

"There's no way that word of your awakening reached the core of the Kingdom, let alone the Capital. No, this is an outright war on our House," Last Sophitia stated.

"Why would the King attack his nobles?" I questioned.

"He wouldn't do such a thing. King Galen is a righteous man and a benevolent King. Our Kingdom has prospered under his rule," Sophitia explained. "This has to be Duke Issac's doing. Everyone knows his ambition knows no limits. He isn't the only one with such tastes. If he's gained enough support," she trailed off.

"Our family would stand in the way. Regardless of my awakening, right?" I whispered.

"You're next in line to head the family. Killing you and your father would devastate our House. Then there's Efran. He'd have to deal with him somehow. Your brother is quite cunning, and there's no way he'd slip up and get himself killed. I'm sure he got our sisters to safety. He might be the youngest, but he's got a chip on his shoulder," Sophitia said. "He never once let a soul bad mouth his big brother," she added.

I knew what she meant. It was unheard of to have a successor to a House known for its magical users that didn't have any magical prowess. I was the pariah of the family. The shame they faced every day. No wonder my past self-had given up—Destin for a life of laziness and contentment. The soldiers look as if they are done searching the village. We watched as they rounded up all the non-disabled men. Even the elderly man and children are being taken over fifty in total. We observed as they departed with more spoils and conscripts. Someone is building a grand army. I feel hesitant about stopping here, but we need food, water, and supplies.

"Let's go once they're well away. We'll resupply here, then head on north," I whispered.

"What's that??" Sophitia snapped.

A sound of rustling approaches from behind. We both stand on guard. Elene, Nella, and Orzella appear behind a sea of bushes.

"It's okay; they are with me," I said.

"Who are they?" Sophitia said, still on guard.

"My sparring teammates, we practiced together," I said.

I don't know how she'd react if Lady Sophitia knew they tried to kill me just the day before. Lady Aiko didn't remember them, so that was a plus.

"How'd you find me?" I asked.

"Wasn't easy, but we managed. Don't worry, and we weren't followed. The army is out in force everywhere," Nella revealed.

"You're injured, Orzella," I said.

"Don't worry, it's nothing," Orzella said. "Your father gave this to me to give to you," she added, walking over and handing me a ring.

"Th-that's grandfather's ring. The one he gave father before he took over as head of the House," Sophitia whispered.

I looked at her, and she looked away. They all did. That terror they had, when they knew I was enslaving them, was gone, and something different replaced that sentiment.

"What happened to Count Asa????" Sophitia scolded, getting in their faces.

"That's enough, Sirena," I whispered. "Father wouldn't die so easily," I stated, looking at the ring.

"But I have to know! Well, what happened to our father??" Sophitia cried.

"It's okay dear. Your brother is right. My Asa wouldn't fall to something like this, and it would take heaven and earth burning before he'd leave us," Lady Aiko whispered.

Sophitia falls to the ground. Her sobs are like piercing knives. Even I was feeling the weight of the possibility of what may be. My past self couldn't be ignored. Count Asa was my father. This was my world, after all. A near-death experience just granted me my past life experiences. Either way, we were still in danger. This was not a time to be naïve.

"We'll get supplies and move on. There's no other choice," I whispered. "Lady Sophitia, stay here with Lady Aiko. We'll go into the village and gather what we need. Maybe there's a healer that can address Orzella's wounds," I said.

Orzella nods her head and we head toward the town. Looking back, I can tell neither wanted to stay, but it was better this way. If we got caught, my sister was our backup. Once we got far away, I stopped and turned back to the three sisters.

"After this, you should get yourselves to safety. If you stay with me, there's no telling what will happen to you," I said.

"Are you mad? We're in debt to you for saving our lives. Slaves or not," Nella said.

"Your father made us promise to watch your back," Orzella revealed.

"Why would he do that?" I asked.

"Because you choose to spare us. We were already slaves to those bandits," Elene revealed.

I study the three sisters. "Did my father know this when he executed those other four? They were young but looked like bandits. Had I mistakenly assumed they were innocent like these girls? I hadn't had that feeling of their true intentions as I did with them.'

"It's up to you whether you stay," I stated. "I'm as good as a criminal now. It won't be easy being associated with me or my family," I added.

"It's better than being on our own again," Orzella said.

"Alright then, let's get you some medicine. My sister might be a mage, but healing isn't her specialty or my mother's," I said.

We continue to the village. The settlement is quite rural and a farming and hunting village by its looks. Many villagers are in disarray, and they mostly ignore us as we wander around town. At the village center, three buildings were the only shops, a general store, a small inn, and a guardhouse. I point to the general store as we stop.

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