I got the Pokémon

Chapter 30 The way to leave

"Next, are we going to dive into the water?" Xiaozhi asked.

Xiao Gang gently stirred the sea water with his hands, and said worriedly: "But if you dive down, if you swim for a long time, but find that it is a dead end, or you encounter a gate that cannot be opened, then we will be in trouble." gone."

"Of course this situation depends on Pokémon!" Xiaoxia said, taking out her elf ball and releasing a horned goldfish into the water, "horned goldfish, go down and check the situation, find out A way to escape!"

The horned goldfish nodded, sank into the water, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

However, until a long time passed, it was not seen back.

"Sure enough?"

Xiaoxia frowned, and just when she wanted to go down to check the situation herself, the water suddenly fluctuated.

After waiting for a while, as the water surface swayed, the first thing to come out was a disheveled head that looked like a water ghost!

Because she was engrossed, everyone was taken aback. Xiaoxia even screamed and hid behind Xia You, tugging at the corner of his clothes, trembling.

Compared with girls, Xia You was more courageous. He forced himself to remain calm, and when the human head continued to float up, he realized that it was Team Rocket's trio. up.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, it's the Rockets."

Xia You patted Xiaoxia on the shoulder, and when Xiaoxia saw that it was indeed the Rockets trio, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"What the hell! Why are they in the water?"

Musashi, Kojiro and Miaomiao were lying on the ground, spitting out a few mouthfuls of seawater each, they were still dying and rolled their eyes, but after hearing Xiaoxia's voice, they instantly regained their vitality and all jumped up.

Musashi shouted: "It's really a narrow road to Yuanjia, it's you!?"

All of a sudden, the two sides were at war, and they both took out their pokeballs. Musashi and Kojiro released Arbor Snake and gas bombs, while Xiaozhi and Xiaogang released Jenny Turtle and Fist Stone.

"Hey, hey!" Xiaoxia reached out her hand to stop the situation, and hurriedly stopped the situation from deteriorating, "you have to figure it out, it was my horned goldfish that saved you just now, and you look around, now is not the time to fight! If you don't Hurry up and find a way to escape, we will all die here!"

But having said that, Xiao Zhi, Xiao Gang and the Rockets still looked at each other fiercely, and no one was willing to back down.

At this time, Kojiro suddenly saw Xia You standing beside him, pointed at him and said in surprise, "Ah! It's you! Thank you so much before, otherwise I would have been cheated by that guy selling carp king!"

"Idiot, we are bad people! Why should we thank others!" Musashi hit Kojiro's head hard, and then asked in doubt, "But then again, who is he?"

Kojiro blushed slightly, and he didn't dare to tell the truth. If Musashi knew that he almost advanced the salaries of the two of them and bought a carp king that could only jump around, he would definitely kill him with his own hands.

Xia You dissuaded: "Everyone should stop here, Xiaoxia is right, our time is really running out!"

Xia You came forward to mediate, and the two parties took back the Pokémon.

And through questioning, Xia You and the others learned that the Rockets, the two men and one cat, hadn't left the St. Anne in time just now, and after the cruise ship turned over, they broke the hull directly in order to escape here. , causing seawater to flood into the cabin and sweep them into the current.

If the horned goldfish hadn't happened to pass by just now, I'm afraid the trio would have already turned into dead souls underwater.

"Hmph, that's fine." Musashi pinched his waist with both hands, and said proudly, "But don't be complacent, this is just a temporary truce, but it doesn't mean that you will be let off in the future!"

"I said..." Xia You asked tentatively, "You don't have water-type Pokémon, right? We're going to leave the sea in a while. Is it really okay for you to be so arrogant?"


The faces of the Rockets trio changed, as if they had just realized the problem, their attitudes changed 180 degrees in an instant, and they all bowed and apologized.

"Ah! Sorry, we were wrong!"

Xia You smiled and shook her head. No matter how heavy the atmosphere is, as long as they are there, it seems that it can become funny and joyful.

After solving the Rockets, now they can finally discuss countermeasures with peace of mind.

Xiao Gang stroked his chin and asked, "Now, how should we get out of here?"

"Leave it to me." Xiaoxia puffed her chest out, "I have made a model of the San Anne before, so I know the structure here very well. Since the road below has been blocked, I have no choice but to go up. I remember that the bottom of the ship under the power room is weak, if we make a hole there, we can escape!"

Xiaozhi and the others nodded in agreement, only Xia You raised objections.

"No holes in the bottom of the boat!"

"Huh?" Xiaoxia wondered, "Why?"

Xia You explained: "If we break the bottom of the boat, the water will flow down from the top, and the water pressure will be extremely high, and it will be very difficult to go up the current. Moreover, after breaking the cabin, the air pressure will be out of balance, and the sea water will quickly lose its balance. It will fill the entire cruise ship, and if we fail to get out of the bottom of the ship smoothly, and then try to use other methods, it will definitely be too late in time."

Xiaoxia suddenly realized: "So that's the case, what can you do?"

Xia You continued: "Since the bottom has been completely soaked in sea water, I think it's better to let the water-type Pokémon break a random part of the ship's wall from the soaked area below, and take us out together! In this way, we can face the water pressure directly. , will definitely be much smaller!"

"But if this is the case..." Xiaoxia hesitated, "It will definitely take more time than leaving from above. I'm afraid we can't hold our breath for that long."

"Don't worry about it. I just glanced through the window just now. Although the ship has sunk, the terrain in this sea area is relatively high. We are not too far from the sea surface."

Saying that, Xia You pointed to the sea water under his feet.

"And look, what is that!"

Everyone looked down and saw several plastic water bottles floating in the direction of Xia You's finger!

After the drinks in these water bottles were drunk, they were filled with air, and somehow they drifted here!

Xia You said: "With the bottle in our mouth, even if we breathe one more time, we will definitely hold on for a few minutes longer than usual, and the sea water here is not deep, so we don't have to worry about the sea water crushing them!"

If someone else raised such an objection, Xiaoxia might still insist on her own opinion, but when Xia You spoke, she became the one who supported it the most.

As for the others, they looked at each other at this moment and couldn't make up their minds, but since Xiaoxia supported Xia You, they had nothing to argue about.

"Okay, let's do it!"

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