I got the Pokémon

Chapter 622: The mechanism and Thunder God in Zijin Gym

After wandering around the park for a while and relaxing, I came to the Pokémon Center to check in.

However, the two of them did not eat lunch here. Instead, they went to the Zijin Food Court not far away.

It is said to be a square, but it is actually a non-open-air restaurant located on the underground floor. There are stalls one after another. There are hundreds of them by visual inspection!

These stalls also sell various delicacies from Fengyuan or non-Fengyuan areas. However, because it was time for dinner, when Xia You and Xiaoxia entered the food court, they found that the place was overcrowded, with hundreds of tables in the center of the hall. Almost all seats were full!

What's more, because the stalls were all firing at the same time, the place smelled like a strange mixture of various oil fumes, which was a bit pungent.

The two of them followed the dense crowd and passed from stall to stall.

After choosing for a long time, they finally selected several packages with very strange names.

The first is Xiaoxia's village sandwich. The ingredients are obviously sliced ​​meat, bacon, ham, tuna and eggs, but I don't know why it is called such a name.

Did it spread from a certain village?

Next is Magnemite Yaki from Xiayou. Although Magnemite is in the name, Magneto is not used as an ingredient. It is just ordinary Okonomiyaki, Akashi Yaki, Imagawa Yaki, Dorayaki, and Tonkotsu Yaki. Just plain yaki and takoyaki.

Carrying the food, the two of them searched for a long time before finally finding a half-empty table in the corner. Only then did they have time to enjoy it.

I have to say that there is a reason why this place is famous.

After tasting it, the two found that not only was the place big enough, but the food was also delicious.

After finishing their lunch, they were still a little unfinished, so they each ordered a bowl of miso ramen, and then they felt their stomachs bloated.

After having enough wine and food, in order to disappear, they left the food court and came to another famous place - Zijin Game City!

Just like the Yuhong Game City in the Kanto region, it is also very large in scale and the game console equipment is also very novel.

After buying some tokens, the two of them spent some time here, playing almost every type of game console, not to mention how much fun they had. Finally, Xia You used the claw machine to catch a gem starfish for Xiaoxia. doll, and then returned to the Pokémon Center with satisfaction.

Although they did not challenge the gym, the two of them had a very fulfilling afternoon!

Especially Xiaoxia, she felt like she had a date with Xia You, not to mention how happy she was.


After resting overnight, Xia You took Xiaoxia to the Zijin Gym again the next morning.

But this time, because the gym had resumed normal business and the notice hanging on the door had been removed, they finally entered the gym.

As soon as they entered the gym, the gym gave them a surprise.

Behind the door was a long and sealed corridor. The moment the two of them stepped onto the corridor, the floor beneath their feet suddenly shook, and then it was like a translational elevator, taking them along an inconspicuous track. Towards the depths of the gym!


Xiaoxia was startled and felt a little unsteady on her feet. She couldn't help but hurriedly grabbed Xia You's sleeves to prevent her from falling on the elevator.

This is not because she is timid, but because she is unprepared and has no prompts. No matter who encounters this situation, they will be shocked.

The elevator carried the two people and continued to move forward at a relatively fast speed. After passing an electric gate, it unexpectedly began to slowly climb up along a slope.

"What are you doing?" Xiaoxia muttered, "Isn't this a gym? Why does it look like an amusement park?"

"It's not difficult to understand." Xia You said with a smile, "This is an electric gym after all. Because of the attributes of Pokémon, there is a lot of electricity, and if you don't find a way to use this electricity, it will definitely be in vain. wasteful."

"That being said..." Xiaoxia felt the elevator getting higher and higher, and she already had bad thoughts in her mind, "could this be..."

Before she could finish her words, she saw that the elevator had reached its highest point and then suddenly slid forward, like a roller coaster, taking the two of them down the slope again!


Xiaoxia screamed at the top of her lungs. If she was usually riding a roller coaster in an amusement park, it would be nothing, and it wouldn't make her feel so scared.

The key is that now the two of them are just standing on this elevator, not to mention seat belts, not even a seat!

Fortunately, Xia You had quick eyes and quick hands. He grabbed the handrail on the side with one hand and wrapped his other hand around Xiaoxia's waist. The two of them were not thrown off the elevator!

The elevator slid quickly down the narrow passage. After more than ten seconds, their eyes suddenly opened up, and it seemed that they were about to reach a large room.

Just when they thought they had finally reached the end, they discovered after reaching the room that the track under their feet had disappeared and was replaced by a deep pool!

His feet trembled, and the elevator came off the track. It jumped violently on the water a few times, almost knocking the two of them into the water!

Now even Xia You couldn't hold him up.

The two of them were thrown high into the air, but as if through strict design, they landed firmly on the elevator again!

The elevator soon reached the other end of the room, but it was far from over. It actually hit another track, taking the two of them deeper.

After Xia You and Xiaoxia stood up, they rubbed their sore buttocks. Before Xiaoxia could complain, she saw at the end of the passage, as another switch door was opened, a golden and majestic Pokémon has appeared in front of them!

Because she owned it, Xia You recognized its identity at a glance.

"Thunder Lord!?" Xiaoxia also shouted at this time, but she never imagined that in such a gym, legendary Pokémon from the Johto region would appear!

Before they had time to take a closer look, the elevator under their feet also began to slow down, but the remaining momentum still brought them to the Thunder King.

At this moment, Thunder God also roared, then opened his mouth, and electricity began to flash in his mouth!

You don’t need to think about it to know that this is the omen before it attacks!

Standing in the elevator, they couldn't avoid it and seemed to have no choice but to fight!

Although he didn't know what the gym was doing, Xia You knew in his heart that this should be a test for the challenger, and naturally he would not sit still and wait for death.

Seeing that Xiaoxia was about to take out her Pokémon, he stretched out his hand to stop her, and then threw his Pokémon Ball.

In a flash of blue light, his Bankilas appeared in front of Thunder Lord.

Bankelas roared angrily, but regardless of whether the Pokémon in front of him was a legendary Pokémon or not, he pounced directly on it.

And it was at this moment that Xia You had time to carefully observe the Thunder God in front of him.

To say that Thunder God would appear in the Fengyuan area, he knew that this was impossible.

Even if there are multiple tribes of Raikou, they are extremely rare. You may not see a second one in the capital, let alone one that is subdued by the gym leader.

The most important thing is that he has Thunder God in his pocket at this time, so the chance of this is even smaller!

And just by looking at it like this, let alone, he really found something unusual!

Compared to his Thunder God, although the one in front of him looked very majestic, it lacked that vividness and had hollow eyes, as if it were a cold machine!

This imitation may hide it from those who have never dealt with Raikou, but it cannot hide it from Raikou's real trainer!

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