I got the Pokémon

Chapter 683 It’s like being dominated by him (page 1)

On the blue sea, Lila stood on the deck of the coast guard ship, holding a telescope and looking around at the sea. Not long after, she saw a shark-shaped submarine emerging from the sea surface and speeding towards here.

Putting down the telescope, she turned to the people behind her and shouted: "They are here, get ready to lift!"

Needless to say, this approaching submarine was naturally the one that Xia You and A Quan were on.

As for how Xia You persuaded A Quan to change his voyage and have a two-way trip with Lila, it can only be said that he used some tough methods, which also reminded A Quan of who was in the dominant position!

The submarine began to slow down slowly, and when it finally arrived in front of the coast guard ship, it had come to a complete stop.

The well-trained coast guards worked quickly and quickly hooked the submarine and hoisted it upwards.

As the altitude continued to rise, Xia You looked out of the window in the submarine and saw Shui Wutong and Ah Chao's submarine parked very far away, not daring to get close at all.

It seems that although Shui Wutong lost his calm, he obviously did not have the courage to fight the coast guard ship head-on.

Compared to the Rockets, you are still a little behind!


Although he escaped Shui Wutong's pursuit, the matter was not really resolved.

Xia You once again set his sights in another direction, where a bigger crisis was urgently needed to be dealt with!

Under his obstruction, although Shuiwutong did not conquer Kyogre or make it return to its original state, it did anger it. After waking up, Kyogre left the cave where he lived, triggering a terror in this sea area. The maelstrom!

The sea is unforgiving, and so is the personification of the ocean.

Maybe it was not aimed at these intruders, but just caused waves unintentionally, or maybe it really wanted to teach these humans and their followers a lesson. In short, this is how the vortex was formed.

So what is so scary about this whirlpool?

The first is its scope. Its scope is extremely broad, including the entire archipelago and nearby sea areas. Not only does the sea water flow towards the center of the whirlpool, but the huge suction force sweeps everything away. Even the surrounding small islands are affected by it. Some low places were even completely submerged!

The terrain changed in an instant, leaving those weak water Pokémon helpless.

Fortunately, Kyogre did not make a primitive return, which also prevented the sea level from rising as violently as Aquan predicted. Otherwise, the consequences would have been far more troublesome than they are now!


In just ten seconds, the submarine was hoisted to the level of the deck. Xia You opened the hatch, was the first to get out of the submarine, and jumped onto the deck of the coast guard ship.

On the deck, Lila, who was preparing to welcome Xia You, was stunned when she first saw him dressed as a member of the Marine Corps.

"Why are you dressed like this?"

"This is just to make the action easier."

While Xia You was speaking, he turned around and picked up Xiaoxia. After Aquan showed his face for the last time, Lila looked at the second person of the Ocean Team in front of her and immediately touched her waist. between.

"Don't be nervous!" Xia You stretched out his hand to stop her, "She has been instigated by me now and is not an enemy."

"incite defection!?"

Lila looked like 'Are you kidding me' and didn't believe what he said at all!

Who is Aquan?

She is the second best brain of the Ocean Team after Shui Wutong!

How could someone instigate rebellion? ?

Lila only felt that the scene in front of her was too unbelievable, but when she thought about it, Aquan was actually standing in front of her, and she had to believe it.

what happened?

Could it be that Xia You had unknowingly disintegrated Team Ocean from within?

Thinking in her heart, she was about to let her men take A Quan away, but Xia You stopped in front of her again.

Seeing her intention, Xia You shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I will still have use for this person, so I can't hand her over to you."

Although he didn't make it clear, Xia You's meaning was very clear - I want to save this person!

And Lila was shocked by Xia You's sudden strength. If it were anyone else, let alone someone they were brazenly trying to protect, and they dared to talk to the international police like this, they would at least be warned!

But she didn't want to offend the man in front of her at all.

Not only because of Xia You's strength, but also because of the long-term friendly cooperative relationship between the two parties since he was a handsome boy, she was not willing to destroy this friendship at all!

"You misunderstood." Lila chuckled and quickly explained, "We just want to ask her a few simple questions. We don't want to do anything to her. Moreover, after you instigated her rebellion, her situation also needs to be registered. , otherwise her identity will always be a problem, which will also be very detrimental to future liquidation. "

Xia You nodded, knowing that Lila must have made a choice, and was happy for her decision. This also proved that she did have a lot of weight in the hearts of these people.

"I see, thank you for your understanding, but as I just said, I still can't hand her over to you for the time being, at least until the matter is completely over."

"That's it..."

Lila didn't care much, after all, everyone had been instigated to rebel, so what difference did it make if it was earlier or later!

While Xia You was talking to Lila, Aquan was listening quietly from the side without saying a word. It seemed that the two people were not discussing her at this moment, but an insignificant person!

If there are people from the Ocean Team here, they will definitely be shocked when they see this scene. After so many years together, when have they ever seen such an honest Aquan! ?

Turning his head to look at the sea in the distance, looking at the raging whirlpool, he was surprised by Kyogre's destructive power. At this time, Aquan's mind couldn't help but think of the scene of them in the submarine more than ten minutes ago. .

At that time, after she had just clearly told Xia You that she would not change course or seek asylum on a coast guard ship, she did not expect that this man would show his tough side.

That is a kind of tyranny that cannot be resisted!

Different from Shui Wutong's arrogant temperament, who seems to get into a fight if he disagrees, Xia You's toughness is slightly gentle, just like his first impression, but it is also irresistible and even angry. Come on, it's just as scary!

It was at that moment that she truly realized that in one aspect, this man was far more terrifying than Shui Wutong!

And I have to admit that as a woman, especially as a powerful woman in an evil organization like the Ocean Team, she obeys the strong more than ordinary people from the bottom of her heart. At that time, her mind went blank and she completely obeyed Xia Xia. You's order.

Now that I think about it, it feels like I am being dominated by him...

The coast guard ship pursued Shui Wutong and Ah Chao submarine.

However, as the two submarines dived, they quickly lost their traces, which also meant that, just like countless times before, Shui Wutong was still at large!

After returning without success, Lila had to face the still raging whirlpool in the sea ahead again!

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