I got the Pokémon

Chapter 98 Symphony of Ice and Electricity

Xia You looked down the bridge, and saw a speedboat approaching here at an extremely fast speed, and on it were the five members of the Real Bird Matrix!

"Tch, the difficult guy, almost all of them have been dispatched!"

When the speedboat arrived under the bridge, led by Goz, the team members of the real bird matrix used padlocks and easily boarded the bridge.

Seeing them jumping onto the bridge, Apollo said to Xia You: "Originally they were just ambush, and they planned to intercept you when you escaped. Unexpectedly, not only did you not escape, but you dared to fight back. Now it seems that we are unnecessary .”

As the real bird matrix released its own Pokémon, the situation became extremely unfavorable for Xia You!

Not only is the number of Pokémon at a disadvantage, but there are also powerful Pokémon such as Bankiras and Boss Cordora, and in order to deal with Xia You's Lightning Bird, the other four Real Bird Matrix members, this time The Pokémon used are extremely targeted, and they are all apple-wrapped dragons that cannot be restrained by the electric system!

These apple-wrapped dragons, [-] centimeters tall, look very small in size. Their yellow-green bodies are wrapped in fruit peels. As a kind of grass-and-dragon-type Pokémon in the Galar region, I really don't know how much effort the Rockets spent. , just caught them.

It seems that this time, in order to deal with his lightning bird, he really made sufficient preparations!

"Wrap the dragon with apples, use the dragon's breath!"

In the sky, four apple-wrapped dragons entangled the lightning bird, continuously spitting out beams of energy.

The Lightning Bird was attacked one after another, extremely angry, and subconsciously used [-] volts. Unfortunately, due to unfavorable attributes, hitting these Pokémon could only cause extremely slight damage!

"Hahahaha!" Seeing this, Lance laughed loudly, "Now your Lightning Bird is completely useless!"

On the other side, Boshi Kedora's heavy body approached Xia You like a tank.

As a last resort, Ghost Stone could only leave Xia You and go to the challenge!

"It seems that you guys are determined to eat me today?" Xia You said.

"Let me tell you the truth." Lance said with a smile, "The bridgeheads on both sides have already been blocked by our people. Whether it's the police or passing trainers, no one will come to rescue you!"

"That's it." Hearing what he said, Xia You calmed down again, "Then I'm really relieved!"

As he spoke, he took out the second super ball from his waist.

Looking at the super ball, Apollo felt uneasy.

What kind of Pokémon is this?

Although he didn't know what cards Xia You had, he knew that no matter what Xia You wanted to do now, he couldn't let him succeed!

"Bangiras, destroy the light!"

Bankiras opened his mouth wide and emitted a terrifying wave of light, but Xanadu suddenly moved from the battlefield to Xia You's body using teleportation, and used his thoughts to form a barrier to protect him.

Xia You threw the super ball into the air and shouted loudly: "Come out, Frozen Bird!!"

When the blue light flashed, a bird Pokémon with beautiful feathers appeared in midair.

As soon as it appeared, with it as the center, the temperature suddenly dropped by more than ten degrees!

"Frozen Bird!?" Athena screamed in disbelief, "Impossible! How could he still have a Frozen Bird!?"

"Information did not mention these." Apollo narrowed his eyes, "Is it a new one?"

Xia You ordered: "Frozen Bird, get rid of those apple-wrapped dragons first! Use Blizzard!!"

The Frozen Bird flapped its wings, and a cold wind mixed with snowflakes suddenly blew up. As the wind became stronger, a storm slowly formed around it.

This storm grew rapidly, and in an instant, it completely surrounded the four Ping Wrapped Dragons!

The dense and powerful snowflakes howled in the strong wind and hit the body of the Ping Wrapped Dragon, and when the blizzard disappeared, the four Ping Wrapped Dragons fell straight to the bridge.

The blizzard of the ice system, four times the restraint of the apple-wrapped dragon with grass and dragon attributes, plus the high damage of the blizzard itself, directly beat them in seconds!

After getting rid of the entanglement, the Lightning Bird flew with the Frozen Bird, and as they joined, the situation was completely reversed!

"Lightning Bird, Frozen Bird, let them see how powerful you are! Use Blizzard! Use Thunder!!"

The two legendary Pokémon flew to a higher place, and with two soft cries, a large cloud of dark clouds quickly gathered in the sky at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The dark clouds piled up, and lightning flashed from time to time. At the same time, in the strong wind, crystal snowflakes slowly fell from the clouds.

The sky is dark, like the bottom of a pot!

Lambda subconsciously caught a snowflake, and it was cold and even numb!

"Don't let them succeed, attack those two Pokémon!"

Under Apollo's order, Team Rocket's Pokémon concentrated their attacks, sending out moves one after another, and shooting into the sky.

However, the height of the Lightning Bird and the Frozen Bird was too high. Without exception, these attacks all dissipated in mid-air due to insufficient distance.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xia You summoned all her Pokémon back.

The snow was getting heavier and heavier, and even a thin layer of snow had accumulated on the bridge deck. When the power of the dark cloud reached its peak, a thick and dazzling lightning bolt suddenly struck down!

Then, the hard wind mixed with a lot of snowflakes also blew downwards!

Click! ! !

The lightning speed was so fast that it was almost impossible to react, and at the same time, the lightning melted the snow on the ground, turning them into water vapor instantly, and the power contained in the lightning, as the water vapor spread outward, In an instant, all the Pokémon of Team Rocket are included!

Zi la la...

The entire bridge deck erupted with violent lightning, even if Xia You was far away, he was still so shaken that he could barely open his eyes!

The lightning flashed for a long time, and when the lightning and snow disappeared and everything calmed down, none of Team Rocket's Pokémon were spared, and all fell to the ground, only Bankiras, whose body was burnt by the lightning Hen spit out a mouthful of black smoke and struggled to get up.

"How could this be?" Athena's eyes widened, as if she couldn't believe the scene in front of her until now.

"Damn it!" Lance cursed secretly, "Our Pokémon were wiped out!?"

Seeing that this was the case, Apollo ordered decisively: "This operation has failed. Now, everyone put away the Pokémon and retreat immediately!"

"Retreat?" Athena felt unwilling, "We spent so many elves, and dispatched so many people at the same time, should we leave in despair in the end?"

"This is something that can't be helped." Taking a deep look at Xia You, Apollo said, "There is a serious lack of information, and we misjudged his strength! I didn't expect that in just a few days, he would have so many I found a frozen bird!!"

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