I Grabbed The Leash Of The Blind Beast

Chapter 1

There were so many people and carriages on the bustling shopping street.

Among them, near the popular Cafe Cardinal, a woman with shining eyes was watching the people passing by.

She had a striking appearance that could attract the attention of others. With blonde hair like a dark honey-colored, white skin, bright purple eyes, and thick pink lips. But when she dressed in her old, worn-out coat, braided her hair, and tucked it into her bonnet, she just looked like a lower-class member of society. Rona’s eyes were sparkling as she watched only the young women.

She started to feel nervous and impatient.

“Sigh. Meeting the real female lead is so tough.”

Rona’s real name is Won Yoon-Ji.

She was a strong and warm social worker in Korea in her past life.

Luckily, she got a good job in this life, so she was delighted that she was able to possess an extra of the she had been reading roughly.

The more I tried to remember, the more I couldn’t remember all the contents.

Anyway, this is the world of the romance . This is because Grand Duke Eleon Clevent is the main character of the book, and head of the mansion where she works.

And he is Rona’s only hope of returning to her original world.

‘You can return to the original world by looking at the ending.’

It was the first memory that came to my mind when I first came to my senses after possessing here. It’s a coincidence that I got to work for the Grand Duchess of Clevent, but Rona was delighted to be able to see the development of the up close.

“Why can’t you two meet?”

Rona’s biggest concern these days was ‘Why doesn’t the female lead appear?

There’s an herb in the corner of the garden of the large mansion that sprouted like weeds. The grass which didn’t seem to fit at all in the large garden is a rare herb that would heal The Grand Duke’s eyes. A flower that only blooms for ten days, once in ten years.

Eleon became blind due to extreme poisoning, and if they brew the grass into an elixir, his eyes will be cured.

For such an herb to bloom in the backyard of the mansion, it must be the writer’s arrangement.

In the original story, the female lead, Karina, appears and heals the male lead’s eyes, and then, the two fall in love.

Rona carefully tried not to mess up the original she knew. However, she was nervous as the female lead did not appear a week after the flower had already bloomed.

During the night walk, I found a flower that exuded a slightly bright light, and as time passed, I started to feel anxious for reasons that no one in the world could sympathize with.

Why does it bloom for only ten days? If possible, can it continue to bloom?

Because of that reason, Rona has been struggling every day. Rona knew better than anyone why the male and female leads couldn’t meet.

Wouldn’t you have to look at the sky to get the stars?

Since Eleon lost his sight, he always stuck in the mansion and never went out. Eleon could have been the best knight in the empire if not for being blind.

As Rona’s master, he was a terrible homebody.

Today was the day when Eleon was summoned to the Imperial Palace under the order of the Emperor.

Rona couldn’t go as a servant to the Imperial Palace as she lost her memory and lacked identification.

‘Thanks to this, I have free time to watch the moment where Eleon and Karina meet.’

Although she knew his eyes would heal, she felt sorry for the present Eleon.

And she felt sorry for herself, waiting for Eleon to heal quickly and meet the female lead to reach the right ending.

Where the hell is the girl and what is she doing?

She tried to find out where she lived, but she couldn’t do it because of Eleon, who was constantly looking for her.

After that, I sent a letter to Karina, but she did not reply.

[Miss Karina, excuse me in the first place. If you can spare your precious time, I hope to meet you at Cafe Cardinal because there is something important. Please reply.]

Was it because it was suspicious?

Karina must have thought it was spam.

‘The two of you should have met in front of Cafe Cardinal.’

Rona couldn’t figure out what was wrong.

Anyway, her mind was focused on Karina and Eleon’s first meeting.

I hope Karina appears before the flowers wither. Rona prayed and prayed earnestly in her heart.

Rona came into the coffee shop, and a handsome middle-aged man welcomed her.

“Are you going to eat?”

“No, I’d like to ask you something.”

“What’s going on?”

The cafe owner immediately lowered his voice when he answered that he wasn’t a customer.

“Have you seen recently a young lady about my age, she’s a beautiful woman with dazzling silver hair and green eyes.”


The cafe owner smiled widely.

“How can you find someone with just that? Let’s say you’re looking for someone with blonde hair and purple eyes like you? How are you going to find with just that?”

“Haha. I guess so, right?”

Rona was disappointed.

“Blonde hair and purple eyes.. isn’t that person..?”

At that moment, some thugs on the terrace were pointing with their hands, there was a wanted order from the temple.

[Elysia Yuter, blonde, purple eyes, white skin, quite pretty. Please contact the nearest temple if you have seen this person. 9990 reward gold coins.]

Rona shook her head when she saw the unrealistic reward.

“How can you find people by looking at flyers like that? There must be hundreds of people who look alike.”

“Did you think you could find someone by looking at that? Seriously?”

It must have cost a lot of money for the temple to distribute the flyers, but Rona laughed without realizing it as she watched people look at that absurd portrait.

Rona was about to return to the mansion without much result when suddenly a man called her up.

“Hey, lady. Wait a minute.”


The thug asked Rona if she was the woman from the flyer.

“No matter how you look at it, you look like the woman on the flyer.”


No way. How can I be that woman!

Rona wanted to protest, but before she knew it, three men surrounded her and her shoulders shrugged for no reason.

“Lady, what’s your name? Where do you live? Do you have an identification card?”

“What are you doing?”

“If you have time, go to the temple with us.”

“What right do you have to do this? Hey, let go of me!”

When the man’s hand was about to grab Rona’s wrist, the thug’s body flew through the air. BAM! At the same time, a strong man pulled Rona’s slender body into his arms.

“Aren’t you guys rude to the lady?”

Suddenly she heard a familiar voice.

“What are you doing all of a sudden?”

“Looks like you’re blind. Why are you meddling in our business?”

They changed their posture and charged towards him, assuming Eleon was an easy opponent.


And anyone could hear the three blows.

“I’m blind but you’re not as good as me.“

They seemed to recognize who their opponent was.

“Gra…Grand Duke Clevent?”

While he’s holding Rona tightly, he was wielding the cane with the other hand.

“You touched my person, so you have to pay the price.“

His cold voice changed in an instant and whispered in my ear.

“Is this why you stood me up? Rona.”

“Sir Eleon! What do you mean?”


Eleon said calmly returning to the thugs who rushed again without giving up.

“Didn’t we decide to have tea together in the afternoon after I returned from the Imperial Palace? But you weren’t in the mansion. I heard you went to a cafe, so I came out to pick you up.”



The thugs were scattered on the road groaning in pain. They crawled away in anger.

“… … I’m sorry.”

“Are you hurt?”


He nodded.

Rona’s eyes widened in shock as she watched Eleon. She almost fainted.

“Why did you stand up for me?”

“Because I felt like it.”

“And I didn’t ask you to drink tea together. I am serving tea to Sir Eleon.”

If anyone had seen them, they would have thought that they had promised to have tea together.

“That’s like a promise to drink tea together.”

“That’s too harsh. I know I was wrong to disobey My Lord’s order, but I did not expect you to come so early.”

Isn’t there a big difference between ‘not obeying the master’s orders‘ and ‘being casual with Eleon‘? Sometimes when Eleon gets friendly, she gets embarrassed.

‘It doesn’t matter if you’re the Grand Duke. Aren’t you behaving too friendly?’

I decided to nag Eleon later after I chose carefully what to say.

“Didn’t you say before, there was a coffee shop you wanted to go to?”

“Yes. Right here, Cafe Cardinal.”

If Karina doesn’t come, I’d have to drag Eleon to come with me.

“Since you’re here, should we have a cup of tea?”

Rona’s expressions suddenly changed.

“Yes? Really? I like it !”

Heaven seemed to help her.

The two of them went inside and sat down at the table.

“What would you like to order? Sir Eleon.”

Eleon licked his lips when she lowered her voice.

“What can I order?”

“There’s coffee, tea, juice. Cookies, cakes, and chocolate are also available.”

“What would you like to eat?”

Rona looked closely at the menu and gave up soon after.

I wonder if anything I order here will be more delicious than the dessert made by Chevalier, the Grand Duchess’s chef.

Rona just picked anything.

“Coffee and chocolate.”

“I’ll have the same thing.”

Rona looked around very meticulously while she was ordering and paying at the counter.

Where is Karina and what is she doing? She’s supposed to show up.

She couldn’t get in contact with Karina. In her previous life, she thought ‘SNS was a waste of time’. Currently, she resented that there is no SNS in this world.

If there was, I would have sent a DM.


Suddenly, Rona turned to where Eleon was sitting, admiring him out loud without realizing it.

He was dressed in his uniform for the first time in a long time, which stands out. Also, it was the first time Eleon had left the mansion since Rona started working.

I was surprised to see Eleon looking all grown up this morning. My heart was pounding so hard that I thought it would pop out of my chest.

This is a place frequented by commoners, and here he is, a swan sitting in a chicken coop.

Unfortunately, he can’t see.

“Did you go to the Imperial Palace?”


Eleon nodded.

“His Majesty told me he has something to say.”

He stopped talking and laughing. Why did he stop? I’m curious.

“What did his Majesty say?”

I asked unable to contain my curiosity, but Eleon answered kindly.

“He told me to get married because I am too old.”

My ticket to my original world is at stake if the female lead doesn’t appear.

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