I Grabbed The Leash Of The Blind Beast

Chapter 11

“Because I can only trust myself.”

Eleon thought so and fiddled with the bathroom lock.


He had to give her a change of clothes to get out, but there was no response.

“Did she fall asleep?”

Eleon felt a bit nervous.

The butler had brought hot soup and food on a tray.

He stood next to Eleon in front of the bathroom and asked him.

“What’s going on?”

“Rona seems to have fallen asleep inside.”


Bernard couldn’t understand.

Rona had monopolized the bathroom on the third floor because there were no maids but her.

Except for the hard-working male servants and escort knights.

However Rona is washing up in his bathroom, and if Eleon walks in. How inefficient it is!

“Is Niel or Olivia still here”

“Everyone has left work. They will come to work tomorrow morning.”

Even the butler knocked on the door and tried to call her, but I didn’t hear any answer inside, she fell asleep so deeply.

“What should I do?”

“Sigh. I can’t help it. Should I get in… … .”

Suddenly, Eleon got serious.

“That’s not allowed.”

“The.. then what are you going to do?”

“I’ll take care of it, so just leave the room.”

After being kicked out of the room, Bernard felt like he was being possessed by something.

What was the expression on my Lord’s face just now?

Isn’t that the attitude of chasing out very annoying things?

He’s a very capable butler, so he felt it was a bit unfair.

“No, more than that, how does he know what to do?”

The butler was alone in the hallway.

He sighed at the unknown feeling.

* * * * *

I had a dream.

I knew for sure that it was a dream.

Because in the dream, I wasn’t Rona but Woo Yoon-Ji.

The ground was full of red blood.

Eleon was lying under the dizzying smoke and arrows falling like rain.

“Your Highness, the Grand Duke!”

Someone grabbed him and cried bitterly.

I saw Eleon lying on the ground next to a large horse, gasping as if in pain.


Someone was laughing happily.

I felt intimidated even though it was a dream. Because I felt like someone invisible was next to me.

Rona was also invisible as if no one could see her.

Huhu, it went well as planned.

However, when I heard an unknown muttering with satisfaction as he saw Eleon in pain, my spine felt strangely cold.

The scene has changed.

It was a place that even Rona knew well.

Eleon’s eyes were covered with blood because he was scratching them.

The wounded beast seemed to struggle, not knowing what to do.

Rona got sad seeing him like that.

「“I’d rather die.”」

A man with high pride could not stand being disgraced for failing to carry out his duties.

Although he had won many battles, he considered it a failure to return home after losing his sight.

Huhu. If it goes on like this, the original plan will continue.

Rona frowned when another evil laugh was heard from somewhere.

It was a laugh that seemed to rejoice at Eleon’s misfortune.

She had strong resentment against him.

Rona walked over to Eleon, who was sobbing.

He didn’t seem to see her either.

Hang in there. I’ll be there, okay?

She placed her hand around his untouchable shoulder and gave him consolation.

At that moment, Eleon suddenly stopped moving.

「”Who is it? Who is there?”」

Eleon said in a trembling voice.

「”Please. Don’t leave me alone.”」

Rona tried to hug him, who couldn’t be reached.

She hugged and comforted a large man who could not even be held in her arms.

* * * * *

I didn’t know why I had this dream.

After waking up, she sighed a little.

Perhaps the afterimage was so strong, her eyes were cloudy and her mind was confused.

Because of Karina, I’ve been paying too much attention to Eleon.

In , Eleon’s eye injury on the battlefield does not appear on the scene.

When he told Karina how he lost his sight, it only came out as a story.

However, what I had seen with my own eyes and what I had imagined were different.

The dream was so vivid as if I had seen it in person.

I want to go back to my original world.

And without realizing it, I have developed affection and attachment while taking care of Eleon.

That’s how people meet people.

Even if she was a maid who worked for money, she truly pitied him.

Eleon. I’ll heal your eyes.

Rona involuntarily pulled Eleon’s shoulders into her arms, as she had done in her dream.


She felt hard and broad shoulders.

When she opened his eyes, Eleon’s face was too close.

The previous day, she slept with Eleon hugging him. Today, it was the opposite.

I was pulling him towards me.

Eleon’s hair, which touched his bare shoulder, was sticking out.

“Is this a dream too?”

Rona searched her memories.

She remembered being locked up in Eleon’s bathroom and falling asleep in the bathtub.

That’s right. Obviously, I fell asleep while washing up. So why did I wake up in the Grand Duke’s bedroom?

Rona glanced at the white sheet that was being rolled around her body.


She wasn’t wearing anything.

Rona suppressed a silent scream.

As she clutched the sheets tightly, she cautiously left the bedroom.

I was speechless and almost cried.

She sneaked into her room with her body wrapped in a sheet.

“This is the feeling. What happened between the maid and the Grand Duke?”

Obviously, nothing happened between them.

However, if someone had witnessed it, there was a risk of being fired.

Besides, they give bonuses.

When I got into my room, I hastily pulled out my clothes and put them on.

I was only relieved after I was fully dressed.

As Rona sighed, Eleon also sighed.

“I’m really going crazy.”

After kicking out the butler, Eleon put a large sheet around her like a cloak.

Rescue operations were essential to the survival of the Knights Templar.

So he had a lot of tips and tricks.

Because I’m blind, Rona will not be dishonored because of me.

Eleon lifted Rona’s arm from the bathtub and put it over his shoulder, then carefully wrapped her body in a sheet and carried her outside.

It’s a ‘rescue mission’ of its own. Don’t doubt my sincerity.

Eleon repeated this endlessly to himself.

It was good up to that point, however, what I didn’t know the problem was after that.

You can’t dry a naked woman, and you can’t dress her up for the same reason.

After holding Rona for a long time in the middle of the room, her wet hair was dripping.

He, then, walked over to his bed and laid her down.

Eleon took a towel and began to dry her hair.

Also, he put a blanket over her tightly to keep her from catching a cold.

Next, he listened to her breathing as she slept through the night.

“It was just a rescue operation. It’s not good to stay in hot water for too long. She might catch a cold. In addition… … .”

Eleon’s face turned red as he continued to justify his actions.

It was all because Rona suddenly hugged him.

His growing dissatisfaction ended when Rona brought him breakfast.

* * * * *

“It’s time for breakfast.”

She placed the plate in front of Eleon.

Today, he seemed to be in a bad mood.

He had little dark circles that didn’t fit the smooth face.

As expected, his face completion is dark.

Because he was handsome, he seemed to have a lot of trouble.

“Rona, can I ask you something?”

“Yes. Ask me anything.”

It was a day no different from a normal morning.

No, it was a day that should not have been any different.

She tried to treat him as usual.

She was never going to tell him how she fell asleep in his bathtub or how she was in his bed unless he talked about it first.

Oh my, Your Highness. I’m really sorry about this.

That was the conclusion after apologizing a hundred times in my head.

“What do you think of me?”

But, Eleon asked a question that had nothing to do with yesterday’s incident.

She froze for a moment.

“Can I be honest?”

“… … Well.”

Eleon seemed a little agitated.

“Ye… Yes.”


Rona took a deep breath.

“Sir Eleon, you are a great employer. Isn’t the world a give and take? You can’t even imagine how honored it is for me to work in the Grand Duke’s residence.”

If I had to rate working at the Grand Duchy, I had no choice but to give it a full five-star rating, even if it was calculated only by the simple annual salary.

Low wage? Our employer God doesn’t know that.

If you pay for something, it’s unconditionally in gold coins.

“I didn’t ask that. What do you think of me?”

She looked at Eleon with pity.

What would you do if I’m being honest with you?

Eleon had been in the military for a long time, so there were times when he didn’t know what was on ordinary people’s minds.

“Sir Eleon, you are a wonderful man.”

Rona told him from a different perspective.

“It is said that there are many outstanding people like Eleon, who have a hard time dealing with their health problems.”

Maybe it was because of that dream. I just wanted to tell Eleon just once.

“You are living your daily life faithfully. I think you’re a great person. I respect you.”

He was quiet as if he liked her answer.

“Then eat breakfast now.”

She placed the spoon in Eleon’s hand.

What do I think about Eleon? … . He looks like a cute little puppy.

But I couldn’t treat the Grand Duke like a dog, so I thought to myself.

* * * * *

Throughout the meal, Eleon was in a good mood.

「“What do you think of me?”」

When I asked her, I was very upset.

He was conscious of Rona day by day, but she had no feelings for me.

Bernard would give Rona a generous score just for her work attitude.

Rather, it was more of a problem if she was too intimate with her master or had feelings for Eleon, who was still young and unmarried.

However, that’s just a normal employment relationship.

If Eleon were interested in Rona, her neat work and work attitude could upset her employer.

「“I think you’re a great person. I respect you.”」

Eleon kept only the words he wanted to hear.

“I don’t think it’s a good thing anyway.”

It’s not that I hate myself.

“Not bad. it’s kinda good.”

I didn’t feel happy or anything like that when I graduated from the academy.

But now I can feel my emotions getting softer, so it’s fascinating to me.

“There’s no need to compare it to back then.”

Life as a knight.

It was a position that required a lot of temperances and should have been an example to look up to.

As a result, Eleon was not moved by trivial things.

I felt like I was a little inhuman and too strict with myself.

Anyway, he was determined to take Rona to the dressing store today.

So he informed her of today’s schedule when she was clearing up the table.

“Yeah? My clothes?”

“I’m sorry about yesterday. You don’t seem excited as I am.”

“Ah.. If you just give me the money, I can go and buy it myself.”

“I don’t like it if we don’t go together.”

I don’t feel like buying. I excluded that option.

“And if I give you the money, I don’t think you’re going to buy clothes.”


She laughed awkwardly.

“Loos like I got caught not going to the dressing store.”

“The butler said you wore winter clothes and went to the park in that weather.”

“I didn’t have anything else to wear. Also, the maid clothes are of good quality and beautiful.”

“I went to the dressing store because I was thinking of buying you enough of this and that.”

Eleon asked calmly.

“Can I ask where you went?”

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