I Have 108 Older Sisters

Chapter 1298 - 1,297, landing on the island

Chapter 1298: Chapter 1,297, landing on the island

Translator: 549690339

The coastline of his brother’s Island was more than 1,000 kilometers long, and there were many harbors. It was very suitable for smuggling and landing.

In order to ensure the stealth of the operation and the suddenness of the attack, the Nogitsune Secret Service team did not intend to openly land on the island this time.

They did not inform any official agencies, nor did they leak their whereabouts in front of any official agencies.

If they could still be detected by the Kronen and knew that they were about to land on the island for a surprise attack, then it could only mean that the

Kronen’s intelligence ability was so pervasive that they could not guard against it.

The fishing boat broke through the wind and waves and began to move forward at full speed.

Generally speaking, the speed of the fishing boat was at most 20 knots, and at most, it could run more than 40 kilometers per hour.

But this maximum speed was very fuel-intensive. Fishing boats went out to sea to make money. If they went at full speed, they would lose money on fuel.

Therefore, the average fishing boat could only go at most 10 knots.

But now the Mary was not going out to sea to fish, and it was not a time to save fuel. The rent paid by the Wild Fox Secret Service Team was definitely enough for them to go back and forth at full speed.

The Mary was moving at full speed, and its speed far exceeded 20 knots.

Old Downey was very proud, because the Mary used the most popular new engine in the past few years, and its top speed could reach 50 knots.

From departure to arrival at Brother’s Island, it would only take two hours at most.

When it was close to Brother’s Island, it was just past midnight, which was a good time to smuggle people ashore.

According to the original plan, the Wild Fox Secret Service team left a small team of more than a dozen people on the fishing boat.

These more than a dozen people were not only to protect the fishing boat, but also to ensure that the fishing boat would not drop the ball at a critical time and that the people on the boat would not make any accidents.

The rest of the people all landed, and two small boats came and went to pick them up.

The landing site had already been arranged in the plan. The captain of the Secret Service team sent the location of the landing site directly to the captain, Old Downey.

Old Downey was more familiar with his brother’s Island, and he was also very familiar with the situation of the landing site. He chose a location very close to the bay to anchor, so that the Wild Fox Secret Service team ‘s landing distance was less than 100 meters.

The speed of the landing suddenly felt much faster.

After landing, Yu Tian put on his bulletproof helmet and directly turned on the night vision function.

With the same night vision function, the performance of this full-body helmet was much better than the glasses of the soldier system.

Not only was the lighting and image clearer, but it also had the function of intelligent identification, which could identify the flat ground that could be walked on.

This made Yu Tian feel as if he had become the king of the night.

The members of the Wild Fox Secret Service team landed one after another and began to count the number of people and organize their equipment.

They landed in a group of reefs. Behind the group of reefs was a forest, and in the distance was an endless rocky mountain range.

The elder brother’s Island was basically filled with undulating mountains. There were also quite a number of high peaks. This kind of terrain took up more than half of the entire island.

The remaining half of the small area was filled with forests, bushes, and other kinds of plants. There was not much space left for humans to live and move around.

The elder brother’s Island had a very valiant emperor in history. The greatest value of this emperor was to make the elder brother’s Island a place worth visiting.

The elder brother’s Island did have many small museums and various tourist resorts along the coast.

But other than that, most of the elder brother’s Island was desolate.

This was understandable, because no one wanted to live in the mountains and forests that were difficult to get to.

His island only had two large cities, one on the northeast coast and one on the southwest coast.

With these two cities as the center, the residents of his island were divided into two large living areas, and his island was thus divided into two state provinces.

According to the information obtained from the satellite reconnaissance, the colony was located in the northwest corner of the elder brother’s Island. It was not close to any of the provincial capital cities.

On this sparsely populated island, the further away from the city, the easier it would be to cover up the traces of the activities of the secret organization, the colony.

Their nest was not far from the seaside either. One reason was that only the seaside was more suitable for living. The central area of the elder brother’s Island was all mountains.

Another reason was that the sea was very convenient for Kronny to move people around. They only needed less than ten minutes to get out to sea.

The landing point that the Wild Fox Secret Service chose was very close to them. It was only about three to four kilometers away.

However, they did not have to worry about Kronny finding out about the landing because there were too many beaches and bays along the coast. It was impossible for Kronny to set up sentry posts at so many places, they had to monitor the entire coastline.

When all the personnel had been accounted for, the Wild Fox Secret Service team quickly set off.

A Walk could cover a distance of several kilometers within half an hour.

Of course, these jungles by the sea were not suitable for a walk.

There were some small paths in some places, and in some places, they could only find their own way.

The Wild Fox Secret Service team now had a total of more than 100 people who had landed on the island. They were still divided into seven teams according to the original composition of the Operation Division.

It was more convenient to advance in the dark with teams as a unit, and it was not so easy to lose people.

The equipment of the Wild Fox Secret Service team was not bad. All of them were equipped with night vision goggles.

However, their night vision goggles were a little exaggerated. Many of the night vision goggles were civilian versions purchased on the Internet.

It was not that the civilian version could not be used, but the effect of night vision was slightly worse.

Yu Tian even checked their night vision goggles on purpose and found that these things were all knockoffs made by the Eastern countries.

Although the performance was indeed worse, the price was really cheap.

Yu Tian felt that such a product could be given to ordinary operational personnel.

The Wild Fox Secret Service team used quite a lot of eastern equipment, such as bulletproof vests. They were all ceramic bulletproof vests made by the eastern countries.

Not only were their bulletproof properties better than those of most countries ‘bulletproof vests, but their prices were also a fraction of those rubbish goods.

If they dug deeper, even the clothes, hats, shoes, and socks of the Wild Fox Secret Service team were all eastern goods.

This proved that the counterfeit products of eastern countries were already pervasive.

Of course, now those counterfeit products had their own brands.

No matter if it was a big brand or a small brand, they were all genuine products. There was no counterfeiting or shoddy products.

A group of western workers wearing the eastern country’ s equipment walked onto the battlefield just like that.

It felt like an invasion from the eastern country.

In fact, the DONGLONG company had the eastern country’s background to begin with, and the higher-ups were all eastern people.

This Wild Fox Secret Service team was also the mercenaries of the eastern people.

They wore the police uniforms of the wind nation and swaggered into the islands of the wind nation..

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