I Have 48 Hours a Day

Chapter 113 - Black sail articles (18)

“You’re back. I made seafood soup with conch and oysters that I didn’t sell in the afternoon. They are hot just after they are out of the pot!” Malvin heard the footsteps and leaned his head out of the kitchen with a leather apron happily Come, but saw a strange red-haired girl.

Zhang Heng followed her and made an introduction for both parties, “Annie, this is Malvern from the Sea Lion, Malvern, this is the Anne of the Golden Swallow, the new guest here, she will stay for a while until … … well, she found her place on the island. “

“Seafood soup?” Annie sniffed. “Can I have a bowl.”

Malvern froze, and then he kept saying, “Of course, I made a lot, even three people can drink, but …”

He didn’t finish his words. The red-haired girl had rushed into the kitchen, and despite the scalding, she picked up the spoon and drank it. She should have been hungry for a long time. After a few big mouthfuls, she groaned and used it again. The largest bowl filled himself with a bowl full of oysters, walked out of it, and squinted at the farmer’s son, “But what?”

“Oh, I want to say, but if it’s not salty enough, you can put some salt.” Malvin was shocked by the red-haired girl’s momentum, whispered.

“It’s just food. It’s enough to satisfy the hunger. It doesn’t matter what the taste is.” Annie said as she took the bowl to the dining table in the living room.

“I … I must oppose this heresy in real name.” Mr. Kitchen took the courage to express his protest with a voice smaller than that of a mosquito.

According to Annie herself, she was born into a wealthy family, her father was a lawyer, she owned a large orchard, and other odd industries, but her mother was only a maid, and Annie was their illegitimate child. Female, both mother and daughter have been placed in a secret manor since she was born. Her father is quite reliable. At least they have not treated the two in terms of money. They also asked Anne for a teacher. She has become a lady.

It’s a pity that different from other girls, Annie and other girls have no interest in reading and dancing. Instead, she likes dancing swords and guns, and because of her childhood experience, she is increasingly eager for freedom. Those pirate stories have an unparalleled appeal to her.

So she eventually escaped from the manor with a passing sailor and escaped from her father’s control. They ran all the way to Nassau. In this legendary pirate kingdom, Anne was one step closer to her dream life. However, she did not expect that afterwards, she was unable to find a job. Although she easily defeated the pirates responsible for recruiting in the tavern, no pirate ship was willing to accept her.

The reason is simply because she is a woman.

The house leak happened to be rainy night, and then the sailor James Bernie who brought her to Nassau also showed her the show, saying that it would not be possible to control her food and accommodation so endlessly, unless Anne was willing to marry him as his wife, and the result was irritable Red-haired girl banged the former’s lower body and then fell out of the door.

But now it seems that all this is in the past. Anne got a recommendation letter from Jin Yanzi, got a job, and also found a place to stay temporarily. It looks like her life is about to start a new life. A page away.

Uh …

Annie ’s story is a vignette. Zhang Heng just took a brief look at the girl ’s experience and did n’t care about her. The only advantage of the house he rented was that it was large enough. There are few empty rooms, especially when he and Malvin go out to sea. There are often uninvited guests here. It is better to let Anne live than cheap homeless people. There is no reason to refuse this kind of hand.

However, Zhang Heng then turned his attention back to the most important thing now.

In view of the particularly long time of this copy, he is not anxious, especially in the early period, Zhang Heng has no plans to raise the banner eagerly.

His biggest advantage over other players is time. Zhang Heng can completely brush up his skills in one to two years, and then start the main task. His luck is good. The Sea Lion is the most powerful of Nassau. One of the few pirates, it also means that he has a lot to learn on it, and controlling sails is definitely one of his main goals.

It’s not too long before they sailed out for the fourth time. Zhang Heng found the length of the sea lion on the last night before going out to sea.

Unlike most pirates who have left their homes or rushed out of the country to make a name for themselves, Roscoe is really a carefree person. It is said that he was also the captain of a cargo ship, but he was suddenly hit by a Royal Navy halfway. The warship intercepted for no reason. The other party fired without any warning or negotiation, sinking Roscoe’s cargo ship, and even more terrible was that wife and his five-year-old daughter.

Although Rothko survived by chance, he lost everything. After returning home, no one believed his story. On the contrary, he also carried a huge debt and eventually left the civilized world and became a pirate.

He has no family and no relatives. He is the most bachelor group on the boat and does not buy real estate on the island. Every time he disembarks, he heads directly into a magic courtyard. Alas, considering his age, his ability in some respects It’s pretty good indeed.

In short, for the old man, there are only two ideal endings in his life ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Either he died on the sea, or he died on the bed of the academy, and to ensure that he would not be occupied by anyone after his death To the cheap, he hardly saved any money.

When Zhang Heng found Rothko, the latter was playing King and prisoner games in the house.

Zhang Heng pushed open the door, only glanced at the scene in the room, and then backed out. He closed the door, and after half a minute, a wicker hurriedly walked out of it, wrapped in sheets.

Anyone who is interrupted while doing this kind of thing will not be in a good mood. Roscoe can’t help but curse as he wears his clothes. “I **** say so many times, unless I can’t go old one day Moved, otherwise you do n’t want to learn my skills. I have n’t discussed it. I ’ll count three times. If you do n’t get out of my face, do n’t even think about my retirement … ”

“Koror, your daughter.” Zhang Heng interrupted the old man’s curse. “She drifted on the sea for three days after falling into the water. She was lucky to encounter a Spanish civilian ship when she was about to die, and the people above saved her. Woke up and sent her back to England, but you were no longer there, so she was adopted by a good family and married to a miller as an adult. She gave birth to three sons and two daughters. Now she is already Grandma. “

“It’s impossible, you’re lying to me!” Roscoe was not only happy but he was furious. “You, a mean little liar, don’t know where I heard my story, so I made up such a poor lie and tried to deceive me most. You can never succeed with proud technology. “

Zhang Heng didn’t talk any more this time, but put the toy Trojan directly in front of the old man.

Sure enough, Rothko changed his eyes immediately when he saw this thing, his expression excited, “This is the toy I made for Koror on the ship. Where did you come from this thing ?!”

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