I Have 48 Hours a Day

Chapter 132 - Sea burial

In the early morning of the next day, all the pirates gathered on the deck, except for those who could not walk away and could not get out of the hospital.

Everyone looked serious, including Captain Titch and Helmsman Orff.

In the previous fierce battle, the pirates suffered heavy casualties. Forty-seven people died on the spot. Seven of the 29 people who were seriously injured did not survive last night. It is unknown how many of the remaining 22 people will survive. .

Since choosing this path, the pirates have long been mentally prepared for such a result, but they will still feel sad to see the brother who was drinking with himself the day before yesterday leaving the world in this way.

The farmer’s son was also red-eyed, but not sad for the dead pirates, but just because of the sorrow of the rabbit and dead fox in his heart, and it was not his turn to lie in the cold corpse.

The sea breeze blew the canvas on the mast, and for a long time no one spoke.

Until Captain Tickey nodded and said in a low voice, “Go ahead.”

The four pirates carried the body wrapped in white cloth to the side of the ship, and the helmsman Orff read the names of the dead in turn, and then the corresponding bodies were thrown into the sea.

These men who live on the ocean, their ultimate destination will be the endless ocean.

When the last body was dropped off the ship, Orff also closed the list, “May the goddess of the sea, Tis, accept and guide your souls, my brave friends.”

Having said that, he sprinkled a bag of salt into the sea to complete the final ritual.

When the canvas bags disappeared from the waves, Tiki strode back to the captain’s room, and until his figure left, the pirates on the deck couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Their emotions for this captain are very complicated. On the one hand, the former has always been heroic in battle and is an opponent’s nightmare, but on the other hand, Ticchi has given them a strong sense of oppression during his usual dealings, standing with him. A long time together, many people will have difficulty breathing, most of the pirates are respectful and awesome to him. Fortunately, he basically does not participate in the affairs of the ship, and stays in the captain’s room on weekdays. The helmsman came to communicate with the crew on board.

The latter turned back, “This battle cost us a lot of reliable companions, and at the same time some positions on the ship were vacated. I deeply regret what happened to Old Mike, but this ship cannot be spared. Long sail, while everyone is here, let us vote together. “

His words faded, and the pirates below stunned, “Zhang Heng, Zhang Heng, Zhang Heng!”

“It seems that we have no objections to the candidates in this position.” Orff nodded at Zhang Heng. “Congratulations, you have become the rigger of this ship, lead us to chase fortune.” Pause He continued, “Here is the recruitment of the Vanguard, a total of twenty places …”

Zhang Heng was not surprised by this result. The newly elected elder Mike on the ship had only been in this position for two months. As soon as the battle with Scarborough was started, he was unfortunately hit by a stray bullet. Hit my head.

According to the results of the last ballot, Zhang Heng, who ranked second, was the most popular candidate to take over this position, especially he performed very well in this battle.

Although the strength of the fighting force has nothing to do with whether it can be a good rigging, but the logic of the pirates is so simple.

Under normal circumstances, there are two kinds of people who will win their votes, one is that they think they should vote for him, and the other is that they care about him. Lao Tzu just wants to vote for him. , But usually it turned out that they chose the second person.

After all, if they were so sane, no one would be a pirate. Moreover, Zhang Heng was a student of Rothko, and there was no problem in his own ability, so the matter passed in full chaos.

Zhang Heng also got 5 points for this.

However, he did not know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing. He was about to leave the ship in a month. The post of sailing captain was optional to him. The smoothness of this election proved that he was a pirate in the crowd. China still has some influence, and Orff has more reasons to consider him as a potential threat.

But Zhang Heng didn’t expect that it was another person who found him first.

During lunch at noon, an old pirate with a lame leg put the dinner plate opposite him.

“Are you a believer?”

Zhang Heng raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“Do n’t get me wrong, it ’s just a goodwill reminder. Under Titch and Orff ’s rule, things will continue to happen this morning. We will all have this day in the end, wo n’t we? People living in Nassau, The ritual of the goddess of the sea, Titus, is usually used to send the dead, and I believe those dead souls will go to the depths of the sea, but if you have any other place you want to go, you can also tell Difraina, after all, on this ship Always claiming respect for everyone’s freedom, which of course also includes freedom of belief. “

The lame old pirate sat down opposite Zhang Heng. “There was only one exception since I got on the boat. The child was an Alava on Saint Vincent Island. It is said that their tribe’s tradition is to clean up the dead. The Alavas believed that only in this way could the deceased be with their ancestors, so we have always been afraid that he would die someday, but unfortunately he was still hit by a shell in his right leg during a plunder by the sea. He had an amputation, but he couldn’t survive it. At that time we all voted together and decided to break the rules. Oh yes, I don’t seem to introduce myself ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ I am Kent, the gunner on board. “


The lame old pirate grinned. “I know, everyone prefers to call me a carpenter because I once saw an enemy in half with a saw.” He glanced around and suddenly lowered his voice, and quickly passed, “This isn’t the place to talk. Orff’s eyeliner is everywhere. We need to talk about it. I’ll wait for you in the carpenter’s room on the second floor after midnight today.”

Zhang Heng made no comment.

The lame old pirate was a bit helpless and could only add, “Do you know that there are a lot of people on this boat that are related to Fraser? Why is Orff the only one who is most alert to you? Fraser’s debt collector is not Randomly, only two people have been his debt collector over the years. One is you, and the other is our current captain. In a sense, you are all Fraser students. “

“Edward Titch has been Fraser’s debt collector?”

“Yes, Fraser cultivated him to take over after he retired, but he did not expect that his successor would eventually betray him with Orff. You are in a dangerous situation now, and only I can help you.”

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