I Have 48 Hours a Day

Chapter 145: answer

“What do you think?” Zhang Heng called Billy and Difraina and told them about Karina. There was no need to conceal it from the core members of the ship, nor was it possible to conceal it.

The quartermaster took the lead to say, “The matter of the Black Merchants Union is not a secret. This morning I went to a few friends to find out. What she said basically accorded with the facts. In this matter, new captains like us and The new ship was very bad. Before the Black Merchants Union was established, the price of the trophy sold by the Sea Lion was basically in the third range. Our current strength may not be as good as the original Sea Lion, but the development potential is definitely greater. There is no problem with the price in the third range, but now I can only accept the bottom one. I am a bit worried about the views of members. ”

Difraina is more euphemistic, Billy is more direct, “Apart from our old people, the newcomers will definitely have more warships for us, but if they If you find that the hard-earned loot can’t be bought at a good price, or lower than the income you deserve, you will definitely be dissatisfied, but if we are now this person, we can still control the situation, but if we want to continue to grow, we We must compete with other pirate groups on the island for talent, and we have to solve the issue of compensation before that. ”

The helmsman paused, “In fact, there are already some people who have contacted our crew in private. They should be optimistic that our first trip to the sea will not be very good. I want to find a corner, and it is not just a matter of the purchase price of the booty. … ”

“And my captain looks very young and has no experience. The first thing I do after having power is to recruit a female sailor captain, so that everyone feels that I should not sit long in this position.” Zhang Heng helped Billy. After what he wanted to say, he didn’t finish.

“That’s what it means. We trust you not only because you saved our lives, but also because of the calm and calm you showed in the face of the crisis. You have proven yourself along the way from Charleston to Nassau Can grow up to be a qualified captain, but other people, they did not sail with you, will inevitably doubt you, the current situation is not fair to you, other new captains usually have more time to prepare and run in. ”

Billy said, “Owning a warship is a perfect starting point, but it will also make us the target of criticism. Many people on the island are waiting to see our jokes. If the first voyage is not satisfactory, then we will Face the problem of staff turnover and difficulty recruiting good people. ”


An hour and a half later, Billy and Difraina walked out of the study, greeted Annie and Karina downstairs, and quickly left.

The latter had a lingering heart, and she basically had all the situation on her own last night, but Zhang Heng didn’t make a statement immediately after hearing it, only to discuss with the crew.

So Karina didn’t return to the hotel, she simply stayed here for one night and waited for the result.

Zhang Heng looked at her a little bit. She had lived well since she was a child. According to herself, until the time of her father’s accident, she was no different from the ladies and ladies of high society. Every day, she participated in dancing, listening to opera, or about a few Girlfriends have afternoon tea together.

As a result, she found three stools and put them together last night, but she made up for it all night, but she seemed to have a problem with her neck in the morning, and had rubbed her neck all morning.

When the two left, Karina hurried upstairs and couldn’t wait to go upstairs. She sorted out her clothes in front of the study, and Zhang Heng’s voice came from inside.

“come in.”

The businesswoman took a deep breath and pushed open the door.

Zhang Heng’s so-called study is very simple. It only has a table, a few stools, and a bookcase in the corner was made by him before he went out to sea last time. Now there is no book on it, but fortunately, the light is good and the afternoon sun is shining. Spilled in through the window, and landed on the figure’s shoulder, plating his hair with gold.

Zhang Heng is using a parallel ruler to measure the distance between several points on the chart. His appearance is not much different from that of doing exercises in the library, which makes Karina stunned.

It has been two months since she came to Nassau, and there have been many pirates she has met. Most of them are rude, their cultural level is generally low, and they often struggle to communicate with each other, but this young man is clearly an exception. She had felt the clear logic and keen insight of each other in the communication between the two last night.

And now Zhang Heng has not seen her before. If it was not for the short musket hanging on his chest and the scar on his arm, Karina would have difficulty associating the figure in front of her with the pirate.

“Time is set, and we will go to sea in three days.” Zhang Heng’s voice pulled her back to reality, and Karina’s heart leaped up. The situation on the island is different now than it was before. There are very few pirates who have not joined the alliance ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Most of the remaining pirate equipment is very poor, and there are not enough manpower to basically grab anything that is too valuable. In other words, if Zhang Heng refuses her Then, her trip to Nassau was tantamount to a failure. Not only might she lose her father, but her family situation now has only one way to go bankrupt.

“My helmsman and quartermaster suggested that we negotiate with the alliance to raise the price range, because they do not believe in your ability. If it is your father here, they may be willing to gamble, but your qualifications are indeed Too shallow, you haven’t done anything similar before … “Zhang Heng made Karina fall into the ice cellar.

Although she was mentally prepared, Karina still felt that she was spinning. At this moment, she was finally knocked down. The whole person was wrapped in a deep sense of frustration, collapsed in the seat, and sobbed.

After being busy for more than two months, she didn’t gain anything. When she saw the Jackdaw moored at the port, she thought that there was hope at last, but she didn’t expect it would eventually fail. At this time, she only felt a desperate despair.

Zhang Heng was a little sorry, but he had to do it, because choosing a future partner requires caution for any captain, especially when Billy and Difraina are not optimistic, he must know Does Karina have any value for investment?

The result was beyond his expectation. The business woman only collapsed and raised her head again in just half a minute. Although her tears were still swirling in her eyes, her eyes were no longer helpless, and she seemed to return to the determination she had when she slept on the bench. “There must be another way, what else can I do?”

“Well, if you can prove your ability, I can also persuade my crew.” Zhang Heng pointed at the mark on the navigation chart, “Do you know where it is?”

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