I Have 48 Hours a Day

Chapter 157: invite

“So what is the benefit of our defeat on Malcolm for Malcolm?” The red-haired girl was puzzled.

“Not everyone on this island supports the establishment of the Black Merchants Alliance, especially the smaller pirates with lesser strength, but because they are too weak, no one will pay attention to their voices. We are the only ones on the island. There are powerful pirates who have not joined the alliance. Many people are watching our every move, so the previous price negotiations will be so difficult. In fact, the black merchants alliance does not mind raising the purchase price of a ship, but if they Doing so would be like breaking the rules we have set and giving other people a reason to fight for higher prices, and if our first flight had a bad result, such troubles would naturally cease to exist. ”

Annie was completely confused about this kind of multi-party game. After listening, she said, “Simply, we are now working with Karina. It should have nothing to do with the black business alliance, so there will be no such thing from now on. Is it right? ”

At this time, Zhang Heng also said, “I’m afraid this is not the case. The current situation should be the last thing the black business alliance wants to see. We returned with a lot of loads, but chose channels other than them to shoot loot. They watched a lot of valuables. The goods flowed out of the island but did not make any money. This is the most uncomfortable place for them, especially in the case that they have opened a higher price for the old pirate regiments on the island, they need to make up for this part from the new pirate regiments. Loss, they have a high probability that they will not sit idly by our actions. ”

“Oh, so domineering? We deal with the spoils we got when we go to sea. What does it have to do with them? Speaking of smoke from the preparation of this ghost alliance for the establishment of the island, or we will kill them all in the past. You can kill it! “Said the red-haired girl anxiously.

“This is not a good idea,” a somewhat familiar voice came from behind the three of them. “Several of the most powerful pirate groups on the island are now standing by their side. It’s not wise to get started. ”

The three turned around and saw the old pirate who had just stepped out of the bakery next door. The latter had changed into a new dress compared to the previous one and looked cheerful, but he still wore the old grey boat hat on his head. With this in his arms, he was holding a bag of freshly baked toast.

“Frazer, how dare you show up in front of us?” Billy immediately looked cold when he heard the voice.

The old sailors on the Sea Lion were not too shallow by Fraser’s pit. They almost lost their lives. When they landed, they ran to the tavern where the latter often stayed. However, they found nothing there, and they did not expect the other party to be grand today. Appeared in front of them.

“Billy, you know this has nothing to do with personal grievances. The goal of both of us is the same. Both want to free the crew of the Sea Lion from the lies and cruel rule of Orff and Titch, but IMHO, you guys That little trick is not enough to see in front of Orff, so I can only try to solve the problem in my way. ”

The old pirate shrugged and admitted very simply, “Yes, I did use you, so of course you have reason to be angry, but if things go according to my plan, you will have nothing to do afterwards, I know You don’t believe me, but you should always believe in Owen. The child’s previous performance on the boat is obvious to all. He really cares about you. This is not disguised, so he will definitely return you innocent when he becomes the captain. ”

Billy sneered, “You are right, but the premise is that if we people can live to that day, if it is not for Zhang Heng and Orff to reach an agreement, we will not be there until we reach Charleston … … I wo n’t believe your **** words any more, Fraser, not a word, there is always only interest in your eyes, is there anything that you ca n’t give up? ”

“In fact, I’m not as cold-blooded as you think. I know you are dissatisfied with me, so this matter is my effort to make up for the harm caused to you.” Fraser finished He reached into his jacket pocket and saw that Billy and Annie changed their colors and pulled out their weapons. He made a slightly restless gesture with his other bread-holding hand, and finally took out an invitation and handed it to Zhang Heng.

“I admit that I have gone away and I see that you are excellent, but I did not expect you to be better than I expected. If I can choose again, I will definitely strive for you instead of treating you as a bait. Unfortunately, we cannot change Hasn’t it happened? “The old pirate sighed.” You have the talent that is not inferior to Titch. Now you have a good ship and a group of excellent sailors, so it prevents you from being the strongest pirates in this area. The mission is only time, and I can help you get it. ”

The old pirate paused, “After my persuasion, Malcolm has realized that he has made a mistake in how to treat you ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ He is willing to apologize for what happened afterwards, and restart and Negotiations between you. Seven days later, there will be a dinner at Terence Manor, and Malcolm hopes to meet you there. ”

“Hey businessmen are really making troubles behind your back,” Billy said coldly.

“You guys are too deserving of me,” the old pirate snapped, “Those people like Raymond and Malcolm have already begun to learn lessons and start exploring new alliances, or more accurately, after the failure of the first alliance That said, the previous alliance was an immature experimental product. They used this to train their hands to accumulate experience, and by the way observe the reactions of the parties on the test island, so they would disintegrate so quickly, and this time they prepared enough Three years, when the wind came out a few months ago, the main work was actually done. ”

“As for me, it just happened to happen. They could find someone to contact those pirates without me. At most, it would take more time.” Fraser looked serious. “You haven’t dealt with Malcolm. , So I may not know how terrible this person is. He is the most dangerous person I have ever seen in my life. I personally strongly recommend that you take this opportunity to repair your relationship with the Black Merchants Union. The black business alliance is in charge of the landing site. There is no conflict between the interests of both of you. Since you can sit down and talk about it, why should you oppose each other? ”

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