I Have 48 Hours a Day

Chapter 166: Karina\'s Harvest

“How’s this information helpful to you?” Laeri said.

Zhang Heng nodded, “What do you want?”

The black gladiator did not answer this question immediately, but continued, “Although I have left Terence Manor, there are still many people in my tribe there. You have to deal with Malcolm, know more about him. Secret, I can help you reach them to assist you. ”

“You should also know that even if the Black Merchants Union finally disbands and Malcolm is kicked out of Nassau, he still can’t change the fate of others in that manor.”

“So I decided to do it myself to change it.”

La Erie looks resolute. Different people will react differently in the face of difficulties. Some people will be violent and abandon themselves under the blow. They will become desperate, while others will choose to embrace those sufferings and endure their baptism. Eventually it became stronger, and the black gladiator was clearly the latter.

After experiencing the death of his father and brother, the tribe was destroyed, and he was branded with a slave mark. In order to escape the manor, he lost an eye and a bridge of his nose and had to kill his close friend himself. Instead of being depressed, he gradually began to reveal the chieftain’s temperament.

This black man as strong as a black bear possesses wisdom far beyond appearances. “We cannot be free in our hometown, we cannot be free in those colonies, and we cannot be free in this city of freedom, so we can only leave here. I heard that there are many uninhabited islands in this area. Some of them are outside the normal routes. The island has fresh water and arable land. We can fish, we can hunt, we can grow crops. Difficult, but in the end we will survive and reproduce like our ancestors. ”

Zhang Hengdao, “I have a boat and manpower. When I go out to sea, I can help you find a place that meets your requirements, and I can take you there, but the question is how do you escape from that manor? I sympathize with you Encountered, but it is impossible to directly attack Malcolm’s manor and release the slaves, otherwise it will anger the big landowners on the island. The development focus of the Jackdaw is in Nassau, and many of the crew ’s family members are on the island. I It must be considered for them, I hope you understand that I can only wait for you at the agreed time and the agreed coast. ”

Laeri is clearly aware of this. The black gladiator did not make excessive demands, but just said, “We will solve this problem by ourselves, but I need a batch of weapons, not too much, but the size is small, easy to carry and You can hide it with a dagger. In addition, I need at least five short muskets. Don’t worry about these things. You can wait until your trouble is solved before giving them to me. ”

“There is no problem with the words of weapons. I am willing to accept your cooperation proposal, and I hope you will eventually get what you want.” Zhang Heng took the lead and reached out.

Laeri saw some surprises. This was the first time he left the hometown to have this action made by someone outside the tribe, which meant that the Oriental in front of him did not see him as a cargo or a beast like everyone else. , But see him as the existence of equal communication.

The black gladiator stunned for about half a second, then stretched out his palm and held the opposite hand, while the two heard footsteps from downstairs, Annie and the doctor had reached the door .

Zhang Heng got up and said, “You should deal with the injury first and take a good rest these days. My other partner should be back soon, and I will be bothering you to tell her what I heard before.”


Karina returned to Nassau a week later. She pulled the ship of nutmeg to New York, which was also one of the best ports operated by her father before. The customs there had been up and down. So no one was embarrassed by her, and the goods were released without inspection even if the goods were not inspected, but it took her a lot of time to find a buyer.

Local demand for spices in New York is not great. Although this ship is valuable, it must be sent back to Europe to sell. There are many interested merchants in the shipping industry, but Karina is not able to bid Satisfied, the latter had to continue to look for buyers. It was not until ten days later that a trader specializing in selling food came to the news. After half a day of bargaining, the two sides finally concluded the deal at a price that they were satisfied with.

Karina got her first bucket of gold after she became a black market merchant. After removing the purchase costs paid to Jackdaw, as well as interest on mortgages and transportation costs, she netted about 500 gold coins on this trip. Such a generous remuneration encouraged the businesswoman, and she also saw the hope of collecting a ransom and redeeming his father from prison. Unfortunately, such valuable prey is not common, or she will be able to make it within two years. Father saw the sun again.

Anne sent one hundred of these gold coins to her mother for revolving. Recently, the savings in saving her father’s home have been basically spent, and she can breathe with the money.

The remaining 400 gold coins, part of which is used as a contribution, will continue to maintain the relationship between the ports, and the remaining part will be used as the principal of the next purchase, which can reduce part of the interest.

Waiting to finish the thing at hand ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The businesswoman didn’t give herself a holiday, but rushed back to Nassau in the first time.

What Karina is most worried about now is what happened to the partnership between Jackdaw and her during the time she was not on the island. It is also important if it is not the first time to sell the stolen goods. She does not even want to leave to take the merchant. The cooperation between Zhang Heng and her was only to put pressure on the black business alliance, and kicked her off when the initiative to occupy the negotiations, but now she has no capital at all and requires Jackdaw to treat her equally, even if she knows it The other party intends to do so, and she can only cooperate, because at least it can make a profit.

But Karina didn’t know why, she always seemed to hold an inexplicable expectation for that person, maybe because she always easily ignored each other’s identity when the two were alone, Zhang Heng and what she saw All the pirates have been different, she felt subconsciously that the words of that person might not be so unscrupulous.

When she returned to Nassau, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. At least no bad news came during this time. The Jackdaw and the Black Merchants Union remained in opposition, and the small and medium pirates on the island still kept it there. The ship was seen as a banner against the Black Merchants Alliance.

But when she found Zhang Heng, she got a piece of news that made her unbelievable.

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