I Have 48 Hours a Day

Chapter 171: Clark ship

On the twenty-first day after going to sea, Zhang Heng could feel that they were getting closer and closer to the target. A few days ago, another ship of pirates and goddess spears had a firefight, but this time the whaler with weapons and equipment also Becomes more tricky.

The two sides suffered damage from each other. The final battle ended with the pirate ship’s sub-mast being hit. The Goddess Spear was once again successfully out of danger.

Then Jackdaw encountered the pirate ship returning to Hong Kong for repair. Billy happened to know the sailor above, and the other side gave them the information on his head.

There were about fifty seamen and 17 artillery pieces on the Spear of the Goddess. Nine of them were removed from the pirate ship that had been slaughtered by them before. In addition, the fifty seamen were also physically fit and well. Powerful, but the speed of the whaling ship is not fast, because it is full of whale oil and whale wax, the maximum speed is only about 5 knots.

Counting the time, if it goes well, maybe the two sides will meet again in about half a day.

However, the weather has changed at this moment. Everyone has seen the huge dark cloud circling above their heads. Merck, the long rigger on the boat, has already deployed manpower, climbed the mast, and put away the sails when the wind speed increased. Now, there are others praying to Tis, the goddess of the sea.

Zhang Heng was studying navigation charts in the captain’s room. He did not forget to promise the black gladiator. He marked the uninhabited islands along the way. First of all, he excluded some areas that were too small and lacked the necessary resources for survival. There were also those who did not hide the environment and he was also crossed. In addition, those who are too close to the normal route are obviously not a good choice.

In the end, there were only two or three alternatives. Zhang Heng planned to take a moment to take a look on the return trip.

As soon as he closed the chart, the ship swayed.

As early as when he first came to this world, he could not help but encounter such a situation, but now as long as the wind and waves are not too big, it will not affect his normal actions. The extra advantage is that he needs to constantly adjust his center of gravity based on the undulations of the hull. This has the advantage that even when he returns to land, he can quickly return to normal when the center of gravity is unbalanced.

Zhang Heng opened the door, walked to the gangway, raindrops flew in from the entrance, slapped on his face, and was mixed with the sea salty peculiar to the sea breeze. Billy on the deck was talking to the watchman.

“Is everything normal?” Zhang Heng asked.

“I was thinking of going down to find you. We have no problem, but there seems to be a slight situation in front of us.” Billy said, handing the copper telescope to Zhang Heng.

The latter placed the telescope in front of his right eye and saw the little black spot rolling in the wind and rain.

“Goddess Spear?”

“I don’t know. I observed it for a while. It seemed to stop there, but we will know soon. At half an hour, we can get close to it.”

“Be careful, try to avoid its side when chasing, there is a lesson from Pelican’s front car, do not rule out the opponent’s tricks, intentionally pretend that there is no one, wait for us to hook.” Zhang Heng added, according to the theory, the two sides It shouldn’t happen so soon, but it doesn’t rule out that something unexpected happened in the middle. In addition, there are various other dangers in the sea area beside the Spear of the Goddess.

“Wait a minute, I’ll take a group of people up for investigation.” Annie on the side also said.

Zhang Heng nodded, and then waited. The Jackdaw entered the state of combat readiness, all the members were in place, and the gunners were standing in front of the artillery. Because the wind was not good for them, it took almost 40 minutes for the Jackdaw to catch up with the ship in the distance.

But before that, Zhang Heng had seen the whole picture of the ship from the telescope in advance.

Different from the current ships traveling on the Caribbean Sea, the boat looks strange in front of it. It has a round bow and four thick masts, but the sails on it are all worn out. The tall towers and towers make it When viewed from the side, it is U-shaped, and the ship’s body is full of conch and green seaweed, which looks uneven.

Just a glance at Zhang Heng can be sure that this ship is definitely not the goddess spear they are looking for.

“Is this … a Clark ship?” Billy’s words were also a little uncertain. After all, this Spanish sailing ship was almost extinct as early as the seventeenth century, but it was very popular in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The design allows it to carry more cargo and adapt to ocean trade. More masts can give more power to the ship. When Magellan traveled around the world, four of the five ships were Clark ships.

However, due to the high cost and difficult operation, especially when the wind is high, the high towers and towers make it very easy to attract wind. In the Elizabethan era, the Clark sailing ship gradually began to withdraw from the historical stage. It is now more concise in design and more operable. Replaced by a good galleon.

Until now, even an old sailor like Billy had never seen this old-fashioned ship.

“This guy looks like a certain age.” Mr. Helmsman sighed, he saw the words engraved on the bow of the ship, which should be the name of the ship, but because the place has been rotten for too long, the handwriting is blurred Unclear.

Zhang Heng called Annie, who was about to drop the boat, and said, “There should be no one above ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Let me go with you.”

Also on board were Billy and the other four sailors, who brought five oil lamps. Now the wind and the waves are at sea, and the ship has been floating around. It is not too far apart, but seven people still spend a lot. The strength was close to it, and the ropes on the side of the ship were rotten and unable to bear the force. Fortunately, Billy had anticipated that he was carrying a claw hook.

When the claws were fixed, Annie immediately climbed up first, followed by another sailor and Zhang Heng, and Billy was in charge.

When the red-haired girl landed, she raised the oil lamp in her hand and took a circle around, then said, “There is no problem on the deck.”

Zhang Heng also turned over from the side of the ship at this time. If he had only speculated before, now he can be sure that this ship does not belong to this era. Although the ship is also loaded with artillery, the models are very old. Compared with the more than thirty cannons on the Jackdaw, it is like a toy, and there is no self-protection in the nearby waters.

“Let’s do a search for two people, pay attention to safety.” After Billy also boarded the ship, Zhang Heng carried out a division of labor and divided the area where everyone was responsible.

The six dispersed, and Zhang Heng walked to the captain’s room.

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